Unloyal Love

By: Icy Miko

A/N: Well guys… this is my first fanfic. I hope all of you will review and give me some feedback on my writing style and how you guys think I could improve.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters dipicted in this fanfic. They rightfully belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Summary: Unloyality in a dog is very uncommon in the world but in the cities of Japan, dogs are anything but loyal.

Third Times Not A Charm
The sun was setting in the west as two lovers held on to each other tightly on top of a building in the middle of summer. Their laughter being heard for miles. The door to the terrace opened revealing a beautiful young woman wearing a plain white spaghetti strapped, knee length dress. The couple unaware of the woman.

She fell to her knees at the scene being played in front of her. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she saw the love of her life in the arms of another woman. Holding her as if she meant the world to him… and maybe she did. Then he spun her around still in his arms and she saw… she saw who it was. Her mind screamed at her to move and stop her boyfriend but she stayed on her knees, unable to make her body move and stop what was happening before her.

"Kagome, I love you", Inuyasha whispered huskily into her ear.

Kagome looked up into the golden depths of the man she loved and was about to reply and tell him how much she loved him as well but didn't, couldn't because right before her was her sister, on her knees and in tears.

"Nee-Chan… wha… What are you doing here?" Kagome said as she quickly got out of Inuyasha's arms while still starring at Kikyo and stood beside him, making sure there was enough space between the two.

"How could you?" she choked out around the lump that had started to form in her throat, making every breath she took hurt. Casting her gaze down to her clenched fist unable to look at Inuyasha.

"Kiki, I'm sorry… I... I didn't want to hurt you", Inuyasha whispered as he gazed down at his first love. He could see and smell her tears, making his heart clench in guilt.

Kikyo turned her gaze from her clenched fist to Inuyasha. Rage burning in her eyes though the angst still surrounding her aura and her eyes. "Hu...Hurt me? What do you think this is doing to me? You bastard! If you wanted Kagome so much then why the hell didn't you break up with me first?", She all but screamed with a cross between a teary and rage filled voice. She looked at her younger sister to see the look of shock cross her face.

'She doesn't know….'

Kagome looked at Inuyasha in complete shock. Her sky blue eyes brimming with tears just as Kikyo's grey eyes, her tiny frame began to tremble as she felt the familiar clench of her heart, the feeling she believed she left behind in her past, doing anything possible not to feel the pain again but she felt it now… the pain of betrayal.

Kikyo began to raise, her body trembling, assuring that she didn't fall, she leaned on the wall beside her. She didn't want to look at Inuyasha, so she looked at her feet, arms and legs and noticed how much she was trembling. She didn't know if it was because of the heart break she was feeling or because of the rage she felt boiling inside her.

Inuyasha inclined his head, hiding his eyes and facial features from both women. His eyes were filled with a pain that no one knew about or could see. His hands clenching into fist as his mind was put into turmoil.

'What am I suppose to do?'

"Inuyasha… is it true?" Kagome's broken voice asked. Her teary eyes starring at Inuyasha to answer her question.

Her answer was silence.

"Kagome, do you not believe me?" Kikyo asked with utter disbelief marrying her complexion. Ever since her and Kagome had been little kids, neither has every questioned or needed someone else to give them their word. They trusted each other more than anyone else, they promised to never lie to each other. A promise that was never broken and here Kagome was asking Inuyasha to agree upon what she said.

Kagome's eyes softened as her gaze shifted from Inuyasha to her sister. "Of course not Nee-Chan, I believe you but I want to hear it from Inuyasha himself", casting her eyes away from her sister and glaring at Inuyasha's dipped head.

"Answer me Inuyasha", demanded Kagome in a firmer voice.

Inuyasha opened his eyes to see the ground beneath his feet, turning his head towards Kagome who had moved away from him. Lifting his eyes to stare straight at her.

'I don't know Kagome… I'm not sure about anything now… I feel so confused…'

Kagome gasped as she saw his eyes, they were filled with pain, sorrow, regret, and guilt. What made her gasp, was what begun to flow out of his eyes, down his cheek only to hit the floor, creating a tiny puddle.

"Inuyasha….." Kagome whispered.

She had never seen Inuyasha cry, not even the day that his only father figure had passed on. He always said that men don't cry no matter what. From what she was told, the last time that he had ever shed a single tear was when his mother and father had passed on. He never told her how it happened only when. Impulsively she took a step towards him and reached her arm out to stroke his cheek but before her fingers could touch his cheek, she retracted her arm to herself, crossing her arms across her waist to hug herself. Averting her gaze to her sister, who leaned against the wall also trying to comfort herself, and then back to Inuyasha.

