A/N: ok, I hate leaving author's notes…but I have to this time. This is the final chapter of Secret Feelings and it took for ever to think of. But no worries! After this one, another fic is on the way…it's been in my head way longer than this one and it's finally ready for pen and paper. Also, sorry for the larger paragraphs, It was hard near the end to make them shorter because nobody talked much. So…on with the chapter!

(Just for the heck of it…no I do not own pokemon)

Chapter 17

Had Drew just…no that was impossible; May was frozen to the spot, she knew she should move but something held her back. She had to get Drew to the pokemon center, but she needed to do it right.

"Rar!" Houdoom snapped her out of it.

"Right, now which one is Beautifly's pokeball?" she wondered aloud while looking around.

"Nurse Joy! Nurse Joy!" Max cried.

"What is it Max?" Joy asked, concerned.

"There was an explosion out at the practice field!" Max continued.

"Max, it's a practice field…of coarse there were…" Nurse Joy looked up at something behind Max, could it be?

"What?" Max asked as he looked around. "No way!" he added, squealing. Flying from the practice fields were two figures. They looked kind of like…



"It's Beautifly and Masquerain!" Max cried; tears of joy streamed from his eyes. May and Drew were alive. He knew it!

"Come on Drew…" May mumbled as she heaved her rival onto Houndoom. "You think you can handle it?" May asked Houndoom.

"Ra!" Houndoom answered gleefully. Houndoom charged, all of a sudden he and Drew became a blur as Extreme Speed took affect.

"Whoa…didn't know he could do that…" May said.

"Rosa…" Roselia answered in awe.

As Houndoom kept running, he heard the boy every so often. Good. This meant he was still alive. Houndoom didn't want to let Drew die because of him.

"Mom…" Drew mumbled. Houndoom scooted to a halt, he looked over at the boy, and he had heard his story. Panic stuck through Houndoom, he had to keep going.

"Rar!" he cried, and used Extreme speed again.

'Almost there' he thought.

"There you are Masquerain…and there you go Beautifly." Max said cheerfully as he placed bowls of pokemon food in front of the two bugs. The two happily ate the food.

"Are you sure these are the right pokemon Max?" Nurse Joy asked from behind.

"Of course! I would know May and Drew's pokemon with a blind fold on!" Max cried.

"Alright, then they must be close behind." Nurse Joy said.

May ran. Maybe not as fast as she had when she had been running up to Drew when she had found him…had that really been yesterday? She ran, and ran, and ran. She had sent Beautifly and Masquerain to the pokemon center as a call for help. Then she had sent Houndoom with Drew. Now all that was left was her.

"Bulba!" a red beam shot out of Mays bag and Bulbasaur started running along with her.

"Ugg, when will my pokemon learn?" May asked as she picked up Bulbasaur (still running) and returned it to its pokeball. She didn't want Bulbasaur to slow her down. As May ran around a corner she saw the pokemon center up ahead.

"Great!" she cried.


As May entered the pokemon center, there were two things she noticed. One, It was way too quiet. Two, Nobody was around.

"Hello?" she asked hesitantly. Silence. She walked over to the front desk, it looked like Nurse Joy had been interrupted while typing. That meant either Houndoom had succeeded and Nurse Joy and Max were both in the back room with Drew (This pokemon center had a hospital area as well). Or, Harley had gotten them. Gulp.

"I really hope it's the first one…" May whimpered. "Well, there's only one way to find out." May walked over to the door…she was scared. What would she find? An empty room? Houndoom and Drew alone? Or that Drew was…

'I don't even want to think about it!' May thought. "Well…here goes…" She grasped the door knob expecting it to be ice cold…instead it was warm. As if somebody had already grabbed it not too long ago. Immediately May pushed open the door with such a force it almost bust open the wall.




There was Max, he was sitting on a bench in the waiting room. Under the bench was Houdoom, although by now he was jumping up on May and licking her all over.

"What happened?" May asked.

"When we saw Beautifly and Masquerain we knew you were ok…then when Houndoom came with Drew…" Max stopped. He looked scared. "I should be the one asking 'What Happened' , not you" he finally added.

