A/N: I thought of this scene in the manga and I remembered how I almost cried at that part. My heart got all swelled up, and it was just a very painful moment for me. It almost equalled the moment when Nana and Nobu were on opposite sides of the door at the fireworks. Almost. Because Nobu plucking Happy Birthday on his guitar just made me realize how much he still loved Hachi. Arrghh, why, God, why?

PS: I know second person is awkward. But I felt it was best for this fic. So don't rag on me for that. Thanks.

Disclaimer: Ai Yazawa-sensei is basically my goddess, once again.


You promised her, so long ago, that you would only play your guitar for her. For Nana. She is your best friend. She is the only one whose voice will connect with your fingers, and you will play just for her. Only for her.

Time passes. You keep well on the promise. You hear her voice and your heart swells. It's not a good voice, but it's raw and bitter, full of passion. Your guitar hears it, and it sings its songs with ease. It will only do it for Nana. You will only play for Nana.

You don't know how many years have passed. All you know is that you sit in a crowded, garish common room of the apartment complex you're forced to live in. Being famous sucks, you think. Because you're stuck here in front of the TV, plucking away on your guitar to try and think of a song.

You only practice alone. You only play your songs alone, unless it's for Nana.

But just now, while the voice on the TV drones on in the background, you pick absently. A familiar tune, and you realize what you're playing almost halfway through the song.

You're playing Happy Birthday.

It is Hachi's birthday today. You have been thinking about it all day, and how you can't go and join in the festivities because things would be too strange. Too painful. So you grimace as you finish playing the song.

And then you play it again.

Sorry, Nana, you think, as the familiar swelling feeling in your heart grows. But you aren't the only one I play my guitar for anymore.

And so you sit, and you pick, and you feel like your heart is breaking all over again. But you continue this child's ditty; because it's all you can do for her.

Tonight, I play for Hachi.

And you do. And it is at that moment, that precise moment when you hit the last chord, that you feel yourself choking on words that won't come out, and you feel the tears welling in your eyes. Your hands are trembling on the neck of the acoustic guitar, and it's taking everything you have to hold it all in.

But you manage. You take a deep breath, and the feeling settles. Slightly. The only thought that calms you down is that you have played your guitar for Hachi. She isn't here to listen, and she doesn't even know it, but you've played for her and your heart has the same feeling it always does after playing for Nana.

So you know you did the right thing.

But it still hurts so much. Much more than a little tune on a guitar can convey.

You start the song over. Again, and again, and again. The only thought running through your mind is:

Tonight, I play for Hachi.