Hi guys, I started school today… which totally sucks, but that's life. Anyway I wanted to distract myself from it so I finished this new chapter which is very very long… so I'm going to cut the speech short. Hope you all enjoy

Chapter 11

"We have to celebrate" Brooke said with delight her eyes sparkling with anticipation

"Celebrate what?" Haley asked totally confused

She and Brooke had been shopping all day and were now in Brooke's car on their way to her house

"Well duh, we have to celebrate the fact that you survived your first week as Nathan Scott's girlfriend" Brooke said as if it was the stupidest question ever asked

Haley's face grew worried at what her friend had in mind "What do you mean exactly?"

"I mean, we should all go to Marcus's party tonight!" Brooke said very excitedly

"Umm, yeah with the way the last party went, I think I'm going to pass" Haley said referring to a party they had been the week before with Jason, their friend from New York, where she had had a little too much to drink and woke up the morning after with the biggest headache of her life

Brooke laughed at the memory "Yeah… you can't handle your liquor very well"

"Hey! I was just very excited about me and Nathan" Haley said poking Brooke's arm playfully

"Whatever… so what do you say?" Brooke asked hopeful

"I don't know Brooke, Marcus isn't Nathan's favorite person so…" Haley said hesitantly

"Oh come on, I'm sure he can shove his possessive side for one night" Brooke said rolling her eyes at the thought of Nathan

"What the hell! Ok we'll go" Haley said as they pulled up in Haley's drive way

Brooke clapped her hands happily "Yay, do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"No it's ok, I'll have Nathan come" She said as she got out of the cream colored bug

"Ok, see you later" Brooke said before driving off


Looking through her closet, she couldn't decide what to wear… so she went with a pair of dark jeans, a rich green halter top, and her black Christian Louboutin peep-toe pumps displaying her splendid coral colored toenails. Her honey blonde curls cascading down her shoulders.

"Hey" Nathan said as he entered her room

She smiled as she saw his reflexion in her vanity mirror.

"Hi, I'm almost ready" She said before applying some of her Chanel melon gloss

"Ok" He said as he plopped down on her bed throwing her teddy bear up and down like a basket-ball while waiting for her

She got up and took one last look at her frame, before turning around to face her boyfriend

"Ok, let's go" She said as she took her purse and unplugged her curl iron

He got up and walked up besides her taking in her appearance "You look beautiful" He said and smiled when he saw her usual blush creep on her cheeks

"Thank you" She said with a shy smile

He took a step forward and kissed her deeply, moaning at the feel she was eliciting in him, he wrapped his arms around her as she lay her hands on his broad chest, and as he was about to take things further, she pulled back and he groaned disapprovingly

"If we don't stop now, we'll never get to the party and Brooke will kill me" She said taking his hand in hers and leading them out

"We should stay here, your parents are not even home" Nathan whined

"Oh come on it'll be fun" Haley cheered as she locked the door behind her


"Haleeeees" Brooke squealed as she saw Haley and Nathan coming towards her

"Hey Brookie" Haley said untangling her hand from Nathan's and giving her friend a hug, smelling the alcohol in her breath

"Are you drunk already Brooke?" Haley asked with amusement

"Tipsy" Brooke said with a goofy grin

"Ok…" Haley said shaking her head at her friend

"Come, let's get you a drink" She said latching to her hand, dragging her away from the crowd

"I'll be back" Haley said to Nathan and he nodded going back to talking with one of his basketball team mates

"Hey, man" Marcus said when he saw Nathan

Nathan smiled tightly "Marcus" they shook hands in a manly way

"So I've heard about you and Haley… good for you man" Marcus said and it seemed like he really meant it

"Thanks man" He said uncertain

"Hey" Haley said as she came up behind him

He smiled happy to have her at his side "Hey" he said with a smile

"Hey Haley" Marcus said casually

"Hey Marcus, thanks for inviting us" Haley said as an awkward silence took over before Marcus excused himself