May told Max the whole story, right from the contest. Finally, she finished. Max's eyes were huge. "Whoa," was all he could say.

After what seemed like hours…Nurse Joy opened the door. May and Max both looked up, afraid what they would find. They were relieved when Joy smiled at them.

May rushed in behind her, Max stayed where he was, he figured he'd let his sister have some alone time. He knew her secret…she and Drew were the only ones who didn't.


May looked at Drew from the chair. He looked so peaceful, sleeping like that. Nurse Joy had bandaged his arm and the cut on his face. 'Come on…wake up…' May sighed; apparently her mind control wasn't going to work…

May squeezed Drew's hand; it was something her mother did whenever she was scared, and she was still a bit scared now. Mother…Drew didn't have one…sibling…Drew didn't have one. May was lucky, VERY lucky. Her mind was reeling. So many things had been crammed into her head in two days.

At first, May wasn't sure what snapped her out of her trance. Then she felt pressure on her thumb. That was strange…May slowly turned her head and locked eye-contact with Drew.


"You act like you're looking at a ghost!" he teased, hoarsely. A smile spread from ear to ear on May's face. Everything was going to be ok…from now on.


May's eye's fluttered open. The first thing she saw was a rose on her bed-side table. She ran out of her room up to Nurse Joy's desk.

"When did Drew…"

"He hasn't even left my sight yet." Nurse Joy interrupted, motioning to the doors that led outside.

"Thanks." May said and as she ran outside. It didn't take long to spot Drew walking away. "Drew!" she called. Drew stopped and turned around as May caught up to him.

"Oh, what is it May?"

"Drew, is there anything else…you know that you need to tell me?" May asked. Drew was silent for a while. Finally, he answered.

"Just one…"

"Great, what is it?" May asked with enthusiasm.

"Well…the night my…you know. Something strange happened."


"A star appeared."


"You heard me. A star appeared that very same night. It doesn't move from its spot closest to the moon. Up until now…it made me sad. But I need to move on."

"Oh…" May said.

"Well, see ya,"


"Now what?" Drew asked, both exasperated and willing to listen with every ounce of energy in his body.

"What's the last thing you remember?" May asked. There was a long pause.

"Harley coming a second time."

"Nothing more?"


"Oh…" May said. Although she didn't show that she felt sad.

"Well…see ya?" Drew asked this time.


"Ok. Take care, May." Drew said as he walked off. May watched until he was just a dot.

"You too…" she whispered to herself.

"May! Where are we going next?" Max asked as May entered the pokemon center.

"Kanto, Max," Nurse Joy answered.

"How do you know?" Max asked puzzled.

"I told her earlier." May answered simply.

"Alright…well let's get home! I want my Mom!" Max cried.

"Ok! Calm down!" May said as Max pulled her out the door "Bye Nurse Joy! By Houndoom!" May calledjust before the doors shut behind her.



The wind blew Mays hair. The aroma of sea salt filled her nostrils. May loved cruises.

"To Kanto I will go!" she rhymed. It was cheesy, but fun to say.

"Excuse me, miss." May turned to see a sailor "are you May?"

"Yes…" May answered hesitantly.

"Then this is yours." May took an envelope from the man and he walked off. She looked for a return address, but the only thing she saw was her name. She was curious, so she immediately opened it.


Nurse Joy told me you were going to Kanto. So I'm sending this on the only cruise that goes there. I just want you to know that I remember every single thing and I meant everything I said; everything. I don't want you to freak out…but you will anyway (I know you way too well…ugg)! So let's just keep that part between you and me got that? Roselia says hi (She's rather fond of you…I have no idea why)

See you sooner than you think…

At first, May did freak out…but that lasted for only a few seconds. She smiled playfully.

"Whatever you say, Drew!" She said and walked to her cabin, totally satisfied.

A/N: Well...Secret Feelings is over. Red Eyed Evil is the next fic. I'm sorry to say...I don't see how it's possible to make a sequel. You see, this story took place between Advance Battle and Battle Frontier. I'm just as dissapointed as you are, really. I love this fic. So...again, I'm sorry. Happy Reading.