Pairing: RaditzxZarbon
Rating: PG
Warning: Very short ficlet, shounen-ai, sort-of-whipping-but-sort-of-isn't, (Raditz taking some advantage of a sleeping Zarbon at least :P )
Word count: 190



At first, Zarbon wasn't quite sure what had woken him. Then, barely a second later, he had an answer as something hit him quickly and sharply on the backside. Whatever it was managed to hit him a second time, making it a grand score of three if you counted the one that had woken him up. At least those were the ones that he was aware of.

Quickly turning to lie on his back, Zarbon took a very brief moment to hope to whatever higher presence might be watching that the heat that he could feel on his face wasn't him blushing. A glance to the direction where whatever had hit him had come from, revealed Raditz asleep with his back to the general. From the twitching on his tail, which Zarbon could now feel against his thigh, it was suddenly very obvious what his attacker had been.

"His damn tail moves in his sleep now?"

The heavy, steady breathing from Raditz suddenly sounded different. Sort of broken. Almost as if he was...

... laughing?

Zarbon took a closer look at the apparently sleeping Saiyan.

"You bastard! You're still awake!"