Nathan sat down and Haley sat next to him with Brooke, Lucas, Peyton and Jake



"Oohh guys lets play 'I never'" Brooke said smiling as she came back in their little group, a new drink in hand

"Brooke I think you've had enough to drink" Lucas said trying to take the blue cup from her

"Nooo…" She protested in a childlike way, stumbling and almost falling

"Whoa… here take my chair" Haley said getting up

Brooke sat down happily on the chair "So are we ever going to start the game?" She asked looking at Haley

Haley looked away; she didn't really like that game

Nathan pulled her hand and led her to sit on his lap, since she had given her chair to Brooke

"You look really hot" Nathan whispered huskily only for her to hear

"Are you drunk?" She asked amused by his big sparkling blue eyes looking back at her

"Not as much as Brooke" He said and laughed a little

Haley laughed as well and pecked his lips she had been looking at for a long time

"Do you want to come sleep over?" Haley asked as she watched him take a sip from his beer

He looked at her with a smirk "Aren't you scared that I'd take advantage of you?"

"Would you do such a thing?" She asked with a playful tone

"Hmm… well as I told you before, you look very hot, so I might not be able to control myself" He said as he rubbed her jean covered thighs with his hands

She giggled and he kissed her, nipping at her bottom lip, and then at her upper one making her moan in response

"Am I to heavy?" She asked after a moment of silence

"Where the hell did that come from" He asked amused by how serious she was being

"I don't know, I just…" She said feeling a little bit ridiculous

"Too heavy? Please, I could take twice your weight on my shoulders anytime" He said with a smirk and she smiled back pecking his lips

"Hey Nate, are you coming back home tonight?" Lucas asked from his spot

"No" He said not even looking at him, concentration on his girlfriend's smooth, hot creamy skin that his hand was rubbing on her tummy

"Ok, well we'll be taking off…" He said motioning Brooke who was falling asleep on his shoulder

Nathan then looked at her brother and his girlfriend and shook his head at Brooke "Ok, see you tomorrow"

"Bye Luke, take care of her" Haley said as she took a sip from Nathan's beer

"Hey, you're going to get drunk" He said teasingly taking the bottle away from her

She pouted "No, I'm not" and he chuckled kissing her pout away

"Hales, you can't handle your liquor" He said matter-of-factly

Brooke suddenly woke up at that and erupted in laughter

"Hey! Aren't you supposed to take her home?" Haley asked Lucas and glaring at Brooke

"Yeah… we're leaving now" Lucas said getting up and pulling Brooke up with him

"See, I told ya Hales" Brooke said giggling, referring to Nathan's comment

"Ok… let's go" Lucas said dragging her out

Nathan chuckled at Haley's expression

"You're supposed to be on my side" She scolded

"Well, it's the truth, but don't worry I still love you" He said his voice playful

"You better" She said her pout firmly back on her face

He finished his beer in one gulp "Ok, are you ready to go?"

"Uh-huh" Haley replied getting up from his comfy lap

Nathan took her hand in his leading her through the crowd of people and after saying goodbye to all their friends they left the house hand in hand.


The next morning, Haley woke up at the feel of sweet soft lips against her skin, a smile automatically formed on her face and she opened her eyes

"Mmmm… hi" She said with a sleepy voice

"Hi" He said his voice filled with sleep as well

He bent down touching his lips to hers, in a soft kiss.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked after he pulled back from their sweet kiss

"Very well" He said entwining their fingers together, looking at her, at how beautiful she was first thing in the morning

"What are you thinking about?" She asked taking him out of his thoughts

He hesitated before speaking "Well, while you were gone, this summer, I rented an apartment for when I start college… I didn't tell you because we weren't together then, but now that we are and that you're coming to Duke, I want you to move in with me" He said searching her eyes for a reaction

"Uh… well" She said obviously not knowing what to say

"I know this is a big step, and you want to make the right decision, but I've been thinking about it since we've been back together so it's not something I just say…" He added

