Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice. Simple as that.
Chapter 1: Unrequited Love
"Hyuuga, Sakura. I have a mission for both of you. Meet me at the gates at nine o'clock sharp," Persona said, straight to the point. The two teenagers before him fidgeted a little.
"Aww, but there will be fireworks tonight!" the girl complained. Natsume had to refrain from snorting. They were going to risk their lives on a mission tonight, and the baka was thinking of fireworks? He shook his head. This, he thought, was a good example of how stupid polka dots was.
Then again, she was no longer the same klutzy idiot she once was. In fact, her sudden change in attitude that successfully saw her through the exams was what caused her to be assigned on missions with Natsume. Not that she had completely shed her clumsiness…Mikan still revealed her panties to him each morning, much to her embarrassment.
Her cheerfulness did not waver either. Contradictory to being a disadvantage, it was the best mask she could have, even better than the scowl he wore. Her constant jolly nature was what kept her classmates' concern at bay.
Ah, but they have not seen her in combat. However reluctant he was, Natsume had to admit that she was a great ally in the battlefield. Together, they worked as one to fight the Anti-Alice Organization, Natsume as the weapon and Mikan being the shield.
No one knew of Mikan taking part in missions with him, not even Hotaru and Ruka. She had kept her secret very well indeed.
Persona's next words jerked him unpleasantly out of his brief daydream, causing a scowl to mar his extremely handsome features.
"You don't have any time to admire beauty when you're fighting, Sakura. Now stop whining and meet me at nine."
"Ah…I really wanted to see them…flowers blooming in the night sky…" Mikan moaned once Persona was out of hearing range. Natsume snorted and sauntered out of the room without waiting for her.
You childish baka, he thought fondly. Oh yes, he had fallen for her since they were thirteen, but that was no reason for him to confess or soften up to her, right?
Mikan's string of indignant words trailed behind him. Moments later the brunette herself was jogging at his side, her lips forming an adorable pout.
"Why didn't you wait for me, Natsume-kun?"
"Hn. Shove off, polka dots. You're being annoying."
"Why you insolent idiot! Have you no gratitude? Many a time I saved your hide from attacks, and this is what I get?" she ranted, infuriated with the fire alice.
"One: without me to attack, you're as useless as a piece of garbage tossed aside. And two, I'm not an idiot. You are," Natsume replied curtly without thinking.
He could not take back what he said now. The damage had been done. What would he not give to turn back time and swallow his words…. Mikan's shimmering brown eyes stared dolefully into his crimson ones, terribly hurt. He could practically see her heart being shattered in those brown orbs of hers.
"Is this what I mean to you? An idiot, a piece of garbage tossed aside that nobody wants?" she said shrilly, though she kept her voice down to a whisper.
There were two choices now. Natsume could apologize to her and swallow his pride in the process, or he could snap some witty reply and walk off without so much as another word.
Natsume dearly wanted to pick the first choice, but his ego kept getting in his way. Gah! Me and my stupid ego! He yelled inwardly. Just apologize and get it over with, dammit!
But no, he had to glare at her. He just had to do that. Oh, good job Natsume, shattering her heart even more, he thought sarcastically. Fantastic.
"I suppose so," Mikan muttered brokenly. Her gaze never left Natsume's eyes, always scolding him for causing her to break. "I…I'll go now. Nine tonight."
"Hey baka! I -"
But Mikan was already out of sight, running as fast as her legs would carry her. Natsume growled and punched the wall in frustration. Why, oh why, does he keep hurting her so?
Eyes burning with sudden resolve, he chased after the fleeing brunette, his mouth set in a determined line.
I dodged and slipped past the students that were milling around the corridors, trying my very best to keep my emotions in check. Don't cry…don't cry, don't cry…I repeated stubbornly to myself. At the same time I tried to hitch a cheery smile onto my face, a task which I only partly succeeded in carrying out.
Why? Why did Natsume's words have such an impact on me? It was not the first time he called me an idiot, after all…in fact he called me baka and polka dots every single day until I am practically immune to it.
