I'm so so so so so so SO times a million sorry. I sort of forgot about this story till someone a few weeks ago mentioned it. You guys deserve like a million dollars (I don't have that much sadly) for being so kind and patient. ANWAYS; if you have forgot what happened before just read the LAST chapter over again and I'm sure you will be fine.

Enjoy guys! Tell me what you think please.

Rory took her hair down and let it blow with the wind. Creeping towards the edge, she smiled at the thought of the refreshing water she was about to dive into.

"Alright my little swimmer, on the count of three." Lorelai called from her place on the lounge chair. She had on her sunglasses and the newest issue ofUS Weekly in her hand, "One… two… three!"

Rory let out a scream and dove into the pool. Rory and Lorelai thought a nice dip in the hotel pool would be great before they headed back to Jess's for the rest of the weekend.

She surfaced the water and stepped back out of the pool. Grabbing a towel, she wrapped herself around it and sat on the chair next to Lorelai's.

"Hey mom?"

"No. I'm not getting wet. Besides there no time; I have to find out what horrible thing Brittany did to her kids this week."

Rory shook her head, "No, that's not it. I was just wondering something."


"Last night, I was waiting in the car for you and I don't know. It just seemed like you were taking a while. What were you doing?"

"Talking to your boyfriend."

Rory laughed, "Aw do you have a little crush on him now? That's just adorable."

"Yes actually, I just can't resist twenty something year old boys."

"No really, what did you two talk about? I want to know!"

"I don't kiss and tell."

Rory's jaw dropped open and she gave her mom a playful slap, "Ew you're disgusting. This is my boyfriend you're talking about. Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's none of your business." Lorelai had to hold back a laugh at that one. It was Rory's business, completely her business.

"Fine. I'll get it out of him sooner or later."

"Sooner than you think." Lorelai said with a small smirk.

Rory was getting annoyed now. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Lorelai shrugged and stood up. She gave Rory and wink before walking away towards their hotel room. Rory stomped her foot in frustration, rolled her eyes, and followed her stubborn mother.

"You're what!?"

Jess sighed. "I'm going to ask her to marry me. God why is that so hard to understand?"

Luke shook his head, "I understand it. It's just, wow. It's… god. I… you're…" Luke trailed off and didn't say anything for a while. Then all the sudden he stood up straight and said, "Well I'm happy for you."

Jess was not expecting that. "You are?"

Luke nodded, "You love her?"


"Does she love you?"

"Yes Luke."

"And you're both happy?"


"Then yes, I'm happy for you Jess. I'm happy for the both of you."

Jess nodded with a smile, "Thanks. That means something to me. It really does."

Luke gave Jess a smile and walked out of the room leaving him alone. Jess fingered the velvet covered box that was now in his pocket. He was really going to do this. He was really going to ask the most beautiful, amazing, perfect girl he had ever met to marry him. God why is she even with me?There a millions who would fall to their feet to be with her. Why me? Jess didn't know the answer to that question and he would probably never know. That wasn't what mattered. What mattered is that she did pick him; she did choose him to be with. He wasn't going to lose that, not like he had in the past. He loved her, he needed her. Jess
pulled out the box and opened it. The diamond ring sparkled in the light. He being a man didn't really care for jewelry but for some reason, in that moment, that ring was the most amazing thing Jess had ever seen.

Lorelai knocked on the door and it opened quickly. Luke gave her a smile, "Hey guys come in."

Lorelai and Rory scrambled in loudly. Jess heard them in the other room and quickly shoved the box back into his pocket before walking over to the girls.

Jess gave Rory a kiss before saying, "Well hello stranger. Sleep good?"

"Of course not. My mother was with me. You?"

"I would have had a great night but Luke decided he wasn't going to turn off the damn light until he figured out what that stupid book said."

Luke sighed, "Well I'm sorry people don't write in black and white anymore. They use useless big words and phrases to sound more intelligent when in fact they're just degrading everyone else's intelligence when a person tries to read the book."

Jess cocked his head, "Where do you come up with this crap? Do you lie awake at night planning your next stupid statement?"

Lorelai raised her hand and exclaimed, "Ooh ooh! I do that! I do that!"

Jess just rolled his eyes. Rory shook her head, "Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Luke clap his hands together once, "Anyways, Jess why don't you take Rory out for breakfast? Show her around a bit? I'll make Lorelai some breakfast here."

Jess nodded but Rory just looked confused, "Uh why don't we all go out to breakfast? Why are we splitting up?"

Lorelai, being the last choice to answer that question was indeed the first, "Because, if we don't split it up, we'll never learn how to survive without each other now go!"

Rory was about to object again but Lorelai physically pushed her out the door. Jess laughed and walked right out. Rory looked appalled, "How dare she do that to me. That's it! I'm finding a new mother."

Jess wrapped his arm around Rory's shoulder as they walked out to his car, "Eh you might want to stick with the one you have. She's pretty good."

