Title: The Senshi Wars Series 1: Make It Snappy!
Author: Princess Destiny
Email: In Profile
URL: destinysgateway DOT com
Couple: Usagi And Mamoru
Rating: M 15+
Summary: 'One Hour Challenges' #11, 26, 33 and 35 combined: Response Fanfic. Mamoru runs into Usagi in a Video store and one of their arguments erupt, objects are pelted with deadly accuracy and the wars begin!
Chapters: 1/2
Status: Completed
Year Completed: 2002

Comments: Hi everyone! This series was meant to be a mixture of comedy and romance and I think it came out well. This Fanfic is completed and the second in the Series is almost done too. :) Be aware that there are some tasteless jokes within, regarding some adult videos. It's not up to my usual standards, but it's four years old now and I think I was addicted to caffine at the time. LOL.

And hey, I'd love to see some of your Sailor Moon Fanfiction posted up at my Archives 'Destiny's Gateway'. destinysgateway DOT com. We've passed 530 Sailor Moon Fanfics. Wow. Come on over and post or read. The link is in my Profile. We would also love to see some Fanfiction for any other pairings you've written for. We are a romance Archive for 'Couples' of the Fanfiction world, so you'll most likely find every pairing you can think of there.

Please review me! You don't know how much it means to an Author to get a review on their Fanfic and to know that you're enjoying it. Believe me, it makes us want to write more for you. LOL.

Enjoy the Fanfic!

Princess Destiny

The Senshi Wars Series 1:


By Princess Destiny

Chapter One

Hmm-choices, choices.


Well, she'd seen it dozen's of times.

'Watership Down'?

No, too depressing. What was a cruel Movie, that killed innocent bunnies, doing in the children's section anyhow?

Maybe she should go look in the 'Thriller' section. She was scared stiff by Serial Killers, but the forensics really interested her. CSI was now her favorite TV show. Ami and Rei would have had a heart attack if they knew she was interested in something technical like forensics!

Usagi snickered under her breath, moving along the isle.

Well, well! Odango Atama! His day had just gotten better!

Mamoru eyed the familiar unique hairstyle of his blonde nemesis, Usagi and he grinned evilly. He'd come in search of a particular movie that was one of his favorites that he'd never been able to get his hands on to buy.

'Split Second' was his absolute fav. He'd watched it so many times that 'Video Hut' had had to order in more copies. Okay, so a futuristic movie with a paranoid cop, a nerdy sidekick who soon becomes as paranoid and an 'Aliens' look-a-like demon/alien going about ripping out hearts to take souls back to hell, was a little out of character for a guy who was studying to become a Doctor? Well, at least the blood wouldn't bother him at all now!

Are you ready to do surgery, Mr. Chiba? Sure! I watch a Movie regularly with lots of blood splatter and hearts ripped out! Prep me!

"And then carry me off to the loony bin." Mamoru said dryly, rolling his eyes. He turned around the isle and into Usagi's, noting with glee that she had not seen him.

Hmm-yes, maybe 'Bambi' after all. Shingo would have rathered die than admit it, but he loved Bambi too. Usagi took note of where the Video was and perused the rest of them.

Oh! 'She-ra'! She loved 'She-ra'!

She gleefully giggled and picked up 'Secret Of The Sword'. It'd been her fav movie a few years ago. He-Man and She-ra meeting for the first time and finding out they were brother and sister! "Maybe I'll get the He-Man Movie too?" she questioned aloud. 'Masters Of The Universe', now where would that be?

Oh, good lord! He was sneaking up on her like some corny cartoon character! Cue the spooky music and the ominous shadow on the wall! Mamoru shook his head in despair and walked quietly up behind the blonde. She was bound to turn at any moment and smack into his chest like usual. She'd get a sore nose, start screeching like a fish-wife and he could taunt her for being a klutz.

'Smooth move, Kamen'.

He grinned and waited.

Usagi turned to go and find her Movie in the 'Action' section and ran face-first into a familiar chest. Okay; hard chest, black shirt under her nose, amused chuckle from above. It had to be Mamoru! She growled and leapt back, frowning at the annoying guy that was the bane of her life. "Where did you crawl out from?" she demanded, launching right into battle.