"Tell me", She asked again staring into his eyes. All she really wanted to do was to hold him and try to make that look in his eyes go away. A shiver ran up her spine as she continued to stare into his amber orbs.

"Ka… Kagome… first promise not to leave until I'm done", His voice quivered and his eyes pleaded with her to accept.

"Fine", She sighed, already knowing the answer to her question.

His gaze transferred to Kikyo, making his belly churn with guilt. The look in Kikyo's usually beautiful grey eyes was a look that he would never forget and he caused it. They looked empty, as if her soul had been sucked out of her.

"Kiki… you promise to?" he ask with a quivery voice.

She was about to shake her head 'no' but then Kagome caught her eye and she saw the pleading in her eyes. She nodded her head as she begun to slide to the ground against the wall. It was bound to take long so why not sit, pulling her knees to her chest, and putting her arms around them as she lay her head on her knees, facing Inuyasha and Kagome. Signaling to them that they had her full attention.

After seeing that her sister had settled in, she decided to do the same. Dropping to the ground and sitting in the same position as Kikyo.

"Kagome… it's true… I didn't break up with Kikyo but I couldn't. I lo… love her", he whispered, barely audible.

Kikyo gasped as she heard Inuyasha reveal something that he had never told her before. They had been together since they were fifteen and this was their fifth year together and never in all those years had he said I love you, to her.

Kagome took in a deep breath. Trying to calm down her racing heart by closing her eyes and bring her hand to her heart as she clenched it to lessen the pain she felt as her eyes begun to water again but it didn't help. The pain that she felt would always be there now. What she felt was worse than the last two times. She truly thought he loved her but she thought wrong. Just a few minutes ago he had told her the same thing but never had she imaged that Inuyasha would play with her feelings. Inuyasha was… no is just like them. He used her, a ragged doll fun to only play with for awhile before being thrown away for someone else.

Inuyasha kept his head down the whole time, with his furry ears flat on top his head but he could hear it. The heart break that Kagome felt, he heard her intake of air, the beating of her heart that he crushed, he thought he heard it breaking as well but when he slowly began to lift his head it was a….

'A glass bottle….. Where did that come from?'

But before he could ponder about it, another bottle came crashing down and then another but this time it hit Kagome on her left arm, causing her to cry out in pain.

"KAGOME", He ran to her as fast as he could with his hanyou speed, catching her before she could collapse to the ground and pulling her to his chest, blocking her from the onslaught of the bottles while cradling her form. He could tell she was crying still but wasn't sure if it was because of him or the pain from her wound. He held her tight, tucking her frame into his. Looking down at her, he could see her askew face, filled with pain with tears still flowing down her cheeks as she held her arm with her hand, applying pressure to lessen the blood flow.

"Kagome, are you alright? Let me see", he demanded with worry etched into his features. He pulled her arm to him however before he could check her arm another bottle came roaring down on his back. Lifting his head he became aware of his surroundings and of how vulnerable their position was in the middle of the terrace, giving who ever was throwing the bottles a perfect target.

'I'll have to check her wound later, first things first, getting Kagome to safety'

"We have to get inside", with that said he picked her up and began dashing towards the exit where Kikyo sat. As the bottles continued there decent upon them he began to dodge the ones he was able to and the ones he could not, he took the bulk of it, preventing any injury to Kagome. Coming to a stop at the exit, he set Kagome down beside Kikyo, against the wall and closed the door, insuring the prevention of any more bottles from hitting them. Turning around to face the sisters, Kagome leaned against the wall, still clenching her arm and Kikyo still sat there in some type of daze. He kneeled down and shook Kikyo's shoulders slightly, breaking the trance that she was in.

Kikyo averted her gaze from her knees to look into Inuyasha's concern filled eyes.

"Inuyasha…." she whispered.

"Kikyo, I need you to check Kagome's wound. I'll be right back." with that said, he opened the door and closed it shut behind him.

After Inuyasha closed the door, she turned around to check her sisters wound, only to see a blood stained wall where Kagome had sat.


As soon as Inuyasha closed the door, she got up quickly and began to make her way down the stairs to the elevator. She ran down the stairs as fast as he could and made it to the elevators. Pushing the button for down, she looked behind her to see if anyone followed her. She knew Inuyasha would be coming, when he found out she left. Looking back at the elevator, she noticed it was still 10 floors away.

'Come on hurry up….'

Pushing the button a few times, hoping it would come up much quicker. She leaned against the wall beside the elevator, she hissed, realizing that she was leaning on her wounded arm. Grabbing her arm, she began to peel her blood soaked sleeve away from her wound and held her sleeve to examine the damage. Her arm was slashed from her bicep to just above her elbow. As she was checking her wound, something shiney caught her eye. A shard of glass could be seen near the top of the wound, buried in her arm. Letting go of the sleeve to pluck the glass out, she brought it to eye level she noticed how the glass was pink.

