Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. JK Rowling owns it all.

Author's Notes: This is my first Non-Magical FanFic. Yes. It is Harry and Draco slash. So I warn you now.

Chapter One

"Mr. Potter, we have already set up your new living arrangements with your relatives. You are expected to meet up with them when you exit the building; they will be with Mr. Simmons. Any questions?" Harry shook his head. "We again offer our deepest sympathies regarding your parent's death."

Harry shook hands with his lawyer after he finished explaining everything.

"May I go now?"

His lawyer nodded.

Harry exited the room quietly. Once he got outside the building, he spotted Simmons. The man was a bit clumsy and seemed to be a bit flustered with who Harry assumed was his relatives. The family in question consisted of a skinny aunt with a horse shaped face, an uncle who remarkably resembled a walrus, and a fat teenager who seemed to be his father's double.

Harry approached them then stopped.

"You must be the boy we have been forced to take care of." His uncle snarled at Harry.

Thinking of nothing else to do, Harry nodded.

Simmons quickly dismissed himself. "Um...I–I need to get t-to a meeting." He bowed his head and left.

Harry stuck out his hand. "Er…I'm Harry."

His aunt looked at it as if it was a pile of rat dung.

Harry pulled back his hand awkwardly.

With a glare to Harry, the walrus began to move towards the parking lot.

Harry followed slowly.

They got into the car, and just before they pulled out, his uncle began speaking to Harry. "Whilst you live under my house, you abide by my rules. You are not to disrespect me, your cousin, or your Aunt Petunia. We are giving you a lot by letting you stay with us. Don't make yourself a greater burden than you already are." With that, they began driving to their respectable home.

When they got to #4 Private Drive, Harry stepped out of their Mercedes and waited for them to lead him to their room.

His room upstairs was a tiny closet compared to his room at his old home.

The Potters were millionaires, almost billionaires, having created some of the fastest vehicles available, and helped others get created since the early 1900's. Before that, the Potters were known royalty. Harry was technically the 93rd in line for the throne. But not many knew that and it was kept highly secret.

Harry looked outside his window and sighed.

He didn't have anything anymore. His parents died a month ago, and he was still recovering from his scars, one that he was sure was to be permanent. With that thought, Harry unconsciously went to where his new lightning bolt shaped scar was placed.

Harry had spent the last month with his godfather Sirius Black, but couldn't stay there because his lawyers deemed Sirius unfit to be a parent when he spent so much time on business and travel. Sirius was the vice president of Potter Automotives. And with that, he was always going out of the continent to make deals and negotiations.

So Harry had been placed with his mother's sister. Oh, Harry knew what ticked them off…well, his aunt petunia, anyway. Apparently, his uncle and aunt went to school with his parents. As did many others. The school was named Hogwarts and was extremely prestigious. Only geniuses and the wealthy went there.

His mother had gotten a scholarship and his Aunt Petunia had inherited money from an uncle that liked her best. And since his mother had skipped a grade, they both entered their first year together.

His father, James Potter, had been the head of the populars. So Aunt Petunia would try desperately to impress him to be part of the group. But James seemed to have an interest with Lily and asked her to be his girlfriend. Instantly, she also became popular.

Petunia resented his parents after that, spreading nasty rumours about the couple, blackmailing many to hate them with her. At the end, Petunia was left broke and settled down with Vernon Dursley, the fat man he calls an uncle.

Lily then moved to France with James, got married, and had Harry. Harry then attended Beauxbatons and basically lived his life there.


Harry quickly got up and turned his alarm off.

He went to get dressed and went downstairs.

The Dursleys were already eating and Harry sat on the only available seat. His aunt came over with the frying pan and raised her nose to him. "Here you go you ungrateful boy." She placed two small strips of bacon and a tiny side of scrambled eggs. 'If you want something to drink, get water from the sink."

Harry nodded and began to eat slowly. "Eat faster boy! We don't want you here more than we need to." Uncle Vernon snapped.

Harry ate faster just to get out of the room.

Two weeks later, Harry found himself staring at the ceiling.


Harry obediently did so, yelling inside. No one had every shown this much disrespect to him. And he knew that they were going to pay later down the road.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon?"

Vernon seemed to be angry. "You are going to go to Hogwarts this year with our Dudley."

Harry stayed still, not knowing what to do.

"The lawyers contacted us and told us that you had automatically transferred there on account that your parents, already paid for your education and it's either this or Beauxbatons again. And since we don't want to pay more for your being taken on airplane, you will be going with Dudley and attending Hogwarts."

Harry seethed in the inside. Of course they didn't want him to be happy at his old school with his old friends. They wanted him to be in a new environment where they knew their Dudder's was and could report on him.


Vernon began pointing a finger at him. "You have to be grateful boy! We have taken you in when no one else could and have put a roof over your head.

Harry nodded and went to his room.