I hope everyone enjoys this story; I've been holding it off for a few months, but I think now's the time. Please Enjoy! KingOAnime

Titans Academy- chapter one- New School, Old Friends

The blonde teenager ran through the busy streets of Jump City looking for his new school, but he was completely lost. After asking around a nice gentleman pointed him in the right direction and after a few minutes of power walking he could see it.

Across the ocean on an island sat Titans Academy; his new school; Ron Stoppable's new school. The famous Titans Tower used to be there, but they demolished it for the new school. Here young people came for training and refuge to become superheroes and help them with their powers.

"I just hope I'm not…" his voice trailed off when he saw the ferry; he made a mad dash for the boat knowing he was late. The ferryman let him on looking at his watch. "Sorry" he said huffing.

"Late on your first day to school me boy? Not a good start." the man showed him his seat; he looked around to see several other teenagers about his age talking about their excitement as the boat chugged along the ocean.

Ron was more confused than happy almost five-hundred people apply each year, but only about fifty actually make the cut. He still hadn't controlled his powers yet so the fact that he even made it was mind blowing.

Still he was happy; this was surely going to be better than his old life. The trip was quiet for him and when the ferry hit the shore everyone grabbed their bags and hopped off.

The Titans Academy was larger in person and several man-made islands linked with this one to create a chain of different buildings. The captain of the ferry led them inside; just the entrance hall was amazing enough.

Large marble columns as far as the eye could see and many paintings and sculptures gave the hall almost a classical feel to it.

They continued walking until two large doors stood in their path. The ferry man turned and faced them, "This is as far as I go; you go through these doors and follow the directions to the letter. Good luck everyone."

As he walked away from them the two double doors began to creak open and a large group of people were lined up to greet them. They were obviously students because of the uniforms; they all applauded and cheered shaking everyone's hands.

After the welcome they were instructed to line up a series of stairs. After being herded into groups of five they began to hear the clopping sound of feet.

Six individuals came out of the crowd; Ron recognized them instantly. The people who started the Academy and famous super heroes the Titans: Robin, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Starfire, and Terra.

Ron stood perfectly still, too nervous to do anything else. Robin stepped forward and cleared his throat, "I would first like to welcome you all to Titans Academy. You are all here for many reasons some seek training, others refuge. Some wish to be better people; others want to use their powers to help mankind. We are all here to teach you and we hope you can enjoy your time here as well."

Cyborg then took the plate, "Before we reveal your home room teacher and assign you dorm rooms there are some ground rules that we need to lay down. First: you may travel anywhere on campus, but do not leave the island for any reason other than an emergency. Two: curfew is ten; no later. And third: you may not use your powers during school hours; are we clear?"

Everyone acknowledged him and next Starfire took over, "Now comes my favorite part everyone is to say their name and what their powers are."

They started alphabetically so Ron listened to what powers other kids had. Some where really impressive ice powers, controlling air, shrinking themselves, all of them sounded cool; he just hoped his would be impressive too.

When it was Ron's turn he stepped up, "Hi, my name is Ron Stoppable, I come from Middleton, Colorado and I can generate and control electricity."

"My, my that is a very interesting power; I don't believe we've ever had a student with that kind of power before, welcome Ron" Starfire was known for her cheery nature and it showed.

After introductions they were given a schedule of classes and they were introduced to their home room teachers. Ron was excited when got Terra; he was always her favorite Titan. After that they were assigned a dorm room and a guide was picked for each student. The guide's job was to show the new student around and give him the lowdown on everything.

Ron waited for his name and when the guide's name was chosen his heart skipped a beat. He hadn't heard that name in almost seven years.

"Kim Possible" called out Terra.

"Right here," she said.

"I want you to led him to his room and show him the ropes."

"Will do."

When Kim saw Ron's face she nearly screamed. She ran at him throwing her arms around him tightly.

"Oh my God Ron I can't believe it's you!"

"Me either when she called your name I nearly fainted."

"I heard your name and where you were from, but I couldn't see your face so I waited to see if it was really you; it been seven years."

"I know KP"

She gave him an almost scary look, "You haven't called me that in years oh I'm so happy you're here Ron, but let's talk while I show you to your room."

Together they walked through the maze of corridors and stairways, but Kim knew where she was going; Ron was having trouble keeping up.

When they got to his assigned room he was given a code that he had to memorize; then he punched it out on the keypad next to the door. It slide open and Ron put his things inside. He was greeted by a boy about his age in a wheelchair inside.

"Ron meet your room mate," Kim announced.

"Hi, I'm Felix Renton; I'm a second year." he shook hands with Ron who put his stuff on the bed above Felix's.

"Ready to look around Ron?" Kim asked.

"You bet," he smiled.

"You be careful Kim; don't overwhelm him," Felix chuckled.

Kim and Ron walked around as she showed him the library, gyms, common room, and the arena. He was amazed by the size of the campus, but as Kim continued to talk about the buildings he just kept staring at her.

She had grown so much for seven years; her body was much curvier and her hair was free flowing, not in some ponytail or something like that.

Kim noticed him and called out, "Ron?"

"Huh?" he had been spacing out, but Kim just giggled a little.

