DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in this story. Organization XII belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, that lucky bastard.

WARNING: Not so much in this part, but there will be Shounen-Ai and Yaoi scenes. If you are against, DO NOT READ. ALSO! There is cursing. Lot's of it! Don't like it, don't read it! Simple as that. Enjoy!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is kind of like a test. I wanted to write a story revolving around Demyx. This is not at all what happened, and my information is most likely incorrect, but I'm enjoying writing this so far. Everyone knows how Axel and Roxas were obviously attached at the hip while Roxas was in the Organization. Well what about before Roxas was created? Yes, I'm starting when Luxord was created. I didn't feel the need to start with Demyx since he's tellling the story. So enjoy this part, and let me know what you think. I'll definately write more, but I need to know whether or not the viewers would want me to post more. Thanks!!

I turned my Xanga into a little journal revolving this story, my thoughts, and other things. You can find it at But please, any comments you have reguarding the story, please post here and not there. Thank you.

Mellifluous Trill

Part 1
'It Begins'

That was it. The last straw. I couldn't take it anymore. That stupid 'Zebra Head' had gone too far. I kept telling him to stop, warning him,

but he wouldn't. It was time I took this situation into my own hands

"Xigbar, I swear to God, if you grab my ass one more time, I'll shove my sitar up yours."

We were on a mission together. The Superior had ordered us to scope out the worlds for a new castle. I was supposed to go with Axel to find new recruits, but Xigbar insisted that I join him. I protested, but for some reason, the Superior sided with him, and now, here we are.

"Look, kid, I told you I was sorry. It's not like I'm trying to grab your ass. It just kind of happens," Xigbar smiled, with a wink.

"You're so full of shit," I sighed. "This is the last time I go on a mission with you." The world we had arrived in was dark, and barren. There were no people anywhere. The skies were full of dusty clouds, and the sky was invisible. There was no sun or moon. It was hard to tell the time of day.

"This place is perfect!" Xigbar squealed.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "The Superior might want something a little more… Lively."

"Demyx, kid, this is Xemnas you're talking about. He'll love it here."

"If you say so…" We quickly left, and hurried back to headquarters.

So, I guess I should explain some things. I'm not really good at the whole 'story writing' thing. My name is Demyx. I'm number nine in a secret organization of beings called 'Nobodies'. Xemnas, or the Superior, is our leader. He created us all, made us Nobodies. Xigbar is number two. I called him a Zebra Head because he has black hair, but there's a few streaks of grey. So far, there are only nine of us, me being the last one. Xemnas wants more, though. Who knows why? We're not even supposed to exist.

Every person has different, forms, let's say. We're all made up of a body, a soul, and a heart. Everyone's heard of the Heartless, right? Heartless are exactly what they are. Heartless shadow monsters. They lack a heart of their own, so they steal hearts from others, and devour them. When someone loses their heart, a Heartless is created from their spirit, and it consumes the heart. The body that's left becomes an empty vessel and eventually fades into the darkness. That doesn't always happen, though. If the heart was strong enough, the body may become animate, and think for itself, initially becoming stronger without the heart or the spirit to hold it back. That's what we call a Nobody. And that's what we are. Spiritless bodies. We lack hearts, and emotion. We also lack our spirits which allow us to grow and age. Without either, we are stationary in time.

The first six of us were the original scientists to discover Nobodies and Heartless. They soon realized that they couldn't really live after they became what they are now. Even though they keep recruiting new people, they're still looking for a way to go back. We all are. We want our lives back. Xemnas says that we might even be able to keep our new strength and power when returning to normal. That would be great! Currently, I control water by playing my sitar. I can move water, and create clones of myself. It's pretty nifty. Imagine if I could do that as a real being!

Xemnas also says that in order to gain our hearts back, we have to know our True Names. Only he knows what our True Names are, though. When we are born as Nobodies, our entire memory of our life so far is erased, and then we awaken with a new name, and identity. Only Xemnas knows who we all were.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling for now. I'll get back to my story.

