
I own nothing.

Sorry this final chapter had taken so long. I want to thank all you who stuck with me and to the over 35, 000 hits that is truly a compliment especially for a story that started as a one shot. Thank you! Please feel free to review. (I would love to get 200 reviews for this story but can we do 12 more?)

The wind blew hard around House as he pulled his jacket tighter around his throat. A week…it has only been a week. It was a week of torture, of learning, of change both good and bad I suppose. He leaned in a bit farther on his cane watching the world go by as he sat still on the park bench. Watching the world go by and waiting ….waiting for what? He sighed deep and heavy. What difference did it make? What difference would it make to change…to let someone in…anyone…Cuddy maybe?

His blue eyes closed allowing the wind, the real wind brush his eyes. Hallucinations suck in every sense of the word. He blinked rapidly making sure that this reality was not all in his head as well. I guess one can never be too sure anymore can they?

As House sat alone watching his boss approach, for the first time he didn't get the urge to run when he saw her. He was not trying to be a shadow not this time. He was simply a man who found a new way in the world. Her blue eyes met his.

"How are you doing?"

House shrugged giving his eyebrows a slight waggle.

"Maybe if you are up to coming by tonight I can show you."

Cuddy smiled. "It's nice to see some things never change."

House lost his grin. Why does that bother me so much?

"Some things have changed."

Now it was Cuddy's turn to look surprised.

"You? Change? Please don't make me laugh now."

House's eyes glazed over at the intended insult. "Whatever."

Cuddy was taken back by his defeat. "Now you have my curiosity peaked. What has changed?"

House squirmed as she made herself comfortable next to him. Extremely close.


House winced a bit after he said that. Maybe she'll leave.

"Cuddy's eyes widened waiting for more.

House sighed. "I thought that the past week was reality…a year of reality when in turn none of it ever happened. I thought that I had been in jail, was pain free for a little while anyway….remembered" my dad. "the past. Then there was us."

Cuddy's eyebrows rose slightly. "Us? How did that go?"

House looked her in the eye and took a deep breath. "Wonderful."

Cuddy's face softened. Not in a long, long time had she ever heard House use the term wonderful without being sarcastic.

Maybe he was….

"Are you being sarcas…"

House chuckled. "No, I am being honest. Honesty is good right?"

He seemed unsure. House was unsure… Cuddy reached out to grab his hand. Her eyes met his. I am taking as much of a chance here as you are. Please don't pull away.

House gazed at her hand as he ran his over her delicate fingers. Her skin was so smooth just like he remembered…but that wasn't real…none of it was real….except one thing….

Cuddy broke the moment with a frown suddenly realizing something. "Why do you have your cane? Is the pain returning?"

House leaned on the cane, pushing it further into the ground.

He grinned.


He stood up. A habit …it was a habit that was meant to be broken. He dropped the cane. As he watched it fall, he thought, can I let it go? What if the pain comes back? What if…what if I am not who I thought I was?

He didn't bend to pick it up. Rather he reached a hand over to Lisa Cuddy who accepted it. It is time for me to find the person I was meant to be. With a steadfast resolve he kept his head held high as they left the park.

Let the metamorphosis begin.

th season called Metamorphosis. It might be a bit OOC for House but I hope you will like it. Let me know what you think. Please review!