Summary: Jack & Sue, of course. What a small baby without /or almost without/ parents can do to two people and a dog 

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, nor Jack, nor Sue, nor Levi... Nothing or no-one... And I am certainly not making any money of this story.

Author's note:

Hey everyone!
First of all, this is my very first fanfiction written in English and since English is not my mother tongue, please be kind and understanding. That's why I would really love someone to betaread my story – or better the chaptures I've written, and perhaps correct the mistakes I've surely made. So, any volunteer? Please?

Second, I have a rough outline of the story and I don't know how it will end, so any suggestions are welcome.

And third, I was listening to Christmas song and then went to a friend who has a two-month-old baby. That was when the idea popped in my head. And now, here you are...

In italics are things that people think, bold is what is signed...

Chapter one – PROLOGUE

-Jack's flat-

Can the world be even worse than it is now?" was the first thought that ran through the brain of Jack Hudson when his alarm went off. „Already morning? How long have I been sleeping, five minutes or so?" he said cynically to himself.

He didn't like Wednesdays. It is the middle of the week and it is a „critical day" when whatever can go wrong just goes wrong – every Wednesday! Mondays are nice, everyone is relaxed after the weekend and Jack is looking forward to seeing his colleagues. On Mondays they always have fascinating stories to tell, so many things can happen during the weekend. Tuesdays are fine, there's always work to do and so the day is over even before you notice it.

But then Wednesday comes. You are tired after two days of work, you have no news to tell or hear from your colleagues because both your and their lives are lived mostly in the bullpen and you feel like sleeping through the whole day. Jack has even developed a statistic research and found out that the most unpleasant events occured on Wednesdays. When there was someone threatening with a teroristic atack, it was on Wednesday. When Tara slipped on the wet stairs and twisted her ancle, it was on Wednesday. When Myles got stuck in the traffic and came two and a half hour later than he was supposed to, it was on Wednesday. And when Sue was to go to the dentists she definitely had to choose Wednesday.

This Wednesday! „Perfect, not only do you have to survive the worst day of the week, Sue will be god-knows-where and there will be no-one to improve your mood and guide you through the day with her smiles. There won't be anyone to sign her „Good morning, how are you?", no-one to talk to you, no-one to drink your coffee with while being awkwardly silent because you don't know what to say. Though there's so many things you would like to tell her but you don't know how or if she would even like to hear it. Stop it. Stop it. Get up. Go to the shower. Go to work. Survive. Survive the day without your blonde sun. Stop it!"

With that he finally got up and headed to the bathroom. „This is not going to be an easy day..."


Sooo... If you want to be me beta-reader or proof-reader, if you want to comment on the story, if you have any suggestions or if you just want to say hi - feel welcome to review :-)