When we got back to the Headquarters, only a few people were there, Vexen (number four), Zexion (number six), and Saïx (number seven). Axel (number eight) and Xaldin (number three) were out scouting for new members. I could never do that. When I say scouting for new members, I don't mean that they open a shop with a banner saying "JOIN THE NOBODIES IN THEIR FIGHT FOR THEIR HEARTS" and greet people. No, it's much worse. They go world to world, eliminating them all, casting a dark shadow over each place and when everyone's dead, or a Heartless, they go to find who has become a Nobody, and bring them to Xemnas. That's how I got here. Atleast, that's what Axel tells me.

"So how did the search go?" Zexion asked me.

"Pretty well. We found a cool place. Xiggy thinks Xemnas'll love it."

"Don't call me 'Xiggy', kid." Xigbar snapped.

"Well the trip was fine, and it would have been better if Xigbar had stopped touching me!"

"I'm a touchy-feely guy, dude. I can't help it."

"Xigbar if I had a nickel for every time you felt me up, I'd have a shit-load of nickels!"

"Guys, stop arguing. You know how Xemnas gets when we fight." Zexion cut in. Just when Xigbar opened his mouth to protest, Axel came flying in the door, an unconscious man over his shoulder.

"We got one!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He dropped the man onto the couch. Xaldin came in shortly after him.

"Demyx, inform master Xemnas of our arrival, would you?" He asked. I immediately said yes, and ran up the stairs. I was kind of intimidated by Xaldin. He was a big guy, and he had narrow, icy blue eyes. Plus, he had these massive sideburns that made me nervous.

The place we were currently living was old, and musty. It was an out-dated, two story house with many bedrooms. It was like an old haunted house. It was old, everything creaked, and everything was dusty.

I knocked on Xemnas' door.

"Master Xemnas," I said quietly. "Xaldin and Axel have returned with a new recruit." The door slowly opened. I backed away, as Xemnas came out of the darkened room. He was a tall, elegant man with long silvery hair. His eyes were a beautiful amber, and his skin was lightly tanned. He had a small smile across his lips.

"Very good," He grinned in a velvety voice. "And I suppose you found us a new home, Demyx?"

"Y-yes sir!" I squawked. "Xigbar and I returned not too long ago. We're all waiting for you downstairs." He nodded and I started my descent. Xemnas followed. When we got downstairs, I noticed the man on the couch began to stir. First thing Xemnas noticed when he arrived was that someone was missing.

"Where is number five?" He asked. The room grew silent.

"W-we don't know, sir," Zexion spoke up. He was small, and probably the youngest out of all of us. His voice was tiny, and it reminded me of a cat. "I haven't seen him all day. I don't think anyone has."

Xemnas sighed. "Saïx, be a dear, and go fetch number five." Saïx scared me, too. He was tall, and thin. His hair was kind of scruffy, and he had an 'X' shaped scar over his nose, and between his eyes. His ears were pointed, and so were his teeth. I thought maybe he'd been the nobody of a werewolf.

Without saying a word, Saïx grunted, and headed up the stairs. Shortly after, Lexaeus (number five) arrived.

"I'm very sorry, sir," Lexaeus pleaded. "I was in my room and got lost in thought." That was total bullshit, but I didn't feel like calling him on it.

"Now that everyone is here, let us greet our newest member." He had neatly cut blonde hair, and a trimmed beard. His skin was fair. Suddenly, look of terror struck his blue eyes. In a split second, he had jumped from the couch and was cowering against the stairs, unable to move.


"Augh, if you don't silence yourself, I will rip you to shreds!" Saïx growled. His eyes gave a menacing glare, as he bore his teeth. The man soon shut his trap, still shivering.

"Young man, welcome to our home," Xemnas said, smiling. "You have survived a brutal test. Congratulations." He began to clap. "Be proud. We are willing to let you join us."

"W-what if I don't want to join you?" The man stammered.

"We'll have to kill ya." Axel giggled.


"Silence, Axel." Xaldin spoke. "What be your name, sir?"

