Hey ya'll! Me again, starting yet another fanfiction, though this one is going to be short. And gasp, it is serious. Most unlike me, but oh well. This will probably only stretch to about 8 chapters when it ends. As you probably know, this is a vampire fanfiction. Enjoy.

Dedications: Trace of Blood is dedicated to all my fellow Rangers and Vic Mignogna. I love you all!! Also dedicated to Heather/ Celestial. Her and my roleplay inspired this fanfic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Full Metal Alchemist or any characters in it. Though, I do own the plot, words, ideas and original characters of this fanfic.

Red Dawn!


The streets of Central were completely empty. Wind whistled silently through the barren streets. It wasn't empty because of the dark skies. People have been going missing, just vanishing into the night. They were scared, afraid they would be next.

Blood red eyes peered from a dark alley. The moonlight shone on his pale skin, illuminating his features, the long blond hair, the lengthy claws on his fingers, the thin fangs protruding from his mouth…the small holes pierced into his neck… he watched the alley, waiting, hoping, longing, for someone to walk past and become his prey.

And he got his wish…

A girl, no older then 17, was walking towards Central Headquarters. Wearing a blue military uniform, a silver watch hanging from her pocket. She gazed down the streets with pure white eyes. She had white, shoulder lengthened hair, straight until suddenly curling at her shoulders where it jutted out in spikes, stony and still, like carved pieces of ice. Only one wisp of longer, silvery hair, falling over her face in a long antenna, was moving freely, floating around in the slightest breeze.

He smiled, licking at his fangs. He crept closer to the opening of the alley. The moonlight barely catching on the black leather he was wearing. He reached for the corner of the alley, his hands…both hands, so pale, so cold. He rested his hands on the corner, scratching softly at the bricks. He stared at the passing girl, willing for her to come closer, itching to tear at her, aching to sink his fangs into the warm neck of the girl, to drink that sweet liquid he so yearned to have…something was holding him back though, he ignored it for now…though it fought to gain control and seemed to be losing the battle…he hissed softly.

The girl stopped. She stared towards the alley where she heard it.

Those glowing red eyes stared back, the rest of his face hidden by shadows.

She reached into her holster, grabbing something. She started pulling out a long crystal sword from that tiny space, the sword forming in her hand as she pulled, blue alchemic sparks dancing around her hand. She swung it in a full circle in her hand before holding it high above her head in a defensive stance, holding out her free hand in front of her. "Who's there?" She asked loudly, cutting through the silence of the street.

He quieted down. Barely breathing. He watched her make the sword seem to shrink, disappear, until she held only a single icy crystal, which she pocketed.

"Now…do it now…make your first kill." A female voice commanded deep inside him, cold and cruel, yet sounding soothing and motherly. The first kill will seal the vampire blood within you… "Drink deeply and be completed…Edward." She coaxed.

He nodded slowly and grinned. He inched closer to the girl, bearing his fangs.

"N-no! Don't do it! Please!" Another voice screamed in his head. A boy.

Air cut out of his lungs. He fell to his knees, shaking uncontrollably. What is this?! He hissed at the woman.

A faint hissing from her was heard, lost in the screams of the boy. He was screaming, louder and louder.

Make it stop! He covered his ears, shutting his eyes.

The voice screamed on.

He let out a loud screech.

She stepped back, staring down the alley. What was that? Who? Her eyes were wide with fear. Whoever it was, it was in pain. She walked slowly towards the opening, pulling out a crystal, which shined in a unnatural blue light. She caught sight of him, her heart skipped a beat. The crystal dropped to the ground, tinkling softly while remaining to shine it's peculiar light.

Pain coursed through his body. He couldn't breathe. He was dying. He was going to die. His eyes burned, forcing themselves open. He stared up at the sky, head back, holding his head and screeching out to the heavens. His eyes seemed to glow, sending a beacon of red light into the sky. Something silvery white shot into his eyes from the beacon. Automatically, his eyes dulled. His screech died. His face blanked. He fell.

Her heart beat wildly. She watched him collapse. She crouched down next to him. I-is he dead? He was so pale, white as death. She touched his face, wincing slightly in the cold touch. She traced his calm feathers with her finger, tracing down his neck, passing over the small indents of a bite mark, Her eyes narrowed. She checked for a pulse, ignoring the evil feeling that spread through her body at that touch. There was none. Or it was so faint that she could barely feel it. She couldn't tell, she was so confused. He looked dead, felt dead, but she could fell his warm, steady breath on her skin.

He hissed suddenly in a jolt of pain, bearing his fangs.

She pulled her hand away quickly, staring at him, at his fangs. Her gaze left his face, spotting a silver watch, hanging from his pocket. A six sided hexagram with the President's crest…wait… She pulled out her own watch. They were the same. He was…it a state alchemist? Wait…I've seen him before…She slung his arm around her shoulders, pulling him up. She dragged him out of the alley, heading for Headquarters.


