Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Peter Pan.
Author's Notes: I got to thinking about Olette, and this was the result. Rated for suicide and character death. Please, no flames. Reviews are much appreciated.
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She was, in all honesty, our mother.
Olette came into our lives all those years ago. We were three boys, alone in the world, and she became our mother. She was mother to Roxas, who didn't have a mother; she was mother to Pence, whose mother was always away or working, who had no time for her son; and she was mother to me, because my mother was too drunk to care.
Olette was the Wendy to our Lost Boys. Peter Pan was her favorite story, and she read it aloud to us so many times that we could practically recite it with her, but it never became old and we eagerly asked what would happen next even though we already knew.
She was the one who made sure we did our homework every night, and who helped us when we needed it. She was the one who made sure we had everything we needed, because our own mothers wouldn't, or couldn't. She was the one who cleaned up our every cut and scrap and kissed it to make it better. She was the one who supported us constantly, always encouraging and cheerful. Even though she was only our own age, Olette had a powerful maternal instinct. Olette was more of a mother to us than our real mothers.
And even as we grew older and more independent, she was still our mother. She would do anything to make us happy. Olette loved us so deeply, with a mother's love. She took pride in our accomplishments and praised us when we did well, and told us we'd do better next time when we didn't. And even when we became more aware of girls and people began to tease her, and us, for being so close, we never thought twice. She was our mother. We protected her and she cared for us. We were a family.
But, in time, Wendy had to leave Neverland. Olette couldn't be our mother forever. She became less cheerful and more thoughtful and quiet. Her smiles became rarer and forced, and her eyes became sad, even though she always smiled and told us nothing was wrong. At first, we believed her. But we knew we were fooling ourselves, because we didn't want anything to change. We were still living in the past.
Olette hardly ever smiled anymore, and we didn't know why. We thought it was our fault, something we did wrong. We did everything we could to cheer her up, but if we were lucky all we got was a half hearted smile and an "I'm fine," but she wasn't.
One day Olette simply didn't show up at the usual spot. Instead there was a note on the worn couch. I don't remember much about that day, except collapsing and crying like I would never stop, because I couldn't stop. She was gone.
Our Wendy was gone from Neverland forever. Olette was gone. She had to move on from Neverland, on to other things. And so we were back to being the Lost Boys – lost, confused, and motherless. We didn't know what we would do without Olette. We are lost and a whole lot emptier than before without her, because she was our mother.