Hey!! Here's chapter 8 for you!! )

Title: Kidnapped Author: ChristineCaine Rated: T, it's going to get pretty gory, and there'll be a lot of torture.

Disclaimers: I don't own anything from CSI: Miami.. CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer are the lucky ones…

Pairing: Horatio and Calleigh, of course!

Summary: Calleigh gets kidnapped by a deranged psycho who is out to get her and Horatio. Possible character death. HC pairing… eventually.

A/N: I got this idea late one night… It just kind of came to me.. Let me know what you think. This is my first fanfic, so please be gentle.. Reading is very much appreciated, reviewing is even better!

SORRY: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this to all ya'll. Things have gotten a little crazy now that I'm in school and am working all the time.

Chapter 8:

Hostage When Horatio came to, he was sitting in a metal chair that was screwed into the hard, cold floor. His hands were chained to the chair, as well as his ankles, to each of the front legs of the piece of furniture. He looked around the room. It was completely empty, save for the chair he was sitting in, and the small, dim bulb that hung directly above him. There was a small rectangular window on the wall to his left. He saw the man from the picture watching him from the opposite side of the thick glass. He disappeared only a moment before Horatio heard a loud clanging coming from behind him. He was about to strain his neck to see who was entering the room, when someone roughly grabbed his hair, jerking his head back. Horatio was horrified as he saw the same tall blonde from the bar walked slowly around to face him, still holding his head with her hand. He realized with incredible shock that it was the woman he attacked in the bar.

"Finally! I'm so glad I get to finally meet you, Horatio," she said a little to cheerful for Horatio's preference. The woman sat down, straddling his lap. Horatio tried to free his head from her tight clutch on his bright red locks. She violently shook his head, until she finally brought his face back to looking at her. "Now, now, Lieutenant Caine, that's not nice. Here I am, trying to hold a pleasant conversation with you, and you have to be rude and do things like that. I mean, sure, I have you and Calleigh as successful hostages, but that doesn't mean you should be mean about it." Then, she said matter-of-factly, "Just accept it"

Again, Horatio tried to loosen himself from her grasp. This time, he got his head away from her hand and attempted to butt her head with his own. The woman quickly stood up and walked around him, putting a cold blade against his neck. She was fast, and did it in one swift movement.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on Calleigh," she sneered into his ear from behind him.
"That was the second time you tried to pull something, although, I'm still not sure what that was exactly. What was your plan after you freed your head? Were you going to break the chains around your wrists and ankles? You are a strong man, Horatio," then, she started to speak in a daydreaming voice," and kind and warm and generous." Then, she snapped back into reality, "but even the bouncers can't take care of
those chains"

"Where is she? Where's Calleigh?" he asked loudly. "What do you mean, 'shame on Calleigh?' What have you done to her"

"Oh, shut up. We can't have you yelling too loudly, Calleigh may hear you, and surely we can't have that. If she hears you, we'll kill both of you," she said. Then, she nodded in the direction of the small window. Horatio glanced over in time to see the mysterious man nod, before he disappeared.

"Who are you people?" Horatio asked, turning to the woman who now stood next to him. She walked to the front of the chair and put her right foot between his legs. Then, she leaned on her knee and got close to his face.

"That name's Kendel Williams and I'm going to be the one who gets to torment Calleigh if you misbehave, which you've already done once…. That's what I meant by 'shame on Calleigh.' If you try to pull something, she pays for it. And, so far, she hasn't seen anything compared to what I'm ready to whip out for her," she whispered, dangerously in his ear.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance," Horatio said in a low voice. He couldn't believe what was happening. "What are you planning on doing to Calleigh and me"

"I think that's enough questions for now, besides, I have someone to introduce myself to," she said, playing with her words, letting them roll off of her tongue. Then, she slapped a piece of gray duct tape on his mouth. Her next move confused Horatio, and made him question her complete sanity. She grabbed his face and kissed him through the tape.

"We'll chat later, dear," Kendel said as she slammed the heavy door behind her. Moments later, she appeared at the window. She opened it, saying, "Let me fix this, so you ca n hear better"

'Hear what? What is wrong with this woman? Where is Calleigh?' Horatio's brain racked with the questions.