"Well, are you sure, I mean what if-" She said hey face uncertain

"Haley, look I know I want to live with you, now the only thing you have to think about is do you want to live with me?" He said cutting through her worries

"Of course I do, I'm just scared" She asked fiddling with one of her soft curls

"I know you are, but everything's going to be fine Haley, I promise you… What I feel for you, I've never felt like that before, never" He swore his eyes serious

She shifted on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position on the bed to look at Nathan's face properly "Ok, but you have to realize that all the decisions will be made together" She said seriously

He nodded with a grin "Definitely"

She smiled and lifted her head up to meet his lips in a soft sizzling kiss

"Now I have to tell my parents" She said with a frown

"It'll be alright, they love me anyway" He said with his signature smirk

Haley rolled her eyes at his cockiness "Oh what did I just get myself into"

He chuckled "I love you"

"Me too" She said with a smile, she still had to get used to him saying those words to her. But it felt good, it felt damn good

He bent down to kiss her, tracing her full lips with his tongue, silently demanding access to her mouth which she granted immediately sighing as his slick tongue gently massaged hers

He slid his hand under his t-shirt she was wearing and caressed her tummy, gently in a circular motion, then moving upwards to capture one soft sweet breast in his hand kneading it lovingly

Breaking the kiss breathlessly, Haley shrugged off Nathan's hand from her shirt and smiled a the pout gracing his features

"Time to get up, we have something to announce to my family" She said and pecked his lips before jumping out of bed

"We?" He asked with a frown following her into her en suite bathroom

"Oh yes mister, its your fault I have to have this talk with my parents, so its only fair that you'd be there to support me" She said with a sweet smile

He groaned, but knew better to protest, so instead he took his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth… he had to look flawless for her parents to agree to let her move in with him


"Hey Nathan" Dan Scott's shrill voice echoed through the noiseless mansion

Nathan groaned internally "What?"

"Can you come down in my office" He commanded his son

Nathan came down the few steps he had climbed up with a sigh and entered his father's hall of fame, plopped down on a plush leather chair and waited for his father to yell at him

"Where were you last night?" He asked putting down his glasses

Nathan rolled his eyes "What does it matter?"

Dan's already cold eyes, went colder if that is possible "Don't give me the bullshit you give to your mom Nathan" He snipped

"Whatever, I was with Haley" He said passing a tired hand through his messy hair

"You could've called" Dan retorted

"Ok, dad, what is it that you want?" Nathan asked obviously Dan would never ask him to come down to his office to know where he had spent the night

"Coach K, called today" Dan started

Nathan perked up at the mention of his future coach

"He said that you start the training camp next week" He continued

"What? Isn't next week a little soon?" Nathan asked surprised at the news

"Nathan, why are you asking questions you should be packing right now" Dan said announcing the end of the conversation

Nathan got up not even glancing at his dad before leaving the office


"Hey" Nathan said with a smile as he flipped his cell phone open

"Hey you" Haley said smiling as well

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing… Umm my parents are back, so do you want to come by after dinner to tell them?" She asked her voice a little nervous

"Sure, what time do you want me to come?"

"Uh, eight-ish?"

"Sounds good, I'll be there, try not to upset them too much" He said playfully

"You are so funny" She said sarcastically trying not to smile

"I know" He said and she could picture his face and that smirk all over it

"I miss you already" She said with an audible pout

"I miss you too, and I'll miss you next week"

"What's next week?" She asked curious

He cursed silently; he wanted to tell her that he would be leaving two weeks before her, but not on the phone like this

"Uh, well I'm leaving in two days" He said in one breath

"What? How come?" She asked confusion seeping through her voice

"Coach K called to let me know that training camp started next week, so…" He said uncertain of her reaction

"Oh" She said obviously upset

"But hey, I'll have the chance to check out the apartment and fix it up a bit before you come" He said trying to convince her


"Haley, don't be mad, please" He pleaded tiredly

"I'm not mad Nathan, but I have to go, I'll see you tonight ok?" She asked trying to sound cheerful

"Ok, I love you" He said softly


"Where's Taylor at?" Haley asked while filling the dishwasher with her mother

"She's out to dinner with Kyle" Lydia said smiling at her youngest daughter

"Dinner?" Haley asked not buying it

"Yeah, who knew right?" Her mom said with a chuckle

Taylor James was definitely not the "dinner" type. But apparently love can make you do anything.

