Hey there, everyone. I am so thrilled with the encouraging reviews that I have received for this story, and I am so excited to get started on the sequel! But first, I have a few little side notes to make.

Firstly, I have to explain the lack of updates for my other stories.

Athazagoraphobia, Seduction's sequel, is only co-written by me. Inky and I have to both be able to write, and have time to work on the story together. Chapters take quite a bit longer to develop, and we're sorry for that, but that's life.

Truly Madly Deeply hasn't been updated in a long time, and I'm terribly sorry for that. I have the next chapter typed up, and it's in the editing process, and it'll be up soon.

You Can't Fight Fate is also being edited. I went on a huge writing spree the other day, so I have the next three chapters done, and the second one is being edited. So, that's another one that will be up soon.

Kay, so that's that.


Right, so Divide and Conquer will be written on my own accord, because I said so. If it gets so terrible that I need an editor, well… I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. As my way to grow as an author, I like having one story that I write completely on my own. Star-Crossed was that story, and it's sequel will be the same.

DaC will bring in the importance of the Volturi, as well as another new character. The Denali coven will be involved quite a bit too, (mostly Tanya, teehee) and of course, everyone's favorite arrogant asshole sweetheart, Laurent.

I've decided to give you guys a little information, because I said so.

Edward and Bella:
There might be a little trouble in paradise for everyone's favorite couple. As newlyweds, they are going to have a few marital problems, and things might get a little nerve-wracking. Sometimes, love isn't enough for forever, sometimes it is. For Edward and Bella, you'll just have to wait and see.

The Volturi:
They want Bella, badly. They say they want her to join, but they might have an ulterior motive underneath their cloaks.

He's going to have some trouble accepting the fact that he is in love again. Coming to terms with the fact that he can love someone other then Rebecca is going to be difficult for the guy. He has to understand that it is completely normal to move on with someone else, and that Rebecca would want him to be happy. But will he?

That's not all, but that's all I can share. :D

Until I post again,