"I didn't sneak; I walked" Mamoru said superiorly. Liar, liar! He had snuck up on her.

"Suuuuure." Usagi sniffed and turned away, eyes falling on 'Bambi' again. She quickly put the 'She-ra' Movie down, using her body as a shied. If Mamoru didn't see what she'd picked, he'd have no ammo. "What are you doing here?"

"Okay, now I know that hair didn't come out of a bottle," Mamoru said with disbelief. "It's a video store, Odango Atama. I'm getting a video." he emphasized sarcastically, gesturing about him.

Okay, he was so going to die for that. Usagi's face flushed lightly in anger, eyes blazing at him. "Creep." she muttered, turning her back on him and moving away.

"Wait a second, Odango," Mamoru protested, striding around her and blocking her path. "You can't run off in the middle of an argument!"

"What was I thinking?" Usagi said sarcastically, slapping her forehead. Her eyes narrowed. "Get out of my way or else."

"Or else, what?" The handsome upperclassman grinned at her. What was she going to do to him? Throw another test paper? A shoe?

He looked swiftly downwards at her feet and sighed in relief as he saw strapy sandals. She was also wearing a sundress, thanks to the unseasonably hot weather they were having, so no School bag. Hmm. She had a purse though. Could be a weapon.

"I'll knock you out with my purse!" Usagi threatened, not meaning it. Okay, so she'd beaned him a few times with papers and shoes, but it wasn't on purpose! She and Mamoru never got past screaming at each other.

Bingo! Mamoru's grin widened. Yep, he'd sure picked it! He knew this girl well...and that was truely disturbing! "Go for it, Odango. You'd klutz out and hit yourself in the face." he taunted.

"I'm not ruining a good bag on your head. It's thick as a brick." Usagi informed him loftily, inwardly ready to strangle him for suggesting that she'd hit her own face! Her aim wasn't that bad. Okay...so maybe it was. Her only good weapon was her tiara. And it was a perfect shame that she couldn't transform and let the creep have it!

"Oooh, I'm shaking." he sneered.

"You should be," she gritted through her teeth. "Now, I'm trying to find some entertainment-so get lost you jerk."

"And loose my entertainment?" he said in mock-horror, referring to his needling her. His expression turned as lofty as hers had been a moment before. "I have better things to do than argue with a blonde klutz."

"So get out of my way! And make it snappy!" Usagi retorted, crossing her arms and waiting for the big lug to move out of her way. If he didn't leave, she was going to throw that purse in his face after all!

"What are you going to pick, Odango?" Mamoru taunted, also crossing his arms. "Something stupid and mushy I suppose? Or no, wait, it's a kiddy movie, right?"

Okay! That was it! But she wasn't going to ruin her good purse! There were other weapons about. Lots of them.

"Not at all," Usagi retorted sweetly, reaching behind her for a Movie. She swiftly turned her head and looked down to see what movie it was, then jerked it back behind her before Mamoru could see it. "It's the typical guy/girl story; Boy meets girl. Girl thinks guy is a jerk. Girl gets pissed off. Girl knocks guy out with a video of 'Bambi'!"

With the last word, she whipped her arm out from behind her back and let Mamoru have it right in the face. It smacked him in the nose, dead on target. Yes! That tiara throwing had finally come in handy!

"Arrrrggh!" Mamoru cried out, nose hurting like hell. He clapped a hand to it automatically, to defend that which no longer needed defending. The fort had been breached and war had been announced in the form of a cheesy Disney VHS! She'd throw a movie at him! A movie! He glared at the smirking blonde from over his hand and promised swift death.

"Eeep?" Usagi turned-tail and bolted down the isle and into the next, making a strategic retreat in the face of the enemy. She looked back as she reached the end of the isle and saw Mamoru, hand still on nose and giving her a look that could have melted the North Pole. She dashed down the other-side of the isle, which was thankfully taller than her and would provide good cover. With a whole isle between them, she snuck down to where she though he was on the other-side and stared at the shelf, waiting. Yep, he was there. Swearing. Ugh!

