a/n: Just an idea, hope it's good.

''He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not.'' I said as I picked the petals of the flower, behind the DX building. I was passing time before I could pick him up. I just hoped SHE wasnt with him this time. But that wasnt like her, she showed up unexpectedly. Like termites.

I looked at my watch. It was 5:58 pm. Two minutes till he gets off work, I guess I can go now. I walked around to the front of the building. He was helping a customer. He looked so handsome with his perfect hair, which was wavy in all the right places. His chocolate brown eyes twinkled when he smiled, which he did often. He had the most contagious smile.

When the customer left, I walked up to the counter.

''Hey Soda.'' I said.

''Hey Liz.''

''Are you ready to go?''

''Give me a sec, I have to clock out.''

One of the reasons that I had to pick him up is because Darry had the truck, and because we had plans. That's right. For once, it was going to be me and him, SHE wouldnt be there. I would finally have time to hang out with my best friend without having to watch the two of them makeout.

I wouldnt have a problem with her if she didnt treat him the way she does. The other men, the lying, the possesiveness. It really gets old. Everyone is afraid to tell him because he loves her. Especially me, because I love him.

'' 'K, I'm ready.''

We hopped into my car that Steve fixed up for me. It was a present for my 16th birthday. He's a great friend. Dally was jealous because he didnt think of it. Though, he would never admit it . Not even to me, and I'm his sister. I wasnt able to be there for Soda's 17th birthday party, I was sick, so we made plans to hang out tonight.

''So where do you want to go?'' I asked him.

''I was thinking th-. Hold on, go back.''


''Someone's waving to me at work.''

We drove back and my mouth fell open it was HER.

''Hello Elizabeth, Hey Babe.'' she gave him a kiss.

''Hello Sandy.'' I muttered.

A/n: Good? Bad? Review please!