"You haven't changed a bit Ron, but I think we need to catch up." She led them to the park and found a nice secluded bench to sit on. They sat there for several moments in awkward silence; not really knowing exactly what to say first.

Ron then spoke first, "How about we take turns asking; you ask me a question and then I'll ask you one." Kim nodded in approval, "Okay I'll go first."

Ron thought hard before answering, "I know you left me a note about you moving away, but why did you?"

Kim answered, "My dad got a new job at Houston; working on an experimental rocket. We suddenly had to move in one night; I was so mad I threatened to stay, but in the end I ended up going so I left you a note. I'm really sorry, but I didn't even know the address or the phone number so you could contact me."

"Then why didn't you call me?"

Kim ignored that he already asked a question and replied, "When we finally moved in I began to experience strange headaches. My mind felt like it was going to explode; then I began to hear people's thoughts; my brother's, my parent's, everyone. Then things began to move in the house by themselves. At first we thought it was our imagination, but I soon realized that it was me doing it with my mind. I was so terrified of these strange powers and when I felt like calling you I would stop because I stupidly feared that you would hate me."

"I would never hate you KP; you're my best friend we've known each other since pre-school." he grasped her hand tightly which gave her comfort.

"What about you; you must have had a great time without me?"

Ron's face turned into a grimace as he thought of the two people he liked the least. "Actually KP it isn't the way you think at all. When you left sure I survived, but when I turned fifteen I began to feel tingling sensations and anything or one I touched would get shocked. Then accidentally blew up the T.V. just by touching it; my parents were afraid. I thought they wanted to help me, but they were scared of me and my powers so they tried any means necessary to get rid of me. They would hardly talk to me or even look at me; then when I heard them talking to some people one time they said I was their nephew. Then I found myself here."

Kim immediately gave Ron a warm hug that caused all the hatred and anger in him to melt away, "I'm so sorry that you ever had to go through that. Robin says that to some this academy is a refuge, but had no idea that it was true."

She began to sob which made Ron cry as well. He lifted her head up and wiped away her tears, "Come on Kim; you always look prettier smiling." She managed to give him a small smile which made him feel better.

After the burst of emotion they continued twenty questions.

"So Kim you mentioned hearing people's thoughts; does that mean you're psychic?"

"I'm a little, but my main power is telekinesis." Ron gave her a blank stare, "It means I can move things with my mind," she continued remembering Ron's range of big words.

"That's a cool power KP; you must be able to lift this entire academy by now."

"No way I'm only a second year and besides my powers probably couldn't go as far as lifting a tank; let alone an entire building."

Ron then heard chimes ringing, "What's that?"

"That's the clock's alarm telling us that it's eleven. Hey! How about we have lunch together; I have some really cool friends I'd like you to meet."

"Sure KP I'd love to meet your friends."

"Great, you remember where the cafeteria is right?" Ron nodded, "Good then you go get ready and I'll meet you there in an hour." Before leaving she leaned down and gave Ron a quick kiss on the cheek. "It's really great to see you again Ron," she then ran off leaving Ron in a daze.

Ron was inside his room; Felix was gone so he took his time unpacking and getting ready. He saw that they already had his uniform ready and several pairs also. He found out from Kim that each year student had a different color uniform; first years had blue, second had red, third had green, and fourth year had black.

He wondered if he should wear it now, but decided to stick with a collared shirt and a pair of jeans. When he was fully prepped he still had about twenty minutes to kill so he lay on his bed and reminisced about Kim.

His hand went back to the spot wear Kim's lips had been and blushed. He hadn't told her, but ever since the seventh grade he has had a crush on her; and ever since she moved away his feelings seemed to deepen.

He didn't know if she felt the same way, but that kiss sure wasn't for any old friend. Smiling her remembered how he first met her. It was his first day at pre-school and being only four years old he was nervous. Then when playing outside he saw several bigger kids picking on a little girl with red pigtails. They were pulling at them and making snorting sounds.

Usually he would be too scared to do anything, but on that day he gathered up the courage to face them and tell them off; he received a bloody nose for it, but after that he and Kim were inseparable.

After taking a stroll down memory lane he left his room and headed for the cafeteria.

It took him a little longer than he expected, but soon found the large dining hall that was lightly filed with students. Across the room he could see Kim at one of the tables with several kids in red and green uniforms; he felt a little under dressed, but shook it off when Kim stood up to hug him.

"Everyone this is my best friend Ron," everyone said hello and shook hands with him; she continued, "Ron, this is Monique; she controls paper."

Ron smiled and she waved at him giving him a big grin, "This is Tara, she has magical powers." Ron nodded in her direction and she nodded back. "This is Wade, he has power over technology. Felix you already know, his wheelchair gives him an assortment of abilities, but he also can make sound waves."

Ron saw one more person at the table as he was about to shake hands his body froze when he heard Kim, "And this is Josh Mankey, a fire wielder and my year-long boyfriend." His heart sank to his stomach.

A whole year! She had been with this guy for a whole year? He was flabbergasted, as everyone else began to eat Ron just looked at Josh; he seemed nice enough, but for some reason he was given Ron this weird look; almost like he didn't want him here. Cont…

That's the first chapter I hope you liked it; please review! I'll update as soon as possible. KingOAnime