Rory laughed, "Ew. With every passing second I'm beginning to think my mother was not lying earlier."


"Nothing. I said nothing. So where are we going?"

Jess shrugged, "Where ever you want to go."

"How about a cute little coffee shop or something? Got any of those here?"

"If you wish."

Lorelai took a seat on the couch and Luke joined her. She took a deep breath, "Is this really happening?"

"I believe so."

"I'm happy for Rory, and Jess for that matter but I just can't help but be a tad bit jealous."

Luke laughed, "Jealous? Of what?"

"I don't know! Of what they have, of what they're going to have. A marriage, a life together. I've never had that."


"And I never thought my daughter would have that before me. I mean, I'm not mad or anything it's just kind of depressing. She loves someone, she has someone. She's possibly going to marry someone. Why does she get that? Why not me?"


"God that sounded bitchy. I didn't mean to sound bitchy. I just, I don't get it. When is my once-in-a-lifetime guy coming around? When is my one and only ganna get off the train and come to me?"

"Lorelai!" Luke yelled it this time.


He sighed and gave her a smile. "You're going to find someone. You're going to get that once-in-a-lifetime, you're going to marry the perfect guy for you and you will have everything Rory has. So stop worrying."

"How do you know?"

"Because I just do, okay? I can't explain it. I just know."

Lorelai looked over at Luke and matched his smile. For a moment, their eyes met and they were caught in a stare. It was a short but unmistakable stare. A stare that gave Lorelai more reassurance than anything else would ever give her. Yeah I'll find someone. I'll get my once-in-a-lifetime. Someday.

Jess watched Rory take a sip of her coffee and he smiled. It was kind of funny really, no matter what she did or how she did it; she looked beautiful. Rory caught him staring. She instantly started to freak, "Why are you looking at me? Do I have something on my face?"

Jess shook his head, "No you're fine. You look great."'

She smiled, "Well thank you. And thanks for bringing me here it's great. So cute and coffee shop-y."

"Coffee shop-y? Where do you get off thinking its okay to make up your own words?"

"Uh hello? It's called freedom. I can make up my words if I want to!"

"Well it's pretty pointless since nobody is going to know what the hell you're talking about."

"Do they normally?"


"Then I really don't see the problem here."

Jess took the deepest, biggest breath he has ever taken. He couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't sit there and not think about the ring in his pocket, he couldn't not think about what she going to say. He had to do this. It was now or never. Jess pulled something from his back pocket and slid it across the table.

Rory looked up at the object in front of her, "It's my book hoot. Wait, this is from my house how did you…?"

"I borrowed it… again."

A smile crept onto Rory's face as she remembered a very similar conversation she had with Jess many years ago. Before all the drama happened, before all the tears and feelings, before everything.

"Déjà vu anyone?"

Jess laughed and said, "Well you should turn to page 23. I think you might be interested in something I added in the margins."

Rory obeyed and flipped to page 23. She searched the margin and down near the bottom of the page it read:


Marry me.

Her heart stopped, her body froze, her mind spun in circles. She had to do a double take, and even a triple take. Is this a joke? Rory slowly looked up to meet Jess's eyes and she knew right away he was serious. It all flashed before her; everything. The moment they first met, their first kiss, the time he told her he loved her, when she first saw him with Tessa, jumping off the ledge together, every moment she had spent with Jess flashed before her eyes. The love, the confusion, the heartache. It was all there. But in those flashes Rory noticed something; no matter what they had gone through she had always loved him. At times she denied it, at times she hated herself for it and other times she embraced it but no matter what she loved him.

That was why she could look up at Jess and with tears forming her eyes she answered, "Yeah, I'll marry you."

Jess sat there frozen in time. She said yes. She said yes. Rory Gilmore said yes to marrying me. He coughed and tried to play it cool, "Yeah well that's good. That's nice."

Rory laughed and wiped at a tear while she stood up, "Jess?"


"You're supposed to kiss me now."

Jess bolted up and moved closer to Rory, "I knew that."

"Of course you did."

"Mhm…" Just then his lips met hers. He smiled and their kiss deepened. Rory wrapped her arms around his neck and neither of them even cared about the people around them. Jess pulled away, "Oh and you might want this." He pulled out the ring from his pocket and opened the box.

Rory's eyes grew wide at the beautiful ring, "Oh my god. Yeah, I... I think I want that." He slipped it on her finger. "You know what else I'm thinking?"


"I'm thinking you're a keeper Jess."

He nodded, "Really? Because I was just starting to think the same thing about you." And with that, the two let out a small laugh before they kissed again. The bustling noise and people of the coffee shop faded because at that moment, neither of them heard nor saw anything else but each other. And frankly, that was just the way they wanted it to be.

Yay I'm done! Took me long enough.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who reviewed. You guys were amazing. I love you all from the bottom of my cheesy little heart.

I don't know about a sequel, I kind of just like the way this ended. Let me know what you guys think.

Oh and I threw some Java Junkie in there as promised