Chapter 6

Oo my…

It had been a few weeks since that night in Zuko's apartment; things actually seemed to be working out quite nicely. Zuko and his Uncle Iroh started to become just as much part of the group as Aang, Sokka or Toph. There were few arguments with the boys, only one that nearly scared the shit out of Katara:

Iroh had said that he would have to move in with Aang in order to move his training along. However there were only enough rooms for 4, and with Toph not wanting to share a room, someone was out of a room. So Katara had volunteered her room to the kind old man, and said she would move into Iroh's apartment. She could tell Sokka was less than thrilled with her idea.

"YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?" Sokka's face was bright red from screaming so much.

"Sokka, be reasonable, I know how thrilled you would be to move in with Zuko." Katara said rasing a mocking eyebrow. Sokka opened his mouth to say something but was quickly shut up by Katara finger in his face. "And NO, Toph can't move in either, either her or Zuko will annoy each other until one of them killed the other." Katara said putting her hands on her hips. Sokka sighed in defeat, and glared at Zuko who had a rather triumphant look on his face.

"Fine, Katara will move in with Zuko. BUT! You better keep your hands to your self, and your whole…well you out of HER room! Got it?" Sokka scolded pointing a finger at Zuko.

"Hey, don't worry about me. pony tail" Zuko chuckled. 'Pony tail' Zuko's little nickname fore Sokka, everyone could tell that Sokka loved it sooooooooo much. (AN: note the sarcasim) Sokka acted like he didn't like Zuko at all, but everyone could tell that he was happy that there was another teenage boy around. But there was no way he would ever tell Zuko that. Ever. After that incident, things were quite calm. Katara moved in with Zuko and Iroh took her room, he had said that it would only be temporary but Katara didn't mind; she loved just being around Zuko. So living with him would be an added bonus.

Zuko lay in bed thinking of the same memory that Katara had been earlier. Zuko smiled thinking about the recent events while looking down at the beauty lying next to him. It was about 6 in the morning and the sun had just started to rise and the tints of reds golds from early morning mixed and swirled with the deep blue hues from the night slowly fading away. The colors of the morning filtered through the window and the curtains and rested on the two lovers. Zuko couldn't bare to remove his eyes or move even the slightest from the woman clutching to his stomach, almost if he did she would vanish from his sight. Knowing that his Uncle would be upset with him if he was late for yet another early training session with the Avatar, he slowly released himself from Katara's grasp. Finally achieving his goal without waking her up, Zuko moved to the edge of the bed, but was stopped when a soft hand reached up and grabbed his wrist pulling him back onto the bed. Zuko smirked and looked down at his captor. Katara looked up at him with sleepy eyes, smiled sweetly and kissed his neck. Her kiss sent shivers down his spine. She felt like velvet and her kiss was exhilarating. He felt powerless around her; he didn't want to have to move her but finally forced himself to.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Katara growled and smirked at the same time.

"To train…you know help the Ava…Aang like you wanted" Zuko corrected himself, seeing as Katara hated it when he called Aang, 'the Avatara.'

"Not just yet you're not" she returned with a mischievous grin. And in one quick motion Katara pulled Zuko back on top of her. Zuko heated up his body temperature and noticed Katara snuggled closer and kiss his neck softly. He silently noted that heat made her particularly affectionate. He pulled himself out of her grip and stared into her deep yet sleepy blue eyes. As he looked at this wonderful, amazing woman, Katara traced the outline of his scar and leaned forward kissing it lightly. Zuko pulled away and looked at her, finding solace in her eyes. Zuko smiled and wondered what he did to deserve her. Katara sighed lovingly and reluctantly let Zuko out of her embrace. "All right…fine. Go ahead, we don't want Iroh getting steamed again." She giggled softly and smiled into the sweet innocent kiss Zuko had just bestowed on her. With that he got up and got dressed, he watched as she moaned softly and snuggled back up into her covers. Already missing her warmth and the feel of her body against his, Zuko left quickly knowing what would happen if he stayed a second longer…then he'd never want to leave.

Finally arriving at the Avatar's apartment, Zuko saw that the Avatar and his Uncle had already started. "Nice you of to join us my nephew." Iroh said rather sternly, seeing as this was Zuko's 5th being about 30 minutes late for training. "Please be sure to be on time tomorrow. But before we go on with our lesson, I would like to hear what kept you late this time…" Iroh pursed with a knowing smile. Yes, it was true, Iroh knew. He had figured out the truth of why Katara was so willing to move in with Zuko, why she was always on his side when he got into arguments with Sokka or Toph, and why Zuko was always very…very late to practice. He had figured out that Zuko and Katara were together. However, he didn't tell the others what he knew, he had too much fun teasing Zuko about it. Zuko hated that about his unlce.

