A/N: Yes, yes, I know, late again….I'm not even going to say sorry, I've exhausted out my supply. To make up for my delay, and for all the patient reviewers hwho waited for my next chapter (and all my other reviewers that have sharpened pitchforks at the ready) I'm writing a Momiji fic, since he came in second place in my poll! Yay! (joys) So, dedicating this chapter to mah homeslice godonlyknows, for making me the MOST AWESOME KYO ICON and inspiring Rin's character in this chapter with her awesome rping. Yay for her, and all my other dee-light-full reviewers! On with the show…er, chapter!
Yuki frowned, positioning the bucket so it wouldn't fall over. Tohru patted the sides of the "castle" and made it nice and smmoth. The next boy, Kyo, turned his bucket of sand over—and dropped it.
Yuki sighed, and Tohru hung her head, knowing what was coming next.
"GAH! YOU DUMMY BUCKET!" Ah, what a predictable child. Kyo scowled, and releasing his frustration, kicked the bucket.
Not that way! He's still alive and kicking. …Gah! Irony is screwing up my chapter! Begone!
Ahem, on with the story.
The bucket went flying, hitting an old lady on the head. Kyo winced and went to pick it up, apologizing and trying to be a good little boy. "Sorry, old lady, I didn't…" The afore- mentioned old lady whipped around, and Tophru noticed that she wasn;t that old.
Kyo and Tohru meeped and hid behind Yuki.
"We're sorry, we didn't mean it…" the sweet boy started, giving her the most adorable smile. This seemed to enrage the old—um, young woman further.
"I'M NOT AN OLD WOMAN TO BE CODDLED!" she roared, freaking the children out with her choice of words beyond the grasp of preschoolers.
Kyo fumed. How could Yuki's smile not have worked? Was she blind or something?
Tohru used her magical people-changing powers and asked, "Did you lose your cat?"
The woman stopped and gave a little sniff. "Y-yes.."
"We'll help you look for it, okay? Please don't be mad!"
The woman gave her a shaky smile. "You're so kind! Thank you very much!"
Kyo and Yuki just looked on with confusion. How did Tohry know abou this person's cat?
They followed Tohru dumbfoundedly, not sure of what to say.
Kyo, Tohru, and Yuki searched the park diligently like they had promised. They looked up at any flash of orange that could be the cat that they saw, which was kind of annoying, seeing how Kyo himself had orange hair.
Suddenly, Tohru felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and saw a shock of white and black hair framing a young boy's fcace. "Haru!" she cried, smiling.
Yuki gave the younger boy a shy smile, and Kyo turned, asking, "Did ya get lost again, Haru?"
"Nope, why would I?" asked Haru, seeming genuinely puzzled. Kyo snorted.
"Oh yeah, Rin's here, too!"
"Rin?" asked Kyo. His two companions looked confused, unsure of who this 'Rin' person was.
A black-haired girl appeared over Haru's shoulder. "Hi."
"Hello!" Tohru smiled and waved, feeling a sense of companionship with this charcoal-eyed girl.
"What cha doing, Kyo?" she asked, wavibng back at Tohru and Yuki, gi ving a little smile.
"Looking for a cat," he grumbled, knowing what her reaction was going to be.
She grinned at the irony. THE IRONY!
"We can help!" offered Haru, in all his cuteness. Yuki smiled. "Really? Thanks!"
The children approached a bumpier, rockier area of the park. It seemed more dangerous and forbidding, perfect for a cat to get lost in! They split up into little teams, like on an adventure show.
Kyo, Tohru, and Rin creeped around the tree, looking for the elusive orange cat.
"You know…" whispered Rin, "Cats have really good hearing. So we have to be quiet." Kyo and Tohru nodded, impressed by her expansive knowledge of the world. Well, Kyo already knew that, but still.
"I know!" whispered Tohru, "One person goes one way around the tree, and someone else can go the other!"
"Wait!" Rin whispered, "I don't think that's-"
Too late! Tohru had started going in a clockwise direction, and crashed right into Kyo!'
Rin flinched as a big POOF! was heard.
"We're looking for orange, okay, Haru?" whispered Yuki.
Haru pointed to a pink flower. "Orange!"
"Um, no…"
He pointed to a black bird. "ORANGE!"
Yuki sighed. This was going to take a while.
Tohru looked to where Kyo had been standing—and there was an orange cat.
"THE CAT!" she yelled happily.
Kyo, for that's who was being pointed out, fidgeted slightly.
Rin shook her head. "Um, no, Tohru, that's not the cat, it's just, um…a wild cat! Yeah!"
Tohru's mouth formed an "O". "But…we can use him, or her, as bait, right?"
Rin nodded furtively and picked up the grumbling cat, wrapping his clothes around him as a "blanket".
"LET'S FIND THE CAT!" cried the other girl. Rin sighed, staring at Kyo who was currently residing in her arms.
"You'd better attract that cat."
And attract he did! Tohru, Yuki, Haru, and Rin managed to grab the cat, and Kyo found himself a new catfriend.
But Tohru never really was sure about where Kyo had gone in the end.
A/N 2: Sorry that was a bit rushed. I wasn't sure how I was going to kick Haru andRin into this in the constricted writing time I have. But in the end, it all worked out! You guys rock! You voted for Haru with Rin Thankies! Over and out!