"W-why should I t-tell you?!" He yelled. "You kidnapped me, and now you want to be all buddy-buddy with me?"

"We never said that we were friends," Xigbar said, with a chuckle. "If you choose to join us, we need to know your name. If you want us to violently tear you apart, that's okay too. We won't need to know your name for that."

"Everyone, please stop," I said quietly. "Leave the poor guy alone. So he has a strong heart, good for him. And now he's a Nobody. Whoop-di-doo. We shouldn't force people to join the organization against their will."

"Demyx ," Axel sighed. "Shut up. We forced you to join, didn't we?"

"Not like I remember," I pouted.

"M-my name is R-rudol." The man shivered. "I don't remember anything else. All I know is I want to go home." If he had a heart, you would probably hear it echoing in the silence. His tone of voice suggested his fear.

"You want to go home?" Axel almost laughed. "Home to where?"

"M-my home world." Rudol answered.

"Sorry, but if we even tried to bring you back, well, let's just say you won't have much of a world to go back too." Then he let out his fiendish giggle.

"What do you mean?! What happened to my home?"

"Axel," I whispered under my breath. "you're a bastard."

"That's enough Axel." Xemnas scolded. "You are dismissed."

"But sir!"

"Now!" Axel hung his head and began his ascent up the stairs.

"Please, what happened to my world?"

"There was a terrible fire," Xaldin said quietly. "Axel and I arrived too late. We tried to put the fires out, but there was no point. We thought everyone was dead. Heartless where everywhere."

"Heartless?!" Rudol yelled. "What were the heartless doing in my home?!"

"We're unsure," Xaldin continued. "We searched the area for survivors. All we found was you. You, and a hoard of Heartless." I couldn't get mad at him. Although Xaldin was clearly lying through his teeth, he was trying his best to keep Rudol from freaking out. We all knew it was a lie. We knew that Axel started that fire and Xaldin wasn't too innocent himself. He has a tendency to stab things, and he does it with all six of his lances.

"We understand that you've lost everything but yourself," Xemnas began. "Your friends, your family. So now I give you this choice. Join us, the Organization, and gain more strength and power than you could hope to dream of. You are no longer human, my good sir. You are what we are. Nobodies. You lack a heart, and all emotion attached. Think about it. You are not really afraid of us, nor are you missing any home that might have burnt to the ground. You're True Name is Rudol, but you are no longer this man Rudol you speak of. Join us, and you will become someone new, and start over."

Xemnas wasn't much better than Xaldin. He was also better known for his long-winded speeches. This wasn't so bad. He's done a lot worse. Sure, I could protest. This wasn't right. Spewing lies just to get the poor guy to say yes. I know I wouldn't win, though, because somewhere along the line, my other agreed to these false promises, too, and so did everyone else's.

Rudol seemed amazed, and was clearly entranced by Xemnas' seductive eyes, and heavenly tone. In other words, it was a "come with me you'll be safe" kind of tone. And Rudol went for it.

"Okay. Count me in." Famous last words. Then noticing that he was naked, added, "Oh, and can I get some clothes?"

"Very good!" Xemnas almost squealed. Xemnas then, still smiling, snapped his fingers, and down Rudol went.

Xemnas walked over to the naked body on the floor.

"Gentlemen, I present to you our tenth member. His name shall be decided when we prepare his thoughts. Xaldin, take him to the infirmary for some rest, then get him a coat."

Sorry, I'm kind of new at this story thing. I have more explaining to do, I guess. I suppose you could call us a cult. We all wear these black trench coats. When we visit other worlds, we keep our hoods up so you can't see who we are. We also wear black pants, boots and gloves. Oh, and I should explain about the names.

If you've been paying any attention at all, you've probably noticed all of our names have 'x's in them. No, it's not a coincidence. The first six members decided that they couldn't go by their original names, so they took the letters of their names and rearranged them with an 'x' in there to show that they've fallen.

