Made With Love

Chapter 4: Return

Chinese Fairy: … Woooow… A lot MORE people reviewed, and wow!! I am so excited… THANK YOU ALL WHO REVIEWED AND WHO READ!!! (Bows lowly) Now I am sorry that this took a while, but now that I am WIDE AWAKE!! Plus I am ready to WRITE!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters… If I did then I would own Gaara and Neji! They are just TOO cool!! Maybe even Hinata… Hmm… I have to think about that.

Warnings: Let's see… A kiss scene, a fight scene, a bit of blood, and a few depressing moments. If any of these things bother you, then please don't read this. This is what warnings are for! Thank you!!

Pairings: Uchiha Sasuke/Hyuuga Hinata this is such a cute couple!! I just love Hinata paired with either of the Uchiha brothers! It's just way too cute! If you don't like this pairing, then don't read once again please don't read if you are uncomfortable!

Summary: One day Hyuuga Hinata finds herself extremely bored, so she decides to bake cookies. Once they are done, the Hyuuga decides to give her cookies to Naruto, but she sees Naruto and Sakura arguing over Sakura's love for Sasuke. Saddened by this scene, Hinata leaves and runs into Sasuke, so she gives him the cookies instead. Sasuke likes the cookies so much, he makes a deal, if Hinata makes him more cookies, he will help her with training. She agrees to do so. What else will happen?

Chinese Fairy: Okay first off I want to say sorry for the end of last chapter. I was half asleep and I couldn't even see straight! I barely made it to my bed, so sorry for the confusion. (Bows) Anyway, here is the next chappy, so I hope you enjoy it all!! ENJOY!!!


Made With Love

Chapter 4: Return


Hinata bit on her lower lip and asked, "Would it make you feel better if you gave him these cookies? You are part of his fan club, you'd look better giving gifts to him anyway." Mumbled Hinata as she offered the basket to Sakura. The pink haired girl took the cookies and saw Hinata run away from her. Tears were falling, and Hinata found herself running past Ichiraku, running past the Uchiha and Hyuuga estates and then running past the Konoha gates.

"I don't want to be near anyone… Not even Sasuke-kun…!" she cried as she ran out of Konoha without so much as a good bye from her…


Sakura gazed in the direction that Hinata ran to and put two and two together. "Hi-Hinata… You're leaving!" Sakura dropped the cookies and stood up from her spot on the floor and starting running towards Sasuke's home in the Uchiha Compound. The pink haired girl started sprinting when she saw the compound closing in, and she called out his name when she reached his home. "Sasuke-kun!"

She got no response. Nothing. "Sasuke-kun! This is important!!" Sakura shouted as she rushed into his house; she didn't even take off her shoes. Sasuke opened his bedroom door and heard Sakura in his home. The Uchiha survivor walked down the stairs and Sakura collided with him. "What is it Sakura?" he questioned. The pink haired girl started to sob, and she barely made any sense when words started to come out of her mouth.

"Hinata… Cookies… Gone…" Sakura sobbed. Sasuke was trying to find out what his teammate was saying but all he got was mumbling and sobs. After a few minutes, Sakura calmed down and tried her best make out a sentence without breaking down again. "I was… Horrible to Hinata-chan… She's gone…!" cried out Sakura. Sasuke was frozen; No… She can't be gone. He cares for her too much! Maybe even loves her… Quickly, Sasuke grabbed onto Sakura's shoulders and demanded. "Where did she go? Where did she run off to?!" he asked as he shook her.

Sakura cried out. "I-I don't know! All I know is that she was running out of Konoha!!" The pink haired girl fell to the floor as Sasuke released her from his grip. "I… I am so… S-Sorry…" wept the female ninja. Sasuke knew that he had to save Hinata, but he had to make sure Sakura would never pull a stunt like this again.

"Sakura… I am not the man who loves you, nor do you really love me. You don't know me, and at the same time, Hinata doesn't know me as well; but I am willing to let her in so she could get to know me. Because… Over these past few weeks, we have gotten to know each other and I really have gotten to see a Hinata only hidden for her special someone… Please understand, I love Hinata…" he stated calmly. Sakura stopped crying a while ago and then realized this herself. She had no chance of being with Sasuke… No matter what she did.

The pink haired beauty sniffled and wiped her tears away from her eyes and stood up. "When… Hinata comes back, I'm going to invite all the kunoichi to my house and were going to gossip about what you and Hinata did together…" stated Sakura as she brushed back strands of her hair. Sasuke smirked and replied, "Then I'll talk to all the guys." Sakura giggled and responded, "Fine, but first bring her back. I don't want her to be alone…"

Sasuke nodded and jumped out of his open window and sprinted out of Konoha to follow his one true love…


Hinata stumbled through the bushes of the forest and she sighed tiredly. The Hyuuga panted slightly and stated to herself, "Ha… I didn't know… Running in the dark was so hard…" She didn't want to activate her Byakugan because it would use Chakra, and she wanted to get as far away from Konoha as soon as possible. She moved around a tree so she could sit on a stump of a tree, as soon as she sat down, she caught her breath slowly; thinking that she might be able to take a small break from the running.

