Disclaimer: Alas, Labyrinth and its characters, places, and movie events, belong to Mr. Jim Hensen. I am just a lowly nobody. With no money, no home, no food… I typed this up on a rock in the local city dump. Okay, not really… but you get the point!






Labyrinth: The Dream Never Ends

By: Eriksleadinglady






A/N: Wow, this took a long time to get out! Probably because I had this all typed and done, but then I lost it and I just haven't felt like retyping it. So please, enjoy, and if any of my readers remain, please let me know you are out there and drop me a review. I will be shocked, but most pleased. Thank you all so very, very much.




Chapter 14: It's not enough and it never is…

Goblin Queen. Such a daunting title, but the marriage wasn't about getting the title; it was about getting the man she loved.

After all that Sarah had been through, she considered herself no better than before. More refined, less naïve, yes, but other than that, she was still essentially the same person.

But as she looked at herself in the mirror, bedecked in white, lace, and feathers, she could barely recognize herself. It was as though she was glowing and her eyes took on a look of understanding, but also of sorrow. They were a darker color, it seemed, than before. And by before, she means of course before Jouegh and the Labyrinth.

Compared to anything else, the last month or so changed her.

But looking at herself once more in the mirror, she was content with the changes and ready to move on. Almost. There was still one more conversation to be had and, of course, the wedding. Soon, she would be Mrs. Jareth: the Goblin Queen, Sarah.

Flashing a dazzling smile at her reflection, she left the room and began the descent down the aisle to her awaiting groom.

Many of the Underground creatures made their way to the ceremony, mainly just to see the mortal girl that had the connection to the Labyrinth, but also out of respect and love for Jareth. But not only did Fae arrive, but also Sarah's friends - Dex, Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo - all made appearances. Jareth refused to tell her how they remembered her and their adventures together, but she knew he had something to do with it; he always did.

As she walked down the aisle, she noticed the many smiles of the Fae, and held up her own smile for all to see, although tears were prickling in her eyes.

Jareth looked handsome as always, his hair wild and his black, grey, and white suit impeccable. He looked proud and the look of love in his eyes was noticeable to everyone

She got to the altar, and their hands entwined. The following words and vows went by in a blur, and before Sarah knew it, she was married. He who was once her arch nemesis was now her faithful, adoring husband, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.


Sitting in front of the fire, she felt his arms snake around her. She couldn't help the smile that immediately adorned her face.

"How are you thing evening, my Goblin Queen?" he said huskily.

Leaning back against him, she replied, "Just thinking."

"I've never met a woman who thought so much," he mentioned playfully. "And what thoughts are you entertaining?"

Her smile faltered. "Toby."

She felt him tense behind her. "Ah, the never-mentioned-boy. Are you ready?"

She thought it over for a moment, but she already knew the answer. Before she could speak, Jareth asked ever so softly, "What happened, Sarah?"

At least, she had thought she was ready. But now she was unsure whether or not she could actually say it. She gulped back the tears. "There was… a fire…"

Smoke billowed in a puff above the elementary school. It was a disaster that no one had foreseen, that no one had ever thought possible. Especially Sarah.

She was running through the street, pushing through the crowds, trying to get to the burning school. Fire trucks lined all the red-edged curbs and the hoses were spraying out water. However, the damage could already be seen on the old brick building. It was charred and quickly destabilizing; it might collapse at any moment.

Sarah managed to push her way to the front of the gathering crowd, but was then stopped by the nearest firefighter.

"I am sorry, ma'am," he said, holding out his arms, "but no one is allowed inside. It is far too dangerous."

She still tried to push past. "Bu my brother, my brother is inside!"

The man shook his head. He pointed over to the other side of the street. "All of the children have been evacuated. I am sure he is with them."

Not listening to another word, Sarah rushed off toward the group of huddled, frightened children. Many were already with their parents, sobbing into necks, shoulders, and legs.

Rushing into the new group, Sarah searched out Toby's teacher,

"Mrs. Notts! Mrs. Notts!" Sarah yelled.

The woman's tear-stained face turned toward hers. "Ms. Williams! Sarah!"

She grabbed the teacher's shoulders. "Where's Toby? Is he safe?"

Her eyes searched over the group, but did not find her brother. Still, Mrs. Notts did not answer. " Mrs. Notts?" her voice whispered. "Where is by brother?"

Mrs. Notts seemed to be at a loss for words. She struggled to find anything to say, and then she just broke down in tears. "I-I don't k-know how it happened! I t-thought I had e-everyone with me, b-but when I checked again, h-he wasn't there! I-I'm so sorry, Sarah! I-I think he's s-still inside!"

The world seemed to stop spinning, and Sarah felt as though she would either faint or vomit; perhaps both. Mrs. Notts's mouth continued moving, but Sarah wasn't listening, how could she? 

Her little baby brother, her meaning for life, could be dead right now, burned to ash along with his school. Silently, Sarah turned away from the woman and began running back toward the school.

The fire was now put out, but still no one was allowed near it. A few firefighters were entering the premise, however, in search of anyone left behind and any surviving materials.

Sarah could only wait for the men to return and it seemed to go on forever. The search lasted a little under an hour, and for that time, Sarah was deaf to the rest of the world. None of it mattered; all that mattered was that her brother was lost somewhere, and she may never see him again.

When the firefighters returned, they were carrying two small body bags. Before anyone said a word to her and before the bodies were even identified, Sarah knew that one of them was her brother, Toby.

Sarah had tears falling freely down her face, not caring what she looked like, or that she was showing weakness in front of the Goblin King. She missed Toby. She would always miss Toby.

She wiped her face. "It wasn't until later that they notified me and my family. The two bodies were found side-by-side in the bathroom. The story was that the girl – the other body – was in the bathroom and Toby went in after her. She didn't know what was happening, and she didn't want to leave once she got frightened. Toby went in to try and save her and get her out. Even at the cost of his own life, he wouldn't leave." Then she laughed. "They tried to make it sound as if he died trying to be a hero, that we should all be proud of what Toby tried to do. But it didn't matter, of course it wouldn't. His death could never be justified and nothing, no heroism or heartfelt sympathy cards could bring him back."

Jareth's hand was on her shoulder. "Life is for the living, Sarah. He wouldn't want you grieving."

She offered him a wry smile. "I know. I know he wouldn't. He was such a good kid, and I miss him, and I always will. There was no reason for him to die." She paused. "The girl's parents even sent us a thank you card. And a sympathy card. They showed their gratitude, even though Toby was unable to save their daughter. That, I think, is what helped the most. They were going through the same thing, and yet they thought of us, even it was maybe guilt, but I don't think so."

"I don't know what console I can give you, Sarah," said Jareth solemnly, "but I am glad that you've told me. Now I can understand you that much better."

"I'm glad I told you. It feels better, somehow, opening up and sharing it with someone. I… I think I can definitely be happy now." She smiled brightly at him, and at her sudden change of countenance, he wasn't sure whether or not he could duplicate her joy. "I have the man I love by my side, and nothing can change that. I should be the happiest woman alive, and I am. I have lived a full life, and to my luck, I am just about to begin another."

At last, Jareth felt like he could smile. She was being honest with him. "I don't know how much I believe the surety of that whole statement, but I can assure you that this journey will be unlike any other. The strife's of the past" – both Toby and the most recent events were hinted at in that statement – "will not come to haunt us again. We have a bright future, and a never ending one at that."

Sarah kissed him then, fully and passionately, as though they would never be together again, even though they had a full, immortal life ahead of them. At that moment, both Sarah and Jareth, King and Queen of the Goblins, were blissfully happy and nothing could disturb them.