At least I thought so. I was wrong. His words stung.
"One: without me to attack, you're as useless as a piece of garbage tossed aside. And two, I'm not an idiot. You are."
Those were his words. The words that came out of that heartless jerk's mouth. He said I was garbage without him to attack the enemies, eh? But what is the weapon without the shield?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A defenseless weapon is a sitting duck out there in the dangerous world. Predators lurk around every corner, always ready to pounce and devour us.
Oh, Natsume. When will you see that pushing your friends away will never bring you any joy? No wait, you had realized that a long time ago. When will you learn to appreciate them was the appropriate question.
Yes, I thought. That was the question that lingered without an answer round the mysterious boy.
When will he learn to appreciate what he has now? When will he learn to appreciate me?
I could laugh out loud when I realized the thought that had flitted into my mind. Hyuuga Natsume, appreciate me?
I was merely a girl, after all. A single-star student with the nullification alice. The baka who kept revealing her panties to him (not that I'm a willing victim, okay!).
I was never special in his eyes. But oh, Natsume, little did you know that I harboured feelings for you myself…ever since I had a peek into the darkness you work in, I was fascinated. Scratch that, I was spellbound. If I were in your shoes, I do not think I can withstand the extreme pressure.
This made me realize how strong you are, Natsume. And you exceeded my calculations – despite the fact that I hate Math – when you continuously push your friends away. I know it was a very hard thing to accomplish, especially when you desperately wanted to be normal.
But Natsume…will you never realize that there was nothing to gain by pushing your friends away? Do you never take their feelings into consideration? They care, Natsume. I care.
Even though I know that you threw those harsh words at me to keep the distance between us, it did not stop me from hurting. So what if you are a killer? I am too, in a way. I had a hand in their deaths as well.
I could feel my fake smile slip a little as I wallowed deeper in my thoughts. Boy, a true smile from me is getting very rare nowadays. I hitched my smile back up again lest someone noticed.
My smile was hollow without any real emotion behind it save for pain, but it did not matter for no one looked at me long enough to notice it. I strode briskly past my friends, eyes cast down.
"Polka dots!" I heard someone call. I did not need to turn back to see the person. I knew it deep inside my heart that it was the very person I wished to avoid at the moment. So I ignored it and walked on…and barreled into something hard and firm.
"Oof," I grunted, rubbing my chest. What is it now?
"Watch where you're going, baka," Hotaru's ever-emotionless voice said from above. I shook my head one last time. My ears pricked up at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps. Natsume was moving with all the grace and stealth of the cat he was famed for, but two years of being his partner in missions were more than enough to sharpen my ears.
"Uh, gomen Hotaru! Let's go into your lab, shall we?" I said hastily, pushing Hotaru into her laboratory. But before we could enter it we were confronted by a livid Natsume.
"What the heck are you trying to do, you baka!" he yelled, pinning me against the door. I cried out in genuine pain. My shoulder was still sore from the previous mission we had undergone together, for I had grazed it against some spikes that unfortunate night. Hotaru watched us with those violet eyes of hers, not bothering to lift a finger to stop Natsume from suffocating me. Sometimes I really have to wonder if Hotaru considered me a friend at all….
Natsume glared angrily at Mikan, who flinched and tried to back away. His eyes were practically spitting fire. Suddenly the door behind her gave way. Both Natsume and Mikan fell inside as it yawned open.
Of course, given their awkward positions before the door decided to welcome them, Natsume fell on top of her, squishing her petite frame beneath him. Then again, he was skinny, so he did not inflict a lot of pressure on her.
As quick as the door opened, it slid shut, courtesy of Imai Hotaru. She punched several buttons on a pad right outside the door and it clicked shut, leaving the two mortal enemies alone in her lab.
Mikan and Natsume were still in shock. Neither tried to move from their spots. They simply lay there, Natsume atop the girl he secretly fancied and Mikan trapped below the boy she loathed the most…only on the outside.
