Eternal /i-tur-nel/ adj: 1. Being without beginning or end; existing outside of time 2. Continuing without interruption; perpetual. 3. Forever true or changeless: eternal truths. 4. Seemingly endless; interminable. 5. Of or relating to spiritual communion with God, especially in the afterlife.
Eternals /i-tur-nels/ n: 1. A group of connected individuals 2. Spiritually: Individuals who meet in various lives throughout history 3. Souls that are bound by love throughout time 4. The cross of the same lives in different ages 5. Those who bypass heaven in order to live againShe was convinced that there were no more eternals in the world. That friendships and loves so strong no longer existed in this world. That all relationships in the trudging age of the 1990 were false. She saw no everlasting love. Loves that would bend time to their will. She was convinced they didn't exist anymore.
"Madame?" Her assistant Nicole peeked her head inside the chambers.
"What is it Nicole?" She asked in an exhausted tone. If she had to read one more palm, or describe the color of one more aura, she would choke on her false teeth. The magic seemed to move on with the eternals. Now it was only cheap parlor tricks. Everyone knew it. But it hurt those who once Saw bitterly. "Another bored housewife? A set of women wondering about their sex lives? Who is it?"
Nicole bowed to her hesitantly. "No, Madame. It is a group of individuals. Seven of them. The women seem eager…the men hesitant."
"Isn't that the way of life? Women believe in magic so easily. I suppose it is because they can experience the birth of children…the only real magic left in this world," She muttered to herself while brushing her fingertips along her crystal ball.
Nicole bowed again. She was a timid one. "Would you see them?"
"I suppose…one must feed their cats," She said grandly while pushing back her wide sleeves. Her assistant disappeared for a moment to late show in the seven.
She gasped when she saw the first. A blonde man with a leather jacket, his soul and aura a green color…but it wasn't simply his aura or his looks that shocked the old gypsy woman. It was Roger's soul. "It can't be…"
A young woman followed him in a vibrant smile on her delicate face. Her aura a scorching red, filled with passion and drive. Mimi. She too bear the mark.
A man dressed in woman's clothes followed her. His aura far brighter than the other two. She could sense that his fire would soon be extinguished. She caught his name was Angel. It fit his form. Angel's aura stretched to encompass the man beside him. A large black man looking around the room as if it was a slaughter house. His precious theories in jeopardy. The aura from his lover, Tom, attached to his deep purple. Their bond was strong.
Another woman entered giggling and clapping her hands in excitement. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Her aura a glittering orange wishing to be seen. The woman that followed her seemed more reluctant. A drab brown encircled her as she groaned. A non-believer. Maureen and Joanne.
The last to join them had an icy cool blue exterior. Mark, who's in the dark. His camera in hand and his soul aching for a family that was right in front of him.
A smile spread across the old gypsy woman's face. They were eternals.
"I had thought you were all long gone," She said raising from her chair and moving to take the hand of every eternal.
"Huh?" Mark asked looking uncomfortable about touching a strange woman's hands.
The woman smirked. "Eternals dear. Those who defy time to be with one another. Each of you has lived lives before this one. And time and time again your lives have crossed. Some stronger than others…it is amazing that you all found a collective time. It's so difficult to maintain a single bond as it is. All seven of you…why it hasn't happened in centuries."
The blonde leaned over to the young woman and muttered. "I think we got ourselves a nut job-"
"Roger," The woman folded her hands. "I am not insane. I only See what has been fading for generations. Eternals…but you seem to be stragglers."
"Sounds like us…straggling I mean," Collins chuckled nudging Angel lightly who wrapped his arms around his lover's waist. Then he nodded in agreement.
Joanne sighed and looked at her cell phone. "I better get going. Meeting." She kissed her girlfriend's cheek and headed to the door.
"Not until two dear," The woman said taking a seat. "You have some time."
"Busted," Maureen giggled taking the lawyer's hands.
Mark looked around at his friends and said quietly, "When you say…we're eternals…can you see our past lives? Like see…what happened to us in them?"
She nodded holding out her arms. "Yes. Some of your were great friends. At times, enemies. Lovers. Husbands and wives. Two of you even had children together."
Everyone looked at Roger and Mimi.
"Hey!" Roger muttered.
The woman laughed heartily. He had barely changed from age to age. "Not them. Not them."
Everyone turned to now look at Maureen and Mark.
"Ew," Maureen uttered wrinkling her nose. "Sorry Markie but…no thanks."
"You're wrong again," The woman said starting to enjoy this guessing game. She raised one finger to land on Collins and the other on Joanne.
"WHAT!?" Angel called out looking at Collins as if he was currently having sex with Joanne right in front of his eyes.
Collins raised his brow. "Baby…I'm sure…I didn't know you…" He said lamely.
Joanne put her hands on her hips. "I'm sorry…Madame…whatever you're name is but…I'm a lesbian and Collins is gay. So that would never work," She explained as if she was defending the two of them in a court of law.
The woman didn't seem phased. "I never said that you were in love. Only that you had children." Angel sighed in relief and hugged Collins as if he missed him in the past moments. The philosopher rubbed her back gently still looking very confused.
Mark licked his lips and took a seat in front of the woman. "How?"
"Well you see Mark…when two people…kinda like each other-" Mimi smacked the back of Roger's head.
"That's not what I meant…" Mark muttered.
The woman nodded. "I will tell you their story if you like. Though it is long and hard and painful."
"Sounds familiar," Roger whispered to himself. Mimi pecked his cheek making his frown relent.
Joanne groaned. "How much do you want? A hundred? Thousand?"
The woman held out her hands, "For you…the last eternals? I will tell you your tales for free. But I ask only one thing of you."
"What's that?" Maureen asked moving closer.
First tale: Josephine and Ty.