Now this is just a rumor I heard, but apparently after they chose their names, being a head scientist, Xemnas realized that knowing their true names, they can regain their hearts and return back to the light. Fearing his friends leaving him, he somehow erased their memories leaving them with just their new names and knowledge of their new found abilities. It's just a rumor though. And I heard it from Axel, so who knows if it's true or not.

Believe it or not, Axel and I are great friends. It may not seem so right now, but we are. He's the closest to my age, and we have lots in common. I've been a Nobody for about a year now. A few months after I joined, Axel and I were talking and well... Let's just say our imaginations went a little wild. We ended up streaking down the halls of the house. We gave Xigbar a nosebleed when we knocked on his door. It was hilarious. We were laughing for hours. But that's a tad off topic, and possibly a story for another time.

Rudol, or whatever his new name is, was clearly exhausted from the struggle. When he wakes up, he won't remember anything. There will be a void of darkness, then waking up. Xemnas says he'll give him a title and announce his name after we've seen what he can do.
See? There I go again. Talking about things I haven't explained. Well, get used to it. It happens a lot. Titles. We all have a title that Xemnas gave us personally. The title, he says, describes us, like how our numbers rank us. My title is 'Melodious Nocturne'. Pretty sweet, right? So yes, we all have titles.
"How long do you think he'll be out?" Zexion asked Xigbar.

"Who knows?" Xigbar replied with a shrug. "In the mean time, we should do something fun."

"Like what?" I asked. Usually when Xigbar says 'fun' he means either extremely dangerous, or mischievous. Either way, I know we'll get in trouble for it. And that hasn't stopped me yet.

"I feel like messin' with someone." He chuckled. "Who's a good target?"

"How about Axel?" Lexaeus suggested. We all looked at him. Not only was this the first time he joined in any conversation, but he proposed a great idea.

"Yes! Great idea! You get a gold star for the day!" Xigbar snickered. Lexaeus gave a small smile.

"I think I'll pass, though. Pranks aren't my thing"

"Guess it's up to you, me and Zex," I smiled at Xigbar.

"But what are we going to do?" Zexion questioned. We didn't know. We just knew it had to be hilarious.

"I have an idea. The results won't show until tomorrow morning, but it should help pass the time." Xaldin joined in. "I'll give you the idea, but remember, you didn't hear it from me."

"We get it, just tell us!" Xigbar insisted.

Xaldin reached into the folds of his coat and pulled out a small, crystal vial. Inside was a bubbling, green liquid.

"What is it?" I asked. Hopefully it wasn't any kind of dye. I have a bad experience with hair dye. When I first joined, Axel had actually put hair dye in my gel. When I went to gel my hair, it turned bright green. It took months to wash it out.

"Demyx, you were not here when this stuff was used on me." Xaldin smiled. Xigbar smiled too. "Xigbar, if you recall, you placed this nasty green liquid into my aftershave. I'll have you know I took years to grow my facial hair and in one instant, it was all gone." Hearing this come from big, scary Xaldin made me just about die laughing. I was on the ground for a good ten minutes before I recovered my breath.

"Ahem, anyway," Xaldin began again, slightly annoyed. "I entrust this to you, Demyx. Use it wisely." He handed me the vial and walked away. I looked at it and grinned a silly grin. I looked to Xigbar who smiled, too. Then to Zexion who simply said:


"I don't think so," Xemnas boomed, standing at the top of the stairs. "Destroy the formula or I will destroy you. We don't have time for prank wars." Sighing heavily, I looked to Xigbar. He nodded, and I threw the vial into the air. Xigbar pulled out a large gun, and shot it. It shattered into billions of tiny crystal shards, the liquid splashing onto the rotted wood floor.

Some time went by and Rudol finally woke up from his minor coma. Xemnas led him into the foyer where the rest of us were waiting. Axel had come back downstairs.

"Everyone, the name we have chosen for our new member is Luxord.." Xemnas smiled, gesturing at the blonde. "Everyone please introduce yourselves, and keep in order." Xigbar was first.

"Nice to meet ya, dude. Name's Xigbar, the Freeshooter. I'm number two." He gave a little wave, then sat back down onto the couch.