"Wait… I am always running… I always run from anything I can't face. I try, but I am too scared for anything to happen in my life, but now that I have Sasuke-kun…" she paused and sighed. "I like him, but what about Naruto-kun…?" she asked. Sure she like the blonde, but she then noticed a while ago that he would never like her; the proof was when he was proclaiming his love for Sakura. Also the fight that he and Sakura had a while ago proved he didn't see her as anything more than a friend… But, that was good. She liked Sasuke, and maybe he liked her back…?

Hinata shook her head fiercely. "There… There's no way he would like me… I am stupid and dumb, and I an not pretty, I am ugly and I am not talented at all…" she verbally abused and berated herself and she smiled sadly at this… "It is true… I am an idiot…" she sighed. "You're also nice, sweet… Very patient, you listen to others and still try to get you're point across… You are strong and you are very, very pretty…" someone, a man, came out from behind a tree and walked over to Hinata. "And for the record… I… I do love you…" he blushed deeply as he stated the last part.

Hinata gradually turned around to see Sasuke standing there, and he was offering her a small smile; but the only thing is that this smile was actually a real one. Not a fake smile that he offered others, but the one that he saved just for her. Hinata was opening her mouth to reply, but then a group of chuckling could be heard and a band of bandits came jumping from the canopy of the trees and they landed around the Uchiha and the Hyuuga.

"Look boss, we got ourselves a princess and a prince!" called out one of them; making the rest fall into evil laugher. Sasuke pulled Hinata towards him, so he could guard her and he pulled out a kunai incase one of the thugs came charging. "Why hide her? We just want her and all you're money!!" snapped another bandit. Sasuke sighed and replied calmly. "I won't give her up and second I have no money, I just came to get her. Now let us pass." The Uchiha stated this with his voice calm, but his eyes showed he was beyond angry.

One of the bandits grabbed onto Hinata and pulled her away from Sasuke, "Here is my prize!! You can just go, I got her!" he cackled. Hinata attempted to squirm out of his grasp, but she couldn't. Sasuke saw this and growled. "Let go of her!" he snarled as he twirled the kunai in his hand and then slammed the weapon into the man's leg. The man quickly released Hinata and she was thrown to the ground. "Itai!" she cried out as slammed into the ground, her head hit a rock and she black out. Sasuke turned to her about to ask if she was all right, but then saw that she was injured and she was dead. That man killed her…

Sasuke's stomach dropped, from the ground to hell and back… "You… You killed her… You KILLED her!!" he shouted as he felt something in him crack… He thought she was dead, he didn't know that there was still life flowing through her… "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!" he shouted before he disappeared into the wind.

The bandits muttered to one another, waiting for an attack to commence, but nothing came… Just as they left their guard down, Sasuke reappeared behind four guys and in a blink of an eye slashed the back of their necks. Blood showered him and the ground, like rain. They crumpled to the floor and they drained out. Sasuke then vanished again and did the same thing again to another bunched up group. "You like that? You like the way that feels?!" he growled. Sasuke landed onto the ground gracefully and shouted, "DO YOU THINK SHE LIKED IT WHEN YOU HARRASSED AND HASSLED HER?" he practically screamed.

He formed the seals of the Katon and he summoned the great fireball technique… "KATON! Goukakyuu no Jutsu!!" He shouted as his fire attack burned away most of the group… Their cries and screams surrounded and echoed off the trees and the rocks… "Hehehe… You all are weak!" he manically laughed as he turned to the last living member of this pathetic group… The leader.

"You're turn to die…? This was too fast." Sasuke asked as he continued to walk to the leader of the bandits. He finally stopped when he reached the man who was crawling away from the Uchiha as though he had the plague. Sasuke took out a pitch-black kunai that was laced with poison and was ready to stab the man but someone stopped him. Hyuuga Hinata had placed her hand onto Sasuke's should and she shook her head. "No… Just l-let him go… Death will only s-sprout a-and bring more… Hatred…" she offered him a small smile and then lost her feeling in her legs.

Sasuke easily caught her and he cuddled her close. "Okay, no more killing then… Only for you." He offered her a smile and then held Hinata in a bridal hold. He smiled and started to walk away from the bandit, completely forgetting he existed. Just as the man was about to pull out a weapon to kill Sasuke with, Sasuke stated calmly, "If you attack me or Hinata, I will kill you then…" The bandit nodded frightenedly and screamed; he then ran in the opposite direction. Hinata smiled and cuddled close to Sasuke's chest.

"S-Sasuke-kun…?" she questioned quietly… He looked down to her and she continued, "I-I just was you to know that… I-I love you too… V-Very much so…" she was lightly blushing but he didn't care, he smiled even more and leaned down to capture her lips in a small soft kiss. "I love you… My Hinata-chan…"


Chinese Fairy: Damn!! That took me forever to update!!! I HATE THIS FIC!! IT IS TOO HARD TO WRITE!!! Well, nothing much to say but sorry for not updating sooner, and also that "Suicide Can Save You" is going to be updated next!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!! You're reviews and you're support! Also excuse and mistakes and errors you see! Have a good day/night/afternoon/morning anything!! Just be safe!!

P.S: I am sorry, I didn't even go over it I was too tired to… (Hugs) thank you for understanding!!