"I…uhh…I wasn't feeling so good this morning." Zuko stuttered at his lame excuse and averted his eyes from his Uncle's gaze.

"Gee Zuko, you've been feeling kinda sick all week, maybe you should lay down and have Katara heal you…or something." Aang chirped in, genuinely concerned. Zuko nodded his head, but said nothing to the boy. Zuko knew that he was just being nice, but he had nothing but contempt for him, he knew that Aang had feelings for Katara but Katara was too oblivious to notice. He also knew that Katara regarded Aang as no more than a little brother and he had nothing to worry about, but he always felt so protective of Katara. She was too nice and trusting toward people…especially towards…boys. They would walk into the market place of Ba Sing Se and all the boys would notice her. It was no secret that Katara was probably one of the most beautiful girls in town. With her exotic tanned skin, matured body and deep blue enticing eyes, she was definitely 'something' every man wanted, that's how the men that lived near by described her. With every thought of the glances and looks that the men would give her Zuko's anger became greater and his firebending would have more power. "Not to hard Zuko, the Avatar is still learning the basics." Iroh repremanded. Zuko's blows towards Aang as they were practicing became softer as his mind drifted to how humble Katara could be about her looks. He smiled slightly as he thought about what she said just yesterday..

"Katara you are the prettiest girl in Ba Sing Se…will you marry me?" their next door neighbor, Han asked her this every day. And every day Katara smiles sweetly at the boy and politely rejects.

"Oo Han, there are many other girls in Ba Sing Se; who are just as if not more beautiful than I could ever be. One of them is meant to be your wife. She will love you, take care of you and always stay with you. But she is not me, now quick go and find her." Katara looked at him with sympathetic eyes and ruffled his hair and shooed him on his way.

As they walked through the town all the looks, stares, and smiles that Katara was given by the male population only made Zuko move closer to her. Katara nodded to all the young "gentlemen" as they smiled at her. "Wow…a lot of the people here are very friendly." She smiled widely.

Zuko laughed at the memory, he hated and loved it. He loved how naïve but sweet Katara could be, but he hated…well every other guy in…the whole world. It was then that he realized that he had stopped firebending and a fireball from Aang was coming straight at him.

"Ummph!" THUD! Zuko flew backwards landing into a very very annoyed Earthbender.

After being able to breath again, Toph threw him off of her. Even though Toph was blind, she turned in the direction of Zuko and gave him a murderous glare. "you have 10 seconds to run away from me before I smash you into a thousand tiny little firebending pieces." Zuko had spent enough time with the group to know that Toph never went back on something she said. So he put his hands up in surrender and back slowly away. "And YOU! Twinkle Toes! Watch were you're throwing him will ya?!?" and with that Tophh stomped away.

"What the hell is going on here?" hearing a familiar voice Zuko wiped around to see Katara standing there bewildered at why her friends were screaming at each other. "Well…" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Katara…you…hahaha…mis..ha…missed it! HAAHAHAHAHA" Katara turned to see her brother rolling on the ground and clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

"I hit Zuko with a small fireball, he flew into Toph, she threw him over there, almost killed him, and is now sulking over there." Aang continued with a guilty smile. Katara stifled the urge to laugh and turned toward Zuko who was flaming. Literally…his hands were on fire.

"Now, now Zuko…you were firebending with Aang. Things like this happen when you are trainng, there is no need to get mad." She smiled understandingly. Zuko felt his anger melt away at the sight of Katara smiling at him. "Seeing as its already noon, why don't we all go and get something to eat?" Iroh was the first to agree, saying that he could use a nice cup of tea. Sokka par usual said he was starving and Toph just wanted to get out of the house.

"O I know the perfect place…they have the best tea in all of Ba Sing Se!" a wily smile spread across Iroh's face.

"Uncle! You brought us to the Jasmine Dragon!?" Zuko yelled throwing his hands in the air. "You brought us to your tea shop!?"

"Prince Zuk…I mean Lee, they wanted the best tea; sooo I thought I'd treat them to a free lunch. Whatever they want is on the house." Iroh said proudly.

"FREE FOOD!?! Why can't you be my Uncle?" Sokka cried bending down and hugging Iroh's legs. Iroh laughed whole-heartedly, picked Sokka up and lead the teens into the restaurant.

"Wait here I will bring some tea over in a minute." Iroh gave a slight bow and walked toward the kitchen.

"Well…well. I've been looking for you guys." Katara slowly turned around upon hearing a strangely familiar voice, one she hadn't heard in a while.

Her eyes almost popped right out of her head. "YOU! How did you? Here…the gang…the town…bastard…frozen to a tree...Oo my…Jet!?!"

you asked me to continue, so i did. lol well just so you know i have no idea how this is going to end or what should come next haha...o well it will come to me eventually...anyways reviews are always nice, enjoy :-)

Bueno Bye
