Well SOME people asked for more, so I guess I gave in…to 2 reviews!!! ONLY 2!! But that's fine, (: I don't mind…I just wanted more. sniff XD


(just so ya know, this is to the rhythm of "the night before Christmas")

It was the night before Christmas,

and all threw the school,

only two people were stirring.

The rest of the students had no clue,

of what was to happen the very next day,

for Dumbles was playing Santa,

In his very own way.

Severus Snape sat before the old man's desk, he had not idea why he was there, or what was about to happen.

However, Dumbledore sat there, smiling, and twinkling annoyingly. Also…

"Would you like a Lemon drop my boy?"

..there was that.

"NO, Headmaster. No thank you." Severus sighed, he wanted no lemon drop, he didn't even know why he was here, and he wanted to go to sleep. It was Christmas Eve!!! He deserved his sleep.

A cup of tea was put in his hands.

"Here you are m boy, you look like you could use some." that irritating twinkle was in full force, and Severus's intuition was coming at him full force. He shrugged, Dumbledore was old, he couldn't do too much to him.

The potions master took a large swallow, and his eyes went wide. 'I should have checked for any contamination.' was his last thought.


As Harry woke up on Christmas day, he was excited. It was the day! The day he had been waiting for, preparing for, anticipating! He squealed in joy as he jumped up in bed and woke up Ron. with "IT'S CHRISTMAS! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! OMG!" being screamed in his ear.

Ron fell off the bad as did Neville and Seamus. Dean only woke up because Seamus had hit him with his elbow when he had fallen off of their bed.

"Hey mate, why'd you hav' ta' scream in my ear so loud?" mumbled a sleepy Ron.

Harry smiled evilly, "Because I wanted to, and had the need to make your life a living hell at the moment." evil chuckles erupted from him at random intervals, scaring the bajeebers out of his room mates.

"I say we sacrifice Ron to the mad man." whispered Dean to Seamus. Both were edging to the door accompanied by Neville. Both Dean and Seamus nodded in agreement as they ran out of the dorm room.


Both Dean and Seamus were back in again. "We forgot to get dressed they both mumbled as explanations.

Harry snickered as he skipped to his bad and began to open packages. The usual from Mrs. Weasly, prank stuff from the twins, Ron gave him new quidditch gloves, Heromine as magical calendar that changed months and automatically wrote down important engagements, he got a ton of sweets from random people that he didn't dare eat in case they had love potions or curses in them. Then there was a letter. The one letter he had been anticipating with all his heart and soul.

Come to my office as soon as possible to receive your gift. I even managed to get a preist to come and finalize the ritual.

-Albus Dumbledore

Harry was in ecstasy. He was going to be married…maybe this would be a good time to wear that white dress he had "borrowed" from Heromine without her knowing?

Harry put on a tee-shirt and jeans before concealing the dress in a bag and rushing out of the Griffindor tower and yelling that Dumbledore had asked him to come to his office.

Happiness engulfed him, blinding him to a certain blond Slytherin that jut happened to get in the way of him and his lovely Severus.

Consequently, they both managed to fall on their butts and the dress fell out of the bag. Harry cursed, Malfoy would never let him live his down. Oh well, he would have been ousted eventually anyway, why not now?


Sorry, a lot has been going on. Maybe I'll be able to finish this over Easter break. XD however, that is a very slim chance. that's what happens when you're a procrastinating author. Again, I apologize, have you noticed that I do that a lot too?