A military officer came to meet her at Central HQ. He saluted her. "Crystal Snow Alchemist." He said urgently.

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Just call me Yukiko already. That is my name." She said in a monotone, having said it 5 other times this week.

"Colonel Mustang needs to see you. Your report-"

"I'm busy right now. Tell him that I'll be in the infirmary." Yukiko interrupted, pushing past him ad marching to the infirmary. She lay him onto a soft bed near the window and sat in a chair next to him.

He moaned quietly, seeming not to notice the change in scenery. He sunk into the pillow a little more.

Her heart fluttered. He's alive…right? She leaned close to his face. He's breathing… She pulled back, her lips grazing against his. She didn't notice. "I know I've seen him before. But where?" She wondered aloud, staring at him. She started gently brushing his bangs out of his face to get a better look.

His eyes suddenly opened, still a dull, pupil-less red. He grabbed her wrist, pulling it towards his chest, so that she was trapped, his claws were tenderly prickling against her skin. He didn't look at her, just simply stared up at the ceiling.

Yukiko gasped. She tried pulling her arm away, but his grip was too strong. Tiny holes penetrated her skin, filling with drops of blood that dripped onto him.

Still staring at the ceiling, he hissed quietly, is an odd way, forming strange words.

Is this some sort of language? "Um…what?" She asked nervously.

He blinked. "Oh…" He whispered.

"Huh?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"…..it's nothing. Where are we?" He spoke in a faint whisper still.

"Um…Central HQ. We're in the infirmary. I found you outside…you were hurt." She said quietly. She glanced at his neck, staring at the tiny imprints that were pierced deep into his neck. "Oh, I'm Yukiko by the way."

"Yukiko…?" He repeated.

She nodded. "Um…who are you?"

"Who…?" He searched the ceiling, racking his mind. Who was he? Two words floated to the surface. "Edward Elric."

Yukiko stared at him, her eyes full of disbelief. He couldn't be… "Really?"

He turned his head away from Yukiko, now staring at the wall. "Yes."

The Full Metal Alchemist… She had done research on him. She had found out things she shouldn't know. She glanced at his right arm. As pale as the rest of him. "What happened to your automail?" She asked before she could stop herself.

"Automail?" He looked at his hand, examining his claws.

"Y-yes. Your right arm and left leg were taken away…" She gulped and took a deep breath. "W-when you performed a human transmutation."

He shook his head. "No I didn't."

Her eyes widened. "You did, that's why your second name is the Full Metal Alchemist, because of your Automail."

"I don't remember that…"

"You don't remember?"


"Do you remember anything? At all?" She asked anxiously.

He closed his eyes, trying to remember. A dark haze was blocking everything. "A house out in the country…there's a woman there…and two little boys…" He opened his eyes. "One kinda looks like me…"

She sighed in relief. "That probably is you."

He shook his head and winced. Trying to remember pained him somehow. "No…" Denying it took some of the pain away. It couldn't be true anyway…

"Yes it is. The woman, that's your mother. Trisha Elric."

He shook his head again. "That's not my mother…"

"Yes she is Edward." She said desperately.

"No…my mother's name isn't Trisha. It's Amaya. And that woman had brown hair. My mother had black hair, and pale skin like…mine." He whispered. He could see it so vividly. His mother hugging him as a young boy, pale faced like him. Wearing black make up and a long, slim black dress. She smiled at him, fangs glistening. Glowing red eyes watching him. He winced again.

"Edward, please. Try to remember…" She pleaded. She hated seeing him this way. "Your mother Trisha died a long time ago. You and your brother-"

"Brother?" He finally looked at her. "My brother…" He sat up quickly. "Alphonse…"

"So you remember…"

"Al…" He slowly let go of his wrist.

"Yes…you should lie down…" She put her hand on his shoulder.

"He's lost…I have to find him." He said quickly, swinging his legs off the bed.

"Wait..Edward, your hurt." She said quickly.

He ignored her, trying to walk out the door. He got halfway before he suddenly hissed in pain, clapping his hand over his bite mark and fell to the ground. He lay motionless for a moment, then lifted his head, one eye closed in pain. "A-al…"

"Edward…" She stood up, rushing over to him and kneeling down next to him. "Are you okay?"

He put his hand on her shoulder, pulling himself up.

"Edward, you have to lie down. I'm sure Alphonse is safe." She said softly.

He looked at her, then climbed back onto the bed.

A military officer opened the door. "Crystal Snow Alchemist, Colonel Mustang."

She sighed. "I'm Yukiko. Yu-ki-ko." She glanced at Ed "I'll be right back…" She followed him out of the room.

He waited for her to leave, then climbed out of bed. He walked to the window. "I will find you Al…" He whispered, staring at his reflection. He pulled it open and jumped out.


Well, there ya go! How'd I do? I'll update soon, please review!