"I am Xaldin, the Whirlwind Lancer. Number Three. Just stay out of my way."

"They call me Vexen. I am number four, the Chilly Academic. I'm a strict scientist, so keep away from my lab."

"I'm Lexaeus, the Silent Hero. Number Five"

"The Cloaked Schemer. Number Six"

"Tell him your name" Xemnas cut in.

"… Zexion."

"My name is Saïx. I am the Luna Diviner. I am number seven. Don't get on my bad side."

"You guys are boring!" Axel yelled. "Well, Luxord, was it? The name's Axel. Got it memorized? I'm number seven. I'm also known as the Flurry of Dancing Flames. Burn baby!" Extending his palm, he shot what looked like a fireball whizzing through the air, right past Luxord. His eyes grew wide, dodging the flame. I looked over to Xemnas who just had his hand to his temples, shaking his head. Then it got quiet. I forgot that it was my turn to speak.

"Well, um," I hated speaking in front of them all. "I'm Demyx, the Melodious Nocturne. Number nine." I smiled. He didn't.

"Well everyone," Xemnas spoke. "I'm pleased to announce that Number ten here controls the element of luck through cards and dice. Luxord." They stood face to face. "I hereby name you the Gambler of Fate!"

"Thank you, Master Xemnas." Luxord replied. This was the first time I heard him speak since the freak-out. He seemed calmer, and a lot more well mannered.

"I'm truely grateful for you allowing me to join you." Luxord said kindly, with a bow. "I can feel this strength coursing through my muscles, my bones, my entire being."

Another member of our ghastly Organization. I guess I can't complain. I love these guys.

Yup, you guessed it. Explanation time. As you should already know by now, Nobodies cannot feel any emotion what so ever. However, we still remember what it was like to feel these emotions. Although we cannot feel, or give love, lets say, we still act like we do, and can because we do in fact lack a heart. It's like that empty void in your chest that emo kids talk about. It's really there for us. We have a need to be loved, or even cared for. We don't even know why. So, we agreed to care for each other.

Now I know what you're thinking. In this world we live in today, there's only one word that comes to mind when discussing this topic. 'Gay'. For the record, you could say we do not have a preference when it comes to sex. Because we're Nobodies, we don't really think of ourselves as men anymore, although, technically, that's what we are. We're creatures that live between the light and the dark who aren't meant to be.

It's not like we go out and get married to another Nobody. No, this is all there is. Just the ten of us. We can't have any sort of relationship with a normal person, so we form temporary relationships with each other. And in case you were wondering, that's why Xigbar was grabbing my ass a while back. It's like his way of saying 'I'm marking you to be mine next.' I've kind of been with Axel for a while, big surprise there, so Xigbar's been trying his best to intervene. Later on, it's going to sound like the Organization is just one big Soap Opera. All the shit that happens between all of us is just ridiculous. Before even starting this story, you should know that the most members we'll ever have is thirteen. If you don't then why the hell are you reading this?

It was time to move. Xemnas visited the barren wasteland that Xigbar and I declared as our new home. We all packed up what little belongings we had and left for our new home. I'm not really sure what happened, because I was the last to arrive, but there was a HUGE castle there that wasn't when I first visited the area. Xemnas must have done it. We all chose our respective rooms. My room was a standard size. It had a bed, a computer, a closet and a bathroom. It also had a large window. Now, when I say large, I mean MASSIVE! This window, or maybe I should just call it a gap in the wall, was about half the wall wide, and was the entire height of my room, except for a little sill that was about 3 feet from the ground. No kind of safety either. I could fall out and die, and no one would ever know.

All the rooms were really far from one another. Xemnas split us into two groups. Five and Five. Each of the five had a half of the castle. Obviously, I was in the second half. Xemnas liked to keep everything in order. But we had our own hallway, our own wing that had two common rooms, and a kitchen. There was the same in the other wing. And this was just the upper levels of this massive castle. Downstairs there was all kinds of crazy crap. I usually stayed in my room. I loved to sit in my window, playing my sitar. The strange thing about this world was it was never night or day. It was just dark. Like and endless night kind of. There was a city below the castle that looks like it was abandoned years ago. The view from my window was beautiful. It was dark, but it was a nice, calm dark. After some time I decided I was tired.

