Authors' Notes

KoolKid: Hey everybody, thank you to everyone who reviewed the first chapter. We hope your having as much fun reading the story, as we are writing it!

Marco: While we won't spoil anything, something happened to a portion I saved, thus this chapter is smaller than it should be. However, we'll redo the part and save it for chapter three. This should be good enough to make you laugh your butts off. So without further adieu….


Shadow rushed out of the house after Sonic. He grabbed Sonic arm, and pulled him back. ""Do you even know where to go?" He asked, tapping his foot on the ground.

"Of course..." Sonic said, not looking Shadow in the eyes. Shadow gave him a look that said 'You're an idiot'. Sonic coughed, trying to save himself, "Okay, how about you lead the way?"

"Or maybe, we could ask for directions?" Shadow suggested.

"I guess that could work," Sonic agreed. "Lets go ask that group of girls over there." The two walked over to a group of girls who were packed together, whispering and giggling. "Excuse me ladies, but you could please tell us where-" He was cut off before he could finish.

"Oh my God, it's like, Shadow the Hedgehog!" on of the girls shouted. Sonic and Shadow had to cover their ears it was so loud. They all turned around, and had pictures of Shadow's face on their shirts.

"Huh, how do they know me? I hope this isn't another one of those Black Doom things," Shadow replied once they turned around.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they just have you confused with me. It wouldn't be the first time it had happened," Sonic reassured him.

"Lets like, get him girls!" The leader yelled. They all headed for Shadow, running over Sonic in the process. Shadow saw what was coming his way, and took off immediately.

"...My, pride..." Sonic managed to say as he got up. He saw that the girls had cornered Shadow by a building. He ran over to see what would happen.

"Well, at least these girls are not crazy like the ones in our world...right?" Shadow told himself. The girls moved closer to him, until...

"Grab him!" One of them yells. At that second, about 20 hands started grabbing at Shadow.

"What the hell? What are you doing?!" He yelled at them as he tried to get away. Sonic watched in awe, and was unhappy over the whole thing.

"What about me?! Do I get no fan girls?!" He screamed as he stomped his foot on the ground.

"SONIKU!!" He had spoken to soon. He saw what looked like Amy. Only difference was, this girl was human.

"Uh, Amy? Is that you?" Sonic asked, looking at the girl with his eyebrow raised.

"Well, my name used to be Jill, but I changed it to Amy, just for you!" Sonic could tell this girl didn't get out much.

"Oh, well, I, gotta help Shadow out, and-"

"Oh Soniku, I'm so glad you are real!" The girl yelled. Sonic just took a step back, not sure what to do. In the meantime, Shadow was still struggling with his own fans.

"Please, be the boyfriend of my fan character!" One of them yelled, as she tugged on Shadow's ear.

"No, mine! She was an experiment created just to be with you!" Another one shouted, as she almost pulled his arm out of it's socket.

"No! Mine is a sex machine, just for your pleasure!" The leader yelled.

"...I'll take that one into consideration," Shadow grinned. Then continued to pull away from the girls. Sonic, was still be stared down by his fan, when all of a sudden...

"SonAmy for ever!" She charged at Sonic, her arms open wide.

"Shadow, hurry up and run!" Sonic screamed in horror as he ran for his life.

"What?" Shadow looked up, and saw Sonic running from a pink haired girl. "Hey! Don't grab there!" He yelled to one of the girls. After about 10 more seconds, he managed to brake free, and took off to catch up with Sonic. His fan girls following close behind. "Who the hell are these people?!"

"I don't know, but what's a SonAmy?" Sonic asked with curiosity. He heard a chanting, and turned behind him.

"Sonic and Amy, sitting in a tree!" There were twice as many fan girls now, all chasing after them.

"I had to ask!" he yelled.


Sonic screamed to get that scary thought out of his head, "AHHHH! Shadow, we gotta get out of here. This world is evil!" Sonic yelled, over the roaring of the fan girls. Shadow was about to respond, when Sonic was grabbed by the Amy.

"Sonic, please marry me! I'll be better than the other Amy, I promise!" Sonic was slowing down, due to the weight of the girl.

"My God! She's worse than the real Amy!" Shadow yelled, as he tried to help Sonic get her off.

"Don't forget about your fan girls!" Sonic reminded him.

"WE LOVE YOU SHADOW!" They all yelled from behind. Shadow was about to speed up, but was dog piled by all of them.

"Be my girlfriend Shadow, I'll kill Rouge for you!"

"No, I'll kill her, and break her neck for you!

"I'll rip her limb from limb for you!"

Shadow couldn't believe what he was hearing. These girls were crazy! "Umm, Rouge and I are just good friends, she's not my-" he was cut off by the raging fan girls.

"Can't you see she's trying to get with you!" The leader yelled, now almost foaming at the mouth.

"No? Now get off of me!" Shadow pushed them off, and continued running with Sonic.

"Hurry up Shadow, I managed to shake that chick off, but she's gaining again!" Sonic had a look of horror on his face. Not even Perfect Chaos was scary as these girls.

"Soniku! I drew a picture of what our kids will look like!" Shadow wanted to laugh at that, but had more important matters at hand.

"This can't get any worse!" He yelled to Sonic. Just then...

"Sonic! Shadow! We love you!" The two hedgehogs looked back, and saw a stamped of fan boys, added to the mix of fan girls.

"I spoke to soon..." Shadow sighed, they tried to pick up their pace.

"Shadow, this looks like the end!" Sonic yelled to him, tears forming in his eyes. Shadow reached over and slapped him hard.

