Diaries of Majora's Mask

A/N: Wow… by this point, you all probably want to kill me for not updating. Can't say I blame you. But with the forums, 5 other stories, and baseball season in which I'm an Umpire AND player, I've been very busy. Anyway, apologies again.

Now for the standings...

1st Saykay41/Yamada-Kumuko with 638

2nd Kayari of Midnight with 315

3rd Austln 280 with Rupees

4th Adrian-Air-Fire with 255

5th Writin' Dude/Writin' Dude's Sis with 250

5th Drieldwin 250 with Rupees

7th Pikmin in Hyrule with 243

8th IluvEpona144/Volvagia18 with 207 Rupees

9th Hermoine494 with 150 Rupees

10th JoshRand1982 with 120 Rupees

11th BlueSpirit17 with 85

12th Dirty-Larry with 60

12th KitUzumaki with 60

14th Lady Turmoil with 50

15th Silent-Memories123 with 48 Rupees

16th Gamer Lioness with 42 Rupees

17th majuniorfan with 35

17th Dragon Master Wannabe with 35

19th shina937 with 20 Rupees

19th Kazeri with 20 Rupees

19th BlathierFlare with 20 Rupees

22nd Jueru2003 with 10 Rupees

22nd Dark Comet with 10 Rupees

22nd Gooey with 10 Rupees

22nd DragonRaiderX9 with 10 Rupees

22nd Leniarala with 10 Rupees

22nd Infernal Flame Zero 10 Rupees

Crud…27 reviewers now. This list is getting way too big. Anyway, I gave you all Rupees according to your answers, and less if it was answered before by someone else, ten default for a review, yada-yada-yada… you get the idea. I've done it 7 times before.

The answers were:

Glacia uses Ice/Water types, but Ice was also an acceptable answer.

The Stockpot Inn is the one that Anju works at, and I thank Kayari for pointing out she does not technically own it.

…I have confusion on the last question. I know two of my reviewers have told me that I can find the third cow somewhere else, but I have yet to find it. Maybe I'm just blind, or maybe they're mistaken… either way, I've given points to people who answered 2 OR 3, for lack of knowing the true answer.

Anyway, this WAS going to be the first multi-entry chapter, but since both entries got long enough to make short entries, so I'm going to. Rosa Sisters and Kamaro. Next chapter will be what was original part 2 of this chapter but got split, and after that it will be the multi-entries. Do not fret, fans of Kafei and Anju, as I have no forgotten them. But I want to save them for last, as they are going to be the longest two chapters by far. Basically because they do so much in that little amount of time… kind of like Gorman. :)

The entry here is for Kamaro, the guy who dances on the mushroom outside of Clock Town's northern gates. His is a teenie bit more serious than the rest of the story, and it comes up with a backstory for him that has never been used before.


Chapter 8: Part 1: Kamaro's Entry

My name is Kamaro. No, not like the car, like the dancer. Like me. You've never heard of me? Pity. That's probably because most of you don't live in Termina. Or even if you do live in Termina, you probably don't go jumping on Giant Mushrooms looking for psycho ghosts doing dances with lots of turns and stuff like that.

I haven't always been a ghost… I think… I think I was once a man. A very ugly one at that, but a man… or was that just some dream I had… wait, if I'm a ghost now, can I dream? Have I always been a ghost? Meh, who cares anyway?

Weather it be ghost-dream or reality, I was once a man.(I think) And I lived in Western Clock Town. This was when Clock Town was young, and there weren't fat and lazy construction workers running circles around it pretending like they're doing something all day. The place was simpler then… I used to perform my dance in front of the citizens of West Clock Town every night, and I was happy…

…Or at least I was in my mind. But my audience would only gather around to throw tomatoes at me because they find that dance of mine funny.

"Idiot!" They would yell. "Moron!" But I didn't care. I kept on dancing. I danced through the tomatoes… in fact, after a few years, I learned to work the Tomatoes into my routines.

Eventually I became the most popular dancer in all of Clock Town. The person whose roof I was dancing on began charging people admission to come and see me and selling his crop of tomatoes for twice the price on the spot so people could throw them at me. I have an acquired taste for tomatoes, as you may well have guessed.

But then, one day, something terrible happened. Instead of throwing a tomato, like I thought was being thrown at me always, some man threw a Potato at me. Funny, how just a simple change in… vegetable? Fruit? Whatever. A simple change in thing being thrown at me made me mess up my routine and lose balance.

At that point, the man who owned the building had elevated the building so I could be seen from almost a mile away. This benefited me slightly because it was harder for people to reach me with tomatoes, but it turned out to be a bad idea…

…Because when the Potato hit me, I lost my balance and fell. The headline in the newspaper the next day was "Dancing Freak falls off building." The owner of the building didn't care, though; he actually made a fortune off it. He sued the potato thrower for thousands, and then sold the high building for millions. They later named it "The Clock Tower." The man lived happily ever after.

But I died.

I was convinced my dance was the greatest of all time, so my ghost went to the place it felt it could dance best: on top of a giant mushroom.

Okay, so ya got me. That wasn't really the place I felt I could dance best, it was really the only place that was high off the ground and yet wasn't made of the cobblestone that would bring back the memories of my death. But still, I played there. (First Quiz, for 75 Rupees: Underneath the giant mushroom, carved into the side of the cliff, is a song from "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" that you can play on your Ocarina and get Rupees from. Which song from Ocarina of Time was etched in the cliff?)

Now the Moon is getting bigger every day. I think it's going to fall. I don't care, for my sake, but for the sake of my dance… there must be something to do to stop it. My dance is like a precious child to me… I couldn't have it gone from the world forever. That certainly would not do…

Then the Hero showed up, while I was dancing one night. The Hero wore a Green Tunic, which shined with the resilience… ah, who am I kidding? The boy looked like a freaking pansy. But he was still The Hero.

The Hero went up to me, and starting looking at me all funny. I wanted to say to him "Hero! Save us! I'll teach you my dance to scare away the moon with!", but no words came out. He looked at me for a second, and then seemed to have decided something…

…He whipped out his Ocarina. He then started to play a song… it was a healing melody… it made me want to barf… so then I did. I don't think they will put that in the game. But anyway, after I barfed I felt much better.

"Thank you!" I screamed to The Hero, which made him flinch and almost fall off the mushroom. "For that, I shall give you the gift of my dance!"

I didn't expect him to rip off my face and make it into a mask.


The chapter isn't over yet! In the next release, you will get Chapter 8: Part II, which will be the Rosa Sisters, because they tie in with Kamaro. Expect a really fast update, as the Rosa Sisters chapter is almost done already!

Only one question in Part I of this chapter, and it is "What is the song etched in the cliff under the giant mushroom?" for 75 rupees. Good luck!