Authors Note: Here it is guys, the final chapter ever. sigh It's finally over.
First of all, I have to thank Hana, my wonderful beta, who managed to give me the best ideas and inspiration. The story wouldn't have progressed as well as it has without her. She's definetly the best and you guys should go read all her wonderful stories, even though most of you probably already do because they're x4574 times better than mine.
And of course thanks to all you wonderful readers, espesially to those that were kind enough to leave me a review for most of the chapters. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate it. I've gotten so much feedback for this story which I definetly did not expect in the begenning at all. So thank you :)
Oh- and here comes my shameless plug in. I'm going to be posting a new story soon, Shattered Perfection. It's a Brucas...I'd love you guys forever if you'd check it out.
Well, since most of you probably skipped straight to the chapter anyway, I'm going to quit rambling and let you guys read the chapter... Enjoy!
Epilogue: Fairytale Endings and Happily ever Afters.
Nathan walked into Haley's office, dodging all the boxes in the room as he snuck up behind her and snaked his arms around her.
"Nathan!" Haley protested. "I have to pack! You can't distract me right now."
"Mmm…" Nathan murmured into her shoulder, softly placing kisses on her neck. "But I like distracting you."
Haley shifted in his arms so that she was facing him. "And I love being distracted by you, but we have to leave in like 2 hours!" she exclaimed, giving him a peck on the lips before finding her way out of his arms.
"But Haley…" Nathan complained, sitting on the empty office desk. "I haven't seen you in so long."
Haley shook her head, the hint of a smile on her lips. "Nathan, you just saw me last night for like 6 hours."
"And its been over 8 hours since then," he complained, reaching for her once again to bring her closer.
"Nathan…" Haley protested again as he started placing soft kisses on her face. "C'mon, give me two hours and then I'm all yours."
"What about we make good use of this desk right now, and you can finish this up after two hours?"
Haley moaned as his lips brushed against her skin. His lips slid against hers, as he picked her up so they were both lying on the desk horizontally, soon enveloped in a heavy make out session that would remain uninterrupted for two hours.
"Lucas!" Brooke happily skipped to the living room couch, jumping on the sofa and throwing her arms around him. "Whatcha watching, husband?"
Lucas smiled. "I love it when you call me that." He chuckled, throwing an arm around her shoulder.
"And I love calling you that," Brooke replied, leaning into his embrace. "Ugh, is this basketball again?"
Lucas nodded. "It's really close, there's 15 seconds left in the game and the Celtics are only two points ahead, so the…"
Brooke looked up at him. "You do realize I have no idea what you're talking about, right?"
"You don't understand time and points?" Lucas looked down at her, grinning.
Brooke rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Why didn't you tell me you were such a basketball hog before we got married? And here I was worried that you'd be reading me books 24/7."
Lucas grinned. "How did we ever end up together?"
Brooke smiled up at him. "I have no idea, but god, I don't know what I'd do if we didn't."
Lucas smiled as he leaned down and kissed her, begging her lips for entrance.
"Lucas…" Brooke placed her palm on his chest in protest. "I need to get things ready for tomorrow, and I need to call Haley! She's moving in like tomorrow! God, knowing her she's probably distracted by now…and I need to go check on the food…"
Lucas broke away and slouched in the couch. "Fine, find me after you finish the things that are more important."
Brooke rolled her eyes, smiling. "You know I love you, right?" she asked, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek.
"And I love you," Lucas told her, turning his face so he could kiss her on the lips. "Now go before you get distracted again."
Brooke laughed and ruffled his hair, jumping up from the sofa and walking into the kitchen, grabbing the cordless on the way.
The phone rang five times before an annoyed voice answered at the other end. "What?"
"Haley James! Have you guys' left yet? You need to get here by tomorrow morning, and it's already noon, which means if you start now you'll barely make it on time, even with the way Nathan drives plus-"
"Brooke!" Haley interrupted her. "We've been on the road for 2 hours."
"Oh." Brooke bit her lip. "Okay, umm don't stop too much along the way, okay?"
"Okay, Brooke," Haley chuckled on the other end. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Nathan looked over at Haley as she hung up the phone. "Was that Haley James lying to her sister?"
Haley blushed, pushing him away. "Shut up, you know if I had told her the truth I wouldn't hear the end of it, and she would've never hung up the phone. Besides, we are leaving now, right?"
"Well, I was enjoying what we were doing earlier, but I don't want to be at the other end of your sister's claws."
Haley laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. "Whatever, shut up."
Nathan shook his head and grabbed three suitcases. "How come you don't pack a million things like other girls do?"
"Because, mister, I'm naturally gorgeous, if you haven't noticed." She shot him a wink playfully, grabbing her coach tote and walking out the door.
"Naturally gorgeous?" Nathan scoffed. "I've seen you in the wee hours of the morning Haley-and trust me, it's not pretty."
"Oh, so when you told me I looked gorgeous, it was just a lie, huh?" she challenged.
"I think I just had bad taste back then," Nathan countered, opening the door to lead them outside.
Haley sighed, a sudden change in attitude enveloping her. "It's really over." She looked over at Nathan. "I'm going to miss it here."
Nathan dropped the luggage near the cab before walking over to her. "Me too, babe. Me too." He threw an arm around her shoulder as she leaned into him. "But we'll be around family, right?"