"Sonic! Get a hold of yourself! Now I have a plan to shake them, but you need to follow my lead!" The two stopped, along with the fans. "Hey guys, who do you like better? Sonic, or Shadow?!" The fans shouted out different names, of course, there were more Shadows than Sonics. Shadow made a fake gasp. "Are you Shadow fans going to take that from them?!"

"Well, what about you...few Sonic fans out there? What are you gonna do?!" sonic yelled to his fans.

"Shadow fans, show the Sonic fans who the real star is! Show them what the ultimate power really is!" Shadow was getting a bit into this now. "Show them, who the fakers are! Show them-"

"Shadow, calm down man," Sonic said to him.

"Oh...right. So Shadow fans, what are you gonna do?!" Shadow yelled to the crowd once again.

"DEATH TO THE SONIC FANS!" All of a sudden, Sonic and Shadow heard about 50 guns click, and then shoot. 20 Sonic fans fell to the ground.

"Oh, my God..." Sonic said to himself.

"Wow..." Even Shadow was shocked.

"We want more guns and vehicles! This is the Shadow age! All hail Shadow!"

"Not in this world," Shadow swiftly took off, leaving his fans in the dust. Sonic raced after him.

"Damn Shadow, those guns in your game must have really influenced those kids in a bad way. Now 20 of my fans are dead!" Sonic said to him.

"All 20 you had..." Shadow snickered. "At least it's over, right?"

"Sonic!" They turned around to see, the real Amy.

"...For me anyways," Shadow grinned. Amy rushed into Sonic, planting him on the ground.

"Oh Sonic, I missed you so much! Where are we? And how did we get here?!" Amy cried to Sonic. Shadow chuckled in enjoyment of watch Sonic suffer, when all of a sudden, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see...

"Rouge? What in the world are you wearing?" Shadow looked at her from head to feet. She had a big, coat over her.

"The men in this world can't resist grabbing..." She said, looking at her huge coat. She was going to ask Shadow what was going on, but was cut off, by Sonic's screaming.

"Amy, get off of me!" He managed to push Amy off, and they both stood up. "Alright guys, lets get going. While explain everything when-"

"Soniku!" Sonic's stomach dropped. They turned around to see the Amy fan girl standing there. "Are you cheating on me, with her?!"

"Sonic? What is she talking about?!" Amy yelled in Sonic's ear. Sonic just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Shadow, who in the world is-" Rouge was cut off, by Shadow putting his fingers over her mouth.

Shadow made a shushing sound, "We've gotta see this," he grinned. Sonic looked as if he were about to cry, Amy was ready to explode.

"Amy, I could explain, see-"

"Save it Sonic!" She yelled. He immediately shut his mouth. She turned to face her human twin. "And just who are you supposed to be? Because quite frankly, you can't pull off this look!"

"I'm Sonic's girlfriend, Amy Rose! And I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to me like that," The girl said. "SonAmy for ever!" She yelled, and ran over to hug Sonic. Amy was downright pissed. She marched up behind her, turned her around by her shoulder, and punched her square in the nose.

"Bitch!" Amy jumped down, and furiously threw punches towards the girl. She struggled to escape, but Amy wouldn't calm down.

"Oh God...whoa...ouch..." Rouge cringed at the sight of Amy beating the poor girl senseless.

"Some thing are more useful than a gun..." Shadow smirked. After about 3 minutes of punching, Amy got up, and let the girl go. Her face was covered with bruises and blood, along with Amy's gloves.

"If you ever touch my Sonic again, I'll find where you live, and take care of you...personally!" Her face was no longer pink, but more red than Knuckles'!

"I'm going home to write a fan fiction about Sonic and Blaze, she'll kick your ass!" And with that, the girl ran off shouting..."SonBlaze for ever!"

"Little whore..." Amy said, as she turned to Sonic. "And as for you..."

"Amy, listen to me, I can explain!"

"This will be the best part," Shadow whispered to Rouge.

"If you ever, and I mean ever cheat on me again, I'll hurt you so bad, you won't be able to reproduce with anybody!" Amy hollered, her temper as high as it could go.

"Whoa..." Shadow said in awe. "Maybe the fan girl wasn't as crazy as the real thing..."

" that that's over, where in the world are we?" Rouge asked, turning her attention towards Sonic and Shadow.

"Shadow brought us here when he used Chaos Control," Sonic told them. "So, blame him."

"Are you guys famous in this world?" Amy asked.

"No, you'll never guess," Shadow said. They looked at him, waiting for an answer. "They have video games based on our lives!"

"A video game? You mean those perverts have been staring at me for... how long?" Rouge asked, her eyes begin to drift off... "Those perverts! They were probably staring at my ass too!"

"Maybe you should wear something else..." Shadow muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," He smirked.

"Point is, we have to find Tails, Knuckles, and Cream and get back to our world. Things are way to weird here. Some freak named Chris invited us to stay at his house. He told me how we were gonna stay up all night watching Sonic X, whatever that is," Sonic explained.

"Why is everything here named after you? Shadow asked stubbornly.

"Because, it's my series!" Sonic said with great pride.

"There he is guys! Shadow, we love you! All hail Shadow!" The Shadow fans were running towards them at full speed.

"Not again!" Shadow slapped his head, picked Rouge up, and zoomed off.

"Sonic, that means you need to carry me too!" Amy yelled in excitement.

"Uhh, I didn't hear that," Sonic said as ran ahead with them.

"Sonic! Get back here!"

KoolKid: So what did you guys think? Hope we didn't offend anyone with the whole "fangirls" thing. It's all in good fun XD. Please, please, please REVIEW!

Marco: Yeah, I hope we didn't destroy anyone's flare, because we know that all of you readers wouldn't do something like this… right? Heh.