AN: Once again sorry for the long delay. I know. I suck. I have gone back over previous chapters and fixed little mistakes and discrepancies in the story (e.g. Troy's dad's name) Also the geographical position of Veronica's hometown Waterford is not far from Neptune, it is in San Diego County…let's just say a two hour drive.

Previously….Veronica Mars is secretly investigating her mother's murder. She confronts Jake, asking if he had an affair with her Mom. Jake is adamant that there is no way he is her father. Veronica visits her mother's alleged killer Mike Adams in jail and he implies that Jake Kane is her father. Lilly asks Veronica to help her with a fake case so she can get closer to V. At the end of the last chapter Lilly blurts out the fact that they could be sisters to Veronica…..

Chapter 6

Take Me Away


In. Out.

In. Out.

Veronica sinks down onto the edge of Lilly's bed, "How do you know?"

She looks around the room taking in the floral bed spread. The various bottles and lotions strewn around. The balcony. The stereo system. The candid photos of various 09ers she recognized from school and some she didn't. This could have been hers.

Lilly pauses and answers hesitantly, "I overhead a fight between Celeste and Dad."

"How long have you known for?" Veronica's voice is scratchy and hoarse with emotion.

Lilly pauses, "A few weeks." She picks at her fingernails nervously unsure what she should do…It had been shocking when she first overheard the fight, she had been ready to explode with anger but she had had weeks to at least process the information.

"Look, we don't know if it's true. Celeste makes up a lot of shit; it could all just be a lie."

Mike Adam's face flashes in Veronica's mind.

Sweetheart, they were never not together.

"No it's true." Veronica states forcefully.

"How do you know" Lilly says a little angrily, "Until there is a paternity test taken we don't know jack."

Veronica nods her head even though she has already begun to loose all hope that Keith Mars is her biological father.

"So I'll take a test."

Veronica gets up from the bed. Picks up her messenger bag and walks to the door. It doesn't really seem as if there is that much more to talk about. She is at a loss for words; Lilly Kane could be her sister.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you." Lilly says to Veronica as she is half way out the door. Veronica's grateful for Lilly saying that. Even if it isn't completely true it is nice to see the compassionate side of Lilly Kane every once in awhile.

Although, I guess her bitchiness could only be expected. She had been staring straight into the face of her parent's infidelity. Living, breathing evidence that she did not have the perfect life with perfect parents.

"Duncan knows." Veronica asks. It is less of a question and more of a statement.

Lilly nods her head.

The hasty disappearance of his friendly demeanor suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Nothing like the chance a girl could be your sister to scare potential love interests away.

"Do you need help?" Lilly asks tentatively, "…with the paternity test."

Veronica shakes her head.

"I'll let you know when I get the results," Veronica says as she walks out the door.

Unfortunately, even when suffering trauma and emotional stress that would cause any normal person to be put in an asylum I am still required to go to school on Monday morning.

Veronica doesn't tell Wallace about the paternity issue. They are friends, best friends. But it's too personal, she hasn't even told Keith She came to the decision that she wouldn't tell Keith on the drive home from the Kane's. Keith Mars was still her father, that wouldn't change no matter what a piece of paper told her. She doesn't even know how to begin to tell Wallace anyway.

Hey, Wallace how's it going? Yeah, well I found out that my father may not be my father. It seems my mother had a long time thing going with Jake Kane. Yes, THE Jake Kane, father of the girl that has been sending me death glares since I arrived in Neptune. So…did you get that History homework done?

It only takes him till second period to work out that the jig is up though. He doesn't press the issue, but by lunch time he already has a "Cheer Veronica Up" plan in action.

"The way I see it is, you have all this….stuff going on in your life right now and what you really need is a break."

"Break?", Veronica says as if speaking a foreign word.

"Yeah, a mini vacation. Get away from Neptune."

"You do realize that we have this thing called school, Spring break isn't for months."

"That is why I suggest a school based vacation."

Veronica groans.

"Don't be hating me just yet. Wait till you hear this, Mr. Phillips is taking all junior Physics students to the Science Museum. Four school free days of California sun, girls and …."

"Quantum physics?" Veronica suggests helpfully.

"Wait, the Museum in Annandale?"

"Yeah" He gives her the 'so-what?-your-point-is' stare.