After moving back to California for six months, Haley had realized that she had really enjoyed her time in Tree hill, so after deliberating with Nathan, both of them decided to give in and move back to North Carolina.
Haley looked up at him. "Are you sure about this, Nate? I mean I really don't want you to pick up everything and move for me…"
Nathan brought his free hand up to her mouth, placing a finger on it. "Haley James, you're the only life I've ever known, you hear me? There's nothing I'd rather do."
Haley smiled, snuggling into him again. "God, when did I ever get so lucky?"
"When I decided to give you the time of the day after you cried over me so much," Nathan joked.
Haley rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you know you love me."
"That I do, Haley James, that I do."
The next day…Brooke ran to the door after hearing it ring, throwing it open.
"Nathan! Haley!" she exclaimed, hugging both of them.
"Brooke-" Nathan dropped the bag in his hands. "Breathing room, please."
"Gosh, I didn't know you'd be this excited to see me," Haley said after Brooke had let them go.
"But I love you so much Haley, how could you ever think that?"
Haley narrowed her eyes. "Okay, Brooke, spill, what's up?"
Brooke sighed, defeated. "Lucas left an hour ago, and it looks like it's going to storm outside…"
Haley shook her head, giving Nathan a knowing look. "I knew there was an ulterior motive to all the love."
"Oh, I still love you Hales. My hate for thunder is just a wee bit stronger."
Nathan laughed, lounging all their stuff inside and leaving it in a heap on the side. "Brooke, you're never going to change, are you?"
Brooke looked at him like he was insane. "Nathan, darling. Why would I change when I'm so perfect already?"
Haley groaned. "Nathan! Why do you give her chances to compliment herself?"
"Oh, come on, Hales, like you don't do it too."
Haley gave him a death glare. "If I didn't have to use the bathroom right now, I'd kill you. Just so you know."
"God, I love her," Nathan spoke to her retreating figure after she was out of earshot.
Brooke smiled at him. "You make her happy, Nathan. I haven't seen her this crazy over a guy…well, ever."
He glanced at her, surprised. "Not even Chris?"
Brooke shrugged. "Yeah, she liked him, but I think it took her so long to get over him because he was the first guy she had feelings for, you know? But you…she's head over heels in love with you."
Nathan grinned. "She better be, because this girl's going to be the end of me."
"You guys are so adorable, it's sickening."
"Oh please Brooke, should I get started on you and Lucas?" Nathan raised his eyebrows at her. "When I walked in on-"
"Stop!" Brooke covered her ears, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "That doesn't need to be brought up again."
Nathan laughed. "That's what I thought."
A couple of hours later…
"What is this, anyway?" Haley asked, munching on popcorn, referring to the TV in front of them.
Lucas shrugged. "I have no idea."
"I think that the black girl is dating the white guy, but the white guy actually wants to be with the Asian chick, and the Asian chick is already married to that one Asian dude, but she in reality she wants to break up with him and date the white guy, but then she's like best friends with the black girl and she knows-" Brooke glanced around the room. "What! Why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"Brooke, you've been talking through this whole thing. How the heck did you follow all that?" Nathan looked at her, dumbfounded.
She looked at him and burst out laughing. "Actually, I made the whole thing up. I have no idea," she said, leaning back into Lucas, who simply shook his head, laughing.
"Why am I not surprised?"
Brooke looked back at him. "Are you saying I'm predictable, Lucas Scott?"
"And why is it you always twist my words around, Brooke Scott?"
"Because I can, Broody boy," Brooke said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips.
"You can do anything you want, cheery," he murmured as his hand found her hair and their lips connected. Brooke sighed into the kiss as she granted him entrance into her mouth, their bodies almost connected as she moved closer, and his hands found their way to the small of her waist.
"Ahem," Haley cleared her throat, not exactly happy with the scene in front of her. "There are other people in this room, you know."
Brooke giggled, but didn't move. "You guys can watch," she told them, deepening the kiss.
Haley let out a sigh of defeat and looked over at Nathan. "They'll never change, will they?"
Nathan raised his eyebrows. "Doesn't mean we can't have a little fun of our own." He winked at her, making her blush.
"Oh, shut up, Nate."
"Hales, you're beautiful when you blush, have I ever told you that?"
She smiled up at him; her cheeks still a deep shade of pink. "So I'm not beautiful when I don't blush?"
He grinned and took her into his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You know that's not what I meant."
"Yeah, I know. I'm happy we ended up here, Nate. This, right now, is perfect." She sighed contentedly into his arms as he played with her hair.
"Me too, I wouldn't have it any other way," he agreed, twisting a strand of her hair around his finger.
"Wait, we never discussed this, but that day why weren't you on the plane?"
Nathan laughed. "I can trust you to think of the most random things. But I kind of wanted some of that money back."
Haley scoffed, rolling her eyes. "No, seriously."
"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye, and without telling you how I felt…it just didn't seem right, you know?"
"Yeah, I know." She sighed. "I love you, Nathan."
"And I love you, Hales." He tightened his arms around her, placing a kiss on the side of her forehead. "So you're paying me for this whole thing right? I mean the whole moving for you…and you know, quitting my job, plus…"
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