Suddenly Hotaru's laptop glowed and projected something onto a wall of the lab by the means of a projector Hotaru had conveniently installed on the ceiling. Mikan and Natsume looked up to see the slide that was being presented.
Do not destroy my lab. Oh, and Mikan, you have to pay me ten rabbits for allowing you the use of my lab. Hyuuga, I assure you that should you ever hurt Mikan, you'll pay very dearly indeed. So unless you want me to distribute the picture of you falling off Ruka's horse, you had better watch your attitude.
"Ho-ta-ru," Mikan sputtered, her face growing red with anger and embarrassment. "Demo, what's with the picture?"
Natsume growled and clenched his fists. Goodness, Hotaru so had not spoken of that mortifying moment in front of Mikan! Oh no, oh no, oh no…
I stared incredulously up at the whitewashed wall, scanning Hotaru's words quickly. Ah…the words are a tad bit blur, but at least they are clearing up now.
My chocolate brown eyes screeched to a halt when she stated that I had to pay her for entering her lab. Ten rabbits for allowing me the use of her lab?! Where's the logic in that? I could feel heat rushing up my face as I thoughts skimmed past my mind. Come to think of it, I never completely repaid all the rabbits I had owed her…
Hm? What was that? Pay very…dearly? Distributing the picture of Natsume falling off Ruka's horse? What on earth is that? Fine, I know what a horse is, but Natsume falling off one? It sounded impossible.
I read the name inscribed at the very end of the message. My eyes grew as wide as saucers when I did. Sure, I knew it was her, but…!
"Ho-ta-ru," I sputtered indignantly. How could she do that to me?! She was supposed to me my best friend!
Something, or rather someone, shifted his position slightly above me. Ouch…my chest hurts. That stupid guy –
Wait. GUY?!
I stared up with a pair of very shocked brown eyes and locked gazes with a pair of cold crimson seas.
Oh crap.
Mikan's eyes darkened when she saw Natsume staring at her. O-kay, she was staring at him as well, but he's a guy! Er…was that any exception?
Ah…what was this warm thing on her body? A bolster? A pillow? No, that can't be…she was not in her room.
She prodded an inch of the something soft curiously. It was so warm…surely a bolster or a pillow could not be warm if she did not hug it? So why was this pillow warm?
Her chest felt constricted. Something weighed down on it, nearly crushing her. Her breasts hurt…oh why must she go through puberty?! She hated the way her chest protruded like that. If only she could stay a child forever…
"Oi! Molester," a voice above her said accusingly.
Mikan's eyes snapped up to meet pools of fire. Ah…that can't be…it can't be him…not him…erk…was that his body squishing her chest?!
"NATSUME!" She exploded. "Get off me THIS INSTANT!"
Natsume shrugged and rolled off her body, landing gracefully on all fours. "Hey, you're the molester, not me."
"Why you -" Memories of their last encounter but one flooded her mind, causing Mikan to turn away from him. The anger boiling in her heart seethed and bubbled before dissipating and giving way to sorrow.
Natsume reached out to pull her pigtails, but Mikan jerked out of his reach faster than he could blink. She huddled in a small protective ball on the floor, face carefully turned away from the fire alice.
"Stay away from me," she whispered.
"Only if you look at me."
Silence reigned in the lab. Neither spoke nor made any move to do so. They simply stayed where they were, sprawled awkwardly on the floor.
Finally Natsume could not take the unbearable silence any longer. One hand reached out towards the slightly shaking frame of the brunette before him, intending to turn her around.
As soon as his skin brushed her shoulder, Mikan rolled aside and leaped to her feet with agility that would have surprised her friends, even Natsume. She rivaled him when it came to agility and speed given her lithe size and well-built muscles behind that innocent impression she gave at first glance.
"What is it now Natsume! Can't you leave me alone?" she yelled exasperatedly. He replied by coming closer to her, so close that all they could see of each other were their eyes. Natsume stared deeply into her eyes. True, she was the mistress of deception, but she could never hide her true emotions clashing in those beautiful brown orbs of hers.