My bed was looking mighty comfortable. I unzipped my coat, slid off my boots, and climbed into bed. I often slept in my pants. They were tight, but they were roomy at the same time. I didn't even bother to wash all the gel out of my hair. That'll probably be a mess in the morning. Contemplating cleaning my hair or not, I drifted into a very sound sleep...

There was a knock at my door, but I didn't hear it. Soon the pounding woke me from my dreams.

"Who the hell is it?" I grumbled. I don't like to be woken up for no reason.

"It's me, open up." It was Axel. I opened the door a crack so I could peek my eye out at him.


"Let me in, I want to talk to you." Reluctantly, I opened the door.

"Have a seat," I mumbled as Axel made himself comfortable on my bed. I sat at my window.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked sweetly.

"Now, why would you think that?" I almost laughed.

"Could be that enormous attitude you just bitch slapped me with." Axel had a great sense of humor. He always said the right things that just made you want to laugh forever. It was hard not to crack a smile at that.

"Look, Axel, I'm really tired, and it's late. Can we discuss this tomorrow?"

"Nope!" He stood up and walked over to me, sitting down on the opposite side of the window sill. He crossed his legs.

"What's the matter? You can talk to me, you know."

"It's nothing." He started scooting closer to me.

"If you're mad about what I was saying earlier, I'm sorry. I'm a mean guy. I can't help it. It's who I am, and I'm sorry I got you upset."

"You shouldn't apologize to me. Apologize to Rudol!"

"Goddamn it, Demyx, you can't be so sensitive. Stop playing around. I know you don't really care about what I said. Drop the act. You're not fooling anyone." Did I mention how smart he was? Yes, I was pretending to be mad and upset when I technically couldn't. I didn't feel anything. None of us did.

"You know me too well," I cracked a smile, then slid over to him. We sat together on the window sill, facing outwards, watching the stars and the eternally dark sky. Before I knew it, his arm was around my waist, and I was leaning on his shoulder.

"Xemnas wants me to look for members again tomorrow. Would you like to join me? It's actually quite fun."

"I'll have to go just to put out all the fires you'll start."

"You'll just end up drowning them all."

"What's wrong with that?" I chuckled. Axel started to laugh.

"I love you, loser" He whispered. He gave me a tight hug, then got up. "I'll meet you first thing in the morning, got it?" I nodded, and with that, he was gone. I got up and lay back on my bed, hoping to whatever Gods watched over us that nothing would ever come between us.

Then there was a second knock at the door.

"Who is it this time?" I called.

"Yo, kid, open up. Let's go party, or something."

"Augh, come on, Xigbar, I'm tired!"

"Get your skinny ass out here or I'll have Xaldin break down the door." I rolled over and put my head under my pillow.

"Go away!! Come back tomorrow!" The knocking had ceased, and before I knew it, I was drifting away into my dreams.

It was the first night in a brand new bed, in a brand new home. Everything was clean, and tidy. I woke up quite refreshed, yet a tad worried. I had just woken up from a strange dream involving Axel, and a giant key. Someone was holding it, then whisked Axel away and I never saw him again. I hate when I have dreams like this. They're kind of annoying. And I've been having a lot of dreams involving a giant key lately. I'm getting mad. Not even a few nights ago I had a dream where I had the crap beaten out of me with this key. I woke up, and I was so mad. I told Axel and Xigbar about the dreams. They just laughed in my face and told me not to worry about it. I guess we'll see what happens.

After I got out of bed, I entered my bathroom and took a long hot shower. I hadn't showered for days, as gross as that sounds. I spent about an hour on my hair. I like my hair, so shut up. I spent about a half hour blow drying it, then another half hour styling it. Hair gel is my best friend.

When I finally finished, I slipped on my coat, and found Axel waiting outside my door.


I nodded. He took my hand, and we left.