Hello!!!!! Here is the first chapter or oneshot, you can call it either way. I just want to make clear that each chapter/oneshot will be a different scene in the story. And if you are asking where is the Saku/Sasu well that will be the longest and the last chapter/oneshot. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

My sensei, my father

- "I'm going Tsunade-sensei!" – the pink haired girl walked to the door and waving her hand she left the hospital.

She walked through streets to busy to look were she was going until she crash with someone. She looked up to find Sai looking down at her. He offer her his hand so she could stand up.

- "Hello ugly" – he told her grinning

- "Hello Say, and don't call me ugly"

- "…"

- "What's wrong Sai"- she looked at him trying to figure out the gaze that she was receiving

- "I was thinking if maybe you would like to come and eat something"

- "Oh Sai I…I cant go, I have to be home before gets dark"

- "Kakashi is always late lets go and…"

- "No I'm sorry but I can't go"

- "Why can't you say that you don't want to come"

- "Sai, I thought that you were dating Ino"

- "That's why you are single" – With that he left.

Sakura's face was hanging low, she looked were Sai had been, she left out a long sigh and continued to walk home. She walked until a nice but humble house could have been seen. She entered the house and walk in the kitchen were Kakashi was cooking something that looked between ramen and well something weird.

- "Hello Kakashi-sensei" – she said while living her bag on the table.

Looking over his shoulder he replied and hello with a smile that couldn't been seen because of his mask.

-"How was your day?"

-"Fine I guess" –she replied taking a seat

-"You guess? Did something happened?" – he said looking at her and seating next to her

Sakura hesitated – "Well…"

- "Yes"

-"Sai asked me out"

-"He did?" – he said while touching his chin with his hand

-"Yes but he is dating Ino"

Kakashi raised an eyebrow - "And you want to date him?"

- "No"

-"Then the problem is solved"

-"Yes I guess"

Kakashi raise from his seat and kneeled next to Sakura – "Err… I don't know how to deal with children, I mean teens, I mean well I'm not a very good how call it…"

- "Father?"


-"Sensei, you are doing a great job for never doing the part of a father before"

He smiled at her and was about to said something when he smelled something, fire.

'FIRE! MY FOOD!!!' he raised from were he was and run to the stove were his precious 'food' was. He turned down the fire, only to reveal the remainings of something that once was eatable. He sighed and turned his face to Sakura – "Ichiraku?"

-"Of course"

When they got to there they passed near to Sai that at the moment was having a date with Ino. They took a seat but not before that Kakashi gave a murderous glare to Sai. Well what you expected, that's what every father will do; lets just hope that for Sai's sake he doesn't hurt Sakura or Kakashi will chidori his ass.

I'm done! The title of the next chapter/oneshot will be 'Hinata's Dream'

Take care, and please review!!!