Countdown to explosion. 10, 9, 8-

"I'm going to kill you!" Mamoru suddenly roared, shattering the relative silence of the Video store. Everyone went silent, craning their neck to see who had uttered the battle cry. And boy did they feel sorry for whoever that fury was aimed at! "You are so dead, Odango Atama." Mamoru hissed at Usagi-who he just knew was on the other-side of the isle-jerking his hand from his nose.

The dark-haired man went cross-eyed for a moment to try and assess the damage made, then his blue eyes narrowed on the shelf behind which the blonde menace-who had dared to wage war against him-was hiding. Him! Tuxedo Kamen, all-round hero!

"Nya! Nya!" Usagi jumped up and down, sticking her tongue out at him. Boy it was hard to stick your tongue out at someone when they were on the other-side of something so high! She was also worried that she was so close to such an infuriated guy. She could practically envision steam coming out of his ears!

He saw the blonde's tongue as she briefly jumped above the shelf level and his eyes narrowed. She was mocking him! Arrgggh! "Okay, you asked for it!" Mamoru growled, eyes falling to all the ammunition at hand. 'Flipper', 'The Chipmunks Adventure', 'Babe', Tarzan'...ah ha! Perfect!

He grabbed the video up smoothly and pelted over the shelf at the blonde menace before she could even blink! "Eat 'He-Man'!"

"Arrgggh!" Usagi shrieked, getting the VHS depicting the muscled guy, right in the kisser. Her hands flew up to her mouth protectively, eyes watering for a second. "Moo merk!" she shouted at him murderously around her hand.

Dead on target. He shoots, he scores!

1 for Odango. 1 for Tuxie!

"Ha! How do you like those apples?" Mamoru sneered to her triumphantly, hoping he gave her a fat lip. He reached up and touched his nose gingerly. Ouch, that really stung!

He'd thrown a Video at her! A girl! And how'd be known where she was anyhow? He didn't have x-ray vision! Okay-so she's faced countless Youma, her mother on her 'let's clean the house' days and the chocolate draught of 2000 without fighting-but there was no way she was going to let that creep win!

Usagi's eyes flittered about the place for choice ammo and fell on the perfect object. An evil smile spread over her face, hidden by the hand over her mouth.

Something suddenly crashed into the hand over Mamoru's nose and hit bone. "Arrggggh!" he yelled, shaking his hand about like crazy to alleviate the pain. He looked down at the object that had attacked him, laying innocently on it's side and groaned. 'She-ra'!

"Okay, so maybe I should have seen that one coming" he grabbed 'Tarzan' and tossed it over the isle easily.


Yes! His aim was good!

"Ouch! 'Tarzan'?! Ha! You threw the ape-man at me and you are an ape!" she hollered at him, tossing 'Mulan' over the isle. She rubbed her sore shoulder and glared murderously at the row of Movies, wishing she was tall enough to see over.


"Oww damn it!" Mamoru shouted, clutching at his ear. How the hell did she know exactly where he was? Or was she just having incredible luck? He squinted suspiciously at the shelf, looking for peepholes-and then something almost brained him!

He groaned and backed away from the isle, kicking away the 'Power Ranger's' Video that the blonde had thrown. "Are you trying to kill me?" he yelled at her, grabbing 'Flipper' and slam-dunking it over the shelf.

Usagi screeched, ducking. She swiftly surveyed the layout of the store and decided to move to safe quarters. She dashed down the isle and into the 'Action' section, glad that the shelves were much smaller there. They only came up to her chest and she could see him coming! Oh hell! He'd seen her!

Mamoru heard Usagi's hasty retreat and followed her along his own isle, then turned the corner to see her scamper behind a smaller isle. Ah ha! It only came to her chest! She was toast! "You couldn't do better than that, Odango?" he mocked, sauntering over to the other side of the isle and facing her only a few feet away. His hands were in easy reach of a video-but then, so were hers. He watched her warily.