All of a sudden she heard a ting, making her jump and drop the shard on the floor in surprise. She flung herself around with a look of surprise. Only to witness the elevator door open. Quickly grabbing the shard, she got into the elevator and pushed the close door button then the ground level button. She leaned against the wall as the elevator began to move.

'Inuyasha… why didn't you just tell me? he used me… he used me…', she thought as tears began to course down her rosy cheeks. Closing her eyes she sank to the ground, feeling her body tremble, and the feeling of weakness over come her.


"Inuyasha, you up here?" she yelled, making her way to the railing of the terrace. 'Sigh, guess he's late again. Ohh, I'll never understand this guy, first he says come to the terrace of his apartment and not to be late, then he's the one that's late.'

Looking up into the sky, she could she the sun was beginning to set, lighting the sky with beautiful shades of pink, purple and orange. 'Wish, Inuyasha was here to watch the sunset with me'

The rustling of clothing was heard as arms encircled her, wrapping around her frame and hugging her frame, making her tense up until she realized who it was. Leaning back against his chest and wrapping her arms around him, she felt a smile engrave it self upon her lips.

"Hey…" he whispered into her ear then blowing a breath into it.

"Hey…stop it, that tickles", Kagome said with a giggle.

Letting go of Kagome, and turning her around so that she was facing him. He leaned down; bring his face a few centimeters from her smiling face. He looked into her eyes and could tell something good happened from the glint he saw in them. Smiling back, he asked, "Anything you wanna tell me?"

"ummm… well yeah but you said you needed to tell me something on the phone so you first"

Moving away from the railing, he took her into the middle of the terrace. Still holding on to her arm, he brought his face closer to hers like before.

"I've been promoted at Celestial Music, there sending me to the main corporation to work with lyrics for the artist!" He all but yelled.

"Oh my gosh, wow Inuyasha, I'm so proud of you", she said as she lunged into his arms and hugging him tight. Before she knew it he was twirling her around in his arms as she giggled like she was a high school student.

End of Flashback

Inuyasha closed the door behind him, making sure that Kagome and Kikyo were safe. He looked around and saw many beer bottles littering the floor. He began to walk towards where he was standing before but something caught his eye. It was blood. Kagome's blood.

'Whoever did this has hell coming to them', Inuyasha thought with fury. He clenched his fist and glanced down as Kagome's tear-streaked face appeared before his closed eyes.

Glancing around to the next building, he saw a few men scurrying to the exit.

"You bastards, where do you think you're going? You can't hide from me. I'll find you all, and you'll pay for what you did to Kagome!" he yelled with all his might, hoping they heard him.

'I've got to run after them, but I can't just leave like that. Kagome's still injured. I need to get her to a hospital first then I'll track those bastards down', with that decided Inuyasha turned around and made his way to the exit. But before he left he went back to the railing that was the closest the other building and tried to get scent of a few of the men.

'They're not human, there youkai. What the hell would they want from us?' Inuyasha questioned himself with a confused expression.

He caught the scent of a water demon and memorized the scent and aura of the creature. After he was sure that he had the scent craved into his memory, he began to make his way to the exit. He opened the door to only find Kikyo, leaning against the wall with her head in-between her knees, still shaking with sobs.


He could feel his heart squeeze as he said her name. She raised her head and he could see her tear stained face. Her eyes were all red and swollen from all the crying that she had done. Kneeling beside her, Inuyasha took her into his arms and hugged her tightly. Kikyo gladly embraced him and continued weeping.

"I'm so sorry Inuyasha. I couldn't keep her from leaving"

For a minute Inuyasha didn't know who Kikyo was talking about until he glanced at the spot on the wall beside Kikyo, where a blob of crimison painted the wall, where Kagome should have been.

His eyes widened as he realized who was missing and he tightened his grip on Kikyo.

"Inuyasha…Kagome's not gone, she must be at home. You can still talk to her… Inuyasha", Kikyo looked up at Inuyasha's face to see that his eyes were covered by his bangs. She tried to get out of his embrace but as she tried he tightened his grip on her more. Kikyo hissed at the feeling of her skin being pierced by Inuyasha's claws. The tears that had stopped returned again.

Inuyasha snapped out of his stupor when he heard Kikyo's hiss. Even before he looked down, he smelt it first. The scent of blood and tears. He loosened his grip on Kikyo and began to check where he had hurt her.

'The tears that they both shed today, they shed because of me. I promised to protect both of you but here I am, the one to create these claw marks on Kikyo and the one to break Kagome's heart. She'll never forgive me no matter how many times I apologize and give her an explanation.'