"I'll tell you what Wallace, I'm in. Sign me up and call me Pollyanna"

"I expect all articles in by Monday. Have a good weekend!" Mrs. Dent says perkily ignoring the groans of the students.

Veronica makes no move to leave the classroom unlike her fellow classmates who were out of their seats before the first bell had even sounded. She is finishing her final draft of her article for the Neptune Navigator. It seems she was going to have a rather busy weekend and there was nothing like pesky homework getting in the way of some good old fashioned detective work.

Logan is waiting at the door for Duncan who is sluggishly packing up his notebooks. Finally irritated by the snail pace of Duncan he asks, "Are you coming DK?"

Duncan glances over to the corner of the room that Veronica is sitting in, they're now the only ones left in the classroom.

"You go ahead; I've got some stuff to do."

Logan gets the hint, "Right. I'll see you later."

Veronica continues working on her article pretending not to notice that Duncan is looming over her and obviously wants to talk.

Looks like I am not invisible anymore.

"Hey." He says in effort to gain her attention.

Veronica looks up from her computer screen and says a polite, "Hi" back.

He opens his mouth to say something, then stops. He glances quickly around the room making sure no one is still around, then walks over to the door and closes it. He comes back to Veronica's side and tries unsuccessful again to spit out whatever he wants to say, "Ver-, I-"

Veronica takes pity on him, "I know".

Duncan nods his head," Yeah, Lilly told me about that. You seem to be taking it okay."

Veronica scoffs.

"I'm sorry about the last couple of weeks…I didn't know how to act around you…it just seemed easier to ignore it then face the truth."

"Cause your problems usually go away when you ignore them?"

"I know it was stupid…"

"I'm not angry with you Duncan. I am angry at our parents though."

"Good, cause I was hoping that maybe we could be friends. I mean just forget the last couple of weeks and start over. Know matter what happens or what the results are…you're a great person and I would be an idiot not to want to be your friend."

Veronica smiles at his sincere words and thinks that if anyone had to be her potential brother she is glad that it could be him.

That is before he adds, "I mean it's not like I can escape you either. Between Logan and Troy you're all I ever hear about."

Veronica shoots Duncan a glare as he chuckles.

"So friends?" He puts out his hand for her to shake.

Veronica doesn't hesitate; she places her hand in his.

Logan POV

Ok, so he hadn't exactly planned on going on the field trip. Dick had mentioned something about having a bonfire at the beach, promising plenty of booze, babes and killer waves. It sounded a hell of a lot more appealing than wandering some coastal town in the middle of nowhere with a stuffy old tweed wearing guy who gets all hot and bothered over super-symmetrical particles. It wasn't till he found out that a certain blonde was going that he viewed the field trip in an entirely different light.

Hell, he's a sadist; a person would have to be to practical jump through hoops to be close to a girl that didn't even want to give him the time of day. Fuck, he thought, it's like Lilly all over again. He quickly dismisses the thought though, he can't compare the two. Lilly is a cold, manipulative bitch who takes enjoyment in tearing his hearts into tiny little shreds. And Veronica is…well, she is Veronica. She is intriguing and he is beginning to think she has even more secrets than him. The funny thing is he wants nothing more than to know her secrets, know all about her. He knows the general stuff, the stuff that was reported in the news……

It doesn't matter really, all that matters is that he is going on some lame ass field trip to be closer to her and she wants nothing more than to get as far away from him as possible.

"Alright guys gather around, we're going to take attendance before we go on the bus," Mr. Phillips says standing in front of the large coach bus. Veronica places her bulky duffel bag on the ground at her feet.

God does this guy wear anything BUT tweed.

"…..Daniels, Drew, Echolls,"

Wait, Logan is going on a non compulsory school field trip. Something is definitely wrong with this scenario. Maybe the guy is taking an interest in his education…, Veronica snorts which causes Wallace to raise his eyebrows at her.

"….Simpson, Tran, Vandergraff,"

Hell no.

"All right everyone board up"

Veronica picks up her duffel bag and quickly makes her way onto the bus before she regains sanity and realizes how bad of an idea this is.

"Hey, V. I didn't realize you were coming; it'll be just like old times eh? We can take a drive down the interstate and visit some of our old haunts." Troy says as Veronica walks past his seat on the bus.

Veronica forces a grin, "Yeah. Super fun times."

End Chapter 6


As always please review! I would love to hear any theories people have about the mystery.