"So do you want to give me a hint on what you and Nate want to talk about?" Lydia asked with a glint in her eyes

The doorbell rang at that moment and Haley quickly went to open the door

"Hey" Nathan said as she opened the door

She smiled and kissed him briefly "Hi"

She took his hand and led him in the kitchen where her mom had just started the dishwasher

"Nathan!" Lydia exclaimed happily

"Hi Mrs. James" Nathan said and hugged the smaller woman briefly

"Come sit, sit" She motioned the stools

They did as told and each took a seat on the kitchen stools waiting

"Hey Nate" Jimmy James said coming on the other side of the isle next to his wife

"Hi Mr. James" Nathan said with a smile

"So what do you kids want to talk about?" Lydia asked impatiently

Haley looked over at Nathan, before speaking "Nathan and I want to move in together" She said and closed her eyes afraid of her parents reactions

"What?" Both of them said at the same time, making her open her eyes

"We want to live together, like in an apartment" She clarified

"Oh" Lydia said

"Ok" Jimmy said after a few silent moments

"What?" Lydia and Haley said at the same time

"Well, she was going to be living in a dorm with someone she barely even knows" Jimmy said shrugging his shoulders

Lydia hesitated and said "You better don't call me up one day to tell me you're knocked up" She said pointing a finger over at Haley

"And you, better take good care of her" Jimmy said to Nathan

"I will, thank you" Nathan said with a grateful smile

"Thanks" Haley said and went over to hug her mom and dad

"I love you Haley-Bop, I know that you've always followed your heart, you've always been responsible" Lydia said holding her daughter's face between her warm hands

"I love you too mom" Haley said and kissed cheek

"Don't I get an "I love you" too?" Jimmy asked playfully

Haley laughed "I love you daddy" She said and gave him a big smooch on the cheek

"Ok, not that we don't like your company, but we have our tennis lessons to go to" Lydia said as she and her husband walked towards the front door

"See you later" Jimmy said and they were out the door

"Bye" Haley and Nathan said from their spots still in the kitchen

"See, I told you they wouldn't mind, they love me" He said playfully and she slapped him on the arm

"I'm still mad at you" She said crossing her arms and turning her face away from him

Nathan turned her stool so that she was facing him and placed his hands on each of her thighs

"Haley, I'm sorry, I didn't know, up until this morning when I got home. I would've told you if I did" He said his forehead crinkling

"I know, I just don't want you to leave yet" She said now looking at him

He smiled momentarily "Me either, but you'll be coming in two weeks, and we'll be together 24/7" He said trying to make her smile

"Don't remind me" She said playfully

He smiled and touched his lips to hers, both of them sighing at the softness of their lips

"I can't wait to move in with you" He said his voice husky

"Me too" She said her breath itching at the tone of his voice

She pecked his lips once more and pulled back

"Come to think of it, its better that I stay here for a couple of weeks, so that I can buy things for the apartment" She said the excitement evident in her voice

"I'll ask Brooke to come shopping with me, so much fun" She squealed

Nathan laughed at her sudden change of mood "Ok, but don't listen to Brooke too much"

"I won't" she promised

"Ok, now for how long are your parents gone?" Nathan asked his eyes twinkling with mischief

"At least two hours, wanna go upstairs?" She said with the same mischief

He nodded eagerly and took her in his arms swiftly slapping her butt and laughing at her squirming and her little screams as he walked them to her room, laughter and love filling the quiet house.

Feedback, as always, is welcome! xoxo