Mikan, in turn, stared into two seas of flames. They were so bright, yet so chilling that it dazzled her. She would have been fascinated and probably overjoyed if not for the fact that he had just impaled her with his sharp words.
She closed her eyes and bowed her head. A moment later she brought her arms to her front and shoved, hard. Natsume stumbled, did a graceful cartwheel and skidded to a halt several meters from where he once stood.
"Why you -" he snarled. His words were lost in an unseen breeze when he chanced to glance at her eyes. They were shimmering, filled to the brim with tears.
"You idiot! You idiot, idiot, idiot!" she screamed. Natsume was silent. He had never seen her lose control of her emotions so badly before…
"What's up?" he asked coldly.
"What's up?" Mikan echoed. Her words had a sarcastic edge to it. "Oh, nothing. Nothing but you, that is."
Then she burst into a furious tirade that would have filled entire canyons. Words spilled endlessly out of her mouth, all directed at the fire alice before her.
"- such an insolent jerk, I don't know why I fell for you! I loved you, but you never replied! It's torture, you IDIOT!" she ranted. "Even if you never loved me, you didn't need to rub it in!"
Natsume was stunned. Polka dots…did she really confess that she loved him? Did he hear that wrongly? But that is not right…he should be pushing her away, not be infatuated by her, damn it!
"I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU HYUUGA NATSUME!" she screamed, letting all her pent up emotions out at once. It was like a nova blast. "I hate you…"
Her strength left her body and she crumpled to the floor, utterly defeated. Sobs heaved at her chest, though she refused to heed them. She bit her lip in an effort to stem the tears that were teetering precariously at the edge of her eyelashes.
Too late. A single, crystalline sphere of colourless liquid tipped off her huge eye and started its journey down her cheek. Mikan allowed it to draw a wet streak on her face. Who cares about her? He did not….
Suddenly the lone tear glistened right before her eyes, resting on a finger. Mikan watched it in surprise.
"Don't waste your tears on me, baka." Natsume's voice was cold, but Mikan could detect a teeny tiny drop of compassion in it. She felt elated, her previously hardened heart melting away. Nevertheless, that teeny tiny drop was not enough for her to forgive him.
She bowed her head, avoiding his gaze. Her brown hair partially covered her brown eyes.
Natsume grunted and fell back, one hand cupping his reddened cheek. An angry patch was there, throbbing painfully. Mikan was panting heavily, one hand suspended in the air after it had connected with Natsume's cheek.
"You…worthless…idiot," she breathed, glaring at him.
Natsume hid his eyes behind his bangs. His hand traced the angry mark lightly. "Hn. I suppose I deserved it," he said with exaggerated calmness.
Mikan blinked. She had expected him to lash out at her, not simply speak to her like that! At least she would be able to vent her anger on him without feeling guilty if he had snapped. But no, he said he deserved it!
She seethed. Well, if that was not enough to annoy him, then she would provoke him. She felt angry enough to have a good fight at the moment.
"Snap at me, why don't you? Come on, set me on fire! I don't care!"
Natsume snorted. "Is that what you want, polka dots?"
She replied with a challenging glare. "Try me."
The two teenagers stared at each other, locked in a mental combat. When neither surrendered, Mikan broke the eye contact.
"Why, are you scared?"
Suddenly Natsume dashed forward, one hand clenched into a fist. Mikan closed her eyes and awaited the blow to land.
It never came.
His knuckle grazed her jaw lightly before his fingers uncurled and wrapped themselves round her chin. Natsume forced her face up gently, fixing his penetrating gaze on her.
"I know that is not what you truly want, woman."
Then he was gone, whipped away by the wind. Mikan watched the open window forlornly. The shuttered banged open and shut in the breeze.
Do you really know what I want, Natsume?
End of Chapter One
Haha! So do you think Natsume knows what Mikan wants? –mischievous grin- Well, you guess.
Should I continue this story? Please send some feedback. Reviews, critism, flames, all are welcome!