Authors note:

After grueling debate with myself over the last few days, I've decided to pull this story down. Really, its been months since I've updated, and my life is in the fast lane far too much these days for me to even try to come up with a plot for it. Last summer I might've had some whim of an idea to go with, but thats far too gone, and there's too much standing in the way right now to keep it going.

Instead, I'm pulling it down and rewriting it. I hope that my choice to do this is understood, as I'm doing it out of fairness to you readers, and due to the fact that I don't have the ability to be able to carry through with this story anymore. I find this a major reason why Dancing came to an ending quickly. So many times I've questioned that story's ending as well, which was what led me to decide to re-write that story as well, though under and altered title.

That being said, I've already started Restless Affinity, and it won't be long before the story is posted, so keep an eye out for it.