"I wanted to see your face when I made you eat video." Usagi taunted back, reaching for one. She threw it at him like a frisbee and he stepped quickly to the side. How'd he move that fast! She gaped at him in dismay and disbelief. He'd moved so quickly!

Mamoru grinned as the Video passed him harmlessly and thudded in the shelf behind him. "Rotten aim, Odango." he teased, sticking out his tongue.

Usagi stuck her tongue out too in response and then glared. "Gimme your best shot, jerk!" she taunted.

"You got it!" he grabbed a video and tossed it at her head as if it had been a rose. To his shock she ducked! Damn! He watched as the Video sailed over her and hit a red-haired woman in the back of her head.

"Fuck!" The woman screamed, clutching at her head and turning to glare at Mamoru.

Oh dear. She'd apparently seen him and Usagi's fight and knew who the culprit was. Mamoru groaned as the woman opened her mouth to scream abuse.

Usagi popped up cautiously and saw that Mamoru was looked over her head with dismay. She turned and followed his gaze to an obviously furious woman, clutching at her head. Uh oh! Maybe she shouldn't have ducked? "You are so dead." she muttered to Mamoru.

"I am so dead." Mamoru muttered back in agreement, waiting for an explosion.

"You bastard! Watch where you're aiming!" the woman shrieked at him. She bent over, disappearing from sight momentarily and Mamoru and Usagi waited with baited breath. Was another contender about to enter the field of battle? She was in the 'Thriller' section, so her choice of ammo was extensive.

Mamoru bit his lip, shifting from foot to foot. He'd missed! With all his skills as Tuxedo Kamen, he couldn't have anticipated the klutz of Juuban ducking under a weapon. "Never underestimate an enemy." he muttered.

"Bastard!" The woman re-emerged, holding something. She pelted the object at Mamoru. Lucky for Mamoru, he ducked!


Mamoru didn't see what it was until he'd ducked and heard a solid thunk behind him. He turned and saw a high-heel.

A stylish high-heel in black leather.

A stylish high-heel of black leather and a big heel.

He reached out and pulled the imbedded heel from the shelf behind him and eyed the spiked heel with horror. Shit! That would have killed him! The heel was several inches long and came down to a very narrow end that would have put a hole in his forehead. "Okay, that is a surprisingly lethal high-heel made from imported Italian leather." Mamoru breathed, holding up the lethal weapon of choice.

Hell! Usagi's eyes boggled as she saw what Mamoru was holding. That could have killed him! The woman was a maniac! "Are you okay?" she hissed at him, eyes skimming over his body for injury. Okay, so they were enemies, but that was a close call! She didn't want him dead!

"I'm fine." Mamoru hissed back, wondering why his enemy was checking on his health after beaning him with Video's.

"Give me that shoe back! It cost me hundreds!" the woman hollered at him, cooling down now that she'd almost been up for assault with a deadly weapon.

"Umm-sure." Mamoru muttered, turning the shoe side-on and throwing it under-arm over the isles. She caught it, dropped it, then disappeared. Oh hell, was she going for another pot-shot? If he got nailed by a high-heel, he'd just die of embarrassment! Of course, she was no deadlier than the Youma he faced every so often. But jeez, when did they start making shoes killing weapons?!

The woman rose, sniffed haughtily and stalked off towards the counter.

Usagi snickered at Mamoru's pole-axed expression, then scurried off again to another isle. This time she headed for higher cover. Ah, the 'Horror' section!

To Be Continued...

Write me if you liked! Comments are adored and much appreciated.

Chapter Two will be out tomorrow.

Please don't forget to check out my Archives 'Destiny's Gateway Romance Fanfiction Archives'. We're a 'Couples' Fanfiction Archive, pure romance in any rating and always with a happy ending. Our Sailor Moon section is quite extensive and growing daily. We would love you to come on over and have a read and even submit your own Fanfiction there. :) The link can be found in my Profile, so just click on my pen name above this Chapter and come on over. All of my Fanfiction is up there, and I've written over 130 Fanfics.

Princess Destiny