A/n: ANOTHER finished story!!! XD I'm really proud of myself now lol!! Well anyway I was trying to finish this cause I really want to watch 'Nightmare Before Christmas' and I've got my chair all ready and my room all dark and windows covered. So I am ready!! But I wanted to finish this first! Alright again after this story you can all expect a chapter for my oh so apparently fabulous story 'War for the Cherry Blossom'. I'll be working on it a little later today because Nightmare before Christmas comes first XD lol I love that movie! I just had an urge to watch it so that's what I'm going to do! I'd love to come back and see lots of lovely reviews!!! Peace!! REVIEW!

Could be Love

Chapter 5

Gaara growled "You imbeciles think you can take on me" Gaara said offended.

Sakura laughed "You guys are so dead". Sakura caught her breath and threw a kunai up into the tree making a man with a bow and arrow fall out.

Gaara smirked and looked at all the scared looking men as his sand rose around himself. The sand went out in all directions and captured them all; Gaara held out his hand and quickly closed it. Sakura laughed again hearing the screams of the now dead men, "Aw, Gaara you're so nice to end it quickly for them".

She leaned to him and kissed him on the cheek and smiled up at him "Well I suppose we should go back" she said with a sigh.

"I guess so but you do remember Naruto's birthday is tomorrow don't you?" Gaara asked his pink haired beauty.

"Of course I do," she smiled back at him, "but I don't have a date" she pouted leaning her face on one of her hands. "I wonder who would take me?" she asked again, she blinked and looked up at a smirking Gaara.

"Do I even have to ask you?" he asked.

Sakura nodded "or else I can't officially go with you" she said.

"Well then Sakura do you want to go to Naruto's party with me?" he asked looking down at her.

"Of course I would Gaara!!" Sakura smiled wildly and hugged him on his arm, staying there just holding him. "You know Gaara I've been waiting quite a while for this" Sakura blushed.

"Really?" he asked her.

She nodded "Yeah, I just thought you didn't like me like that" Sakura said shyly.

"Really now that's exactly what I was thinking" he told her.

"What?! Are you serious" Sakura said hitting herself in the forehead "well I feel stupid" she laughed as they walked back into Konoha.

They came to the place where they had to go separate ways, Sakura blinked and blushed as they just stood there. Gaara averted his gaze not knowing what to do; 'Ok I'm taking a risk here' he let out a breath and leaned down. Their lips met and Gaara placed his arms around her waist.

Sakura followed suite and wrapped hers around his neck, they kissed for a while until breathe was necessary. They broke and looked at each other, Sakura pulled him back down and kissed him again. "Ow, OW!!" they heard from a little off, they both looked and saw Naruto, Kankuro, and Temari.

Both went completely red, "Aw how cute I knew it would work out!" Temari giggled.

"TEMARI!!!" Sakura yelled.

They all blinked "THEY'RE GUNNA KILL US!" they all yelled and began to run.

"Wow this seems really familiar" Gaara said to himself, and then it clicked.

"Oh yes just the other day I was killing Naruto for impersonating Sakura" Gaara nodded to himself. He opened his currently closed eyes to be only centimeters away from Sakura's face.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Um, nothing" he said quickly.

Sakura smiled "Well I'll see you tomorrow Gaara" Sakura said waving.

"And don't worry I'll get Temari when she comes home" Sakura smirked and waved turning and walking in the direction of her house. Gaara sighed and looked in the direction he was supposed to go, he slowly began walking towards Naruto's humble abode.


"Sakura!! Gaara and Kankuro are here!" Temari called up the stairs, Sakura walked down with a smile on her face. "Someone looks happy" Temari smirked. "Excited about your first date with my, oh so cute Kazekage of a brother".

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "Temari that was stupid" Sakura laughed and opened the door as the two walked out.

Temari grabbed Kankuro and dragged him ahead; Sakura blinked "Well I guess they're giving us 'alone' time" Sakura laughed.

Gaara nodded and looked down at her, "Well Sakura I was wondering since you know we're going out I guess…" Gaara began.

Sakura looked up at the nervous Kazekage as a sign to continue, "Ok I was wondering if you wanted to come and you know stay in Suna for a while since we're leaving in two days" Gaara admitted.

Sakura blushed, "Wow really Gaara? I would love to" she smiled.

"So like how long a month or two?" she questioned.

He nodded "Yes I was thinking along those lines" Gaara told her.

Sakura nodded "Sounds good to me, I need a break from Tsunade-sama anyway" she laughed.

"Oh look we're here" Sakura said noticing they were at Naruto house.

The four walked in to see it full of people and loud music and colored lights, Kankuro smiled "Naruto sure knows how to party!!" and walked off into the party.

"I can't believe Naruto would have this much sake at his party" Gaara said looking at most of the now empty bottles.

Sakura laughed, "Do you not like sake?" he shook his head.

"I like it just not to much I prefer water"

Sakura blinked "really? That's amazing" she told him.

"Not really I grew up in a desert water is very good there" Gaara said sighing.

Sakura smiled and saw Ino, "HEY INO!" Sakura yelled over the music.

Ino walked up to them already drunk "Oh my god man you missed it, we were playing seven minutes in heaven and wow Kiba is a fucking good kisser" she said dazed.

Gaara and Sakura looked at each other and then back at Ino, "Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore" Sakura said taking the current glass of sake from her. Ino laughed and walked off into the crowd.

Sakura sighed and placed the sake on the table beside her, "it's not pretty when Ino gets drunk, but hey whatever she's the one going to die from cancer" she laughed and grabbed Gaara's hand and pulled him with her to the dance floor.

"Sakura . . . I can't dance" Gaara mumbled.

Sakura smiled at him, "Its not hard just move with me" she said getting his hands and placing them on her waist and moving with the pounding music.

"Gaara??" a voice came from beside them.

Sakura and Gaara looked beside them to see Neji and Tenten dancing together, "I didn't know you could dance" Neji smirked as Gaara just gave him a 'shut up' look.

Tenten laughed, "Since when have you two been an item?" Tenten smiled at Sakura.

Sakura blushed slightly, "Just recently actually.

"Gaara finally confess his undying love for you Sakura?" Neji smirked seeing Gaara's embarrassed and disapproving face.

Sakura saw a familiar head of blonde and smiled, "We're going to say happy birthday to the birthday boy himself" Sakura said to them and began dragging Gaara with her.

"Naruto!" Sakura called coming up behind him and hugging him. Naruto turned and hugged her as well and then saw Gaara standing behind her.

"Gaara!" Naruto yelled and walked dizzily over and hugged him. He was clearly drug and had no idea really what he doing or he wouldn't have attempted that fate worse then death. Gaara decided to let it pass seeing the state he was in.

"Sssssssssssakura-chan! I'm sssssssssso glad you could make it" Naruto hiccupped. Sakura shook her head and hit him in the head with her fist.

"You BAKA! I told you to watch how much you drink!" she glared at him with her hands on her hips shaking her head disapprovingly. Gaara pulled her away before she went off on Naruto again it was in fact his birthday.

Sakura sighed and looked up at Gaara begging for him to dance with her again. Sighing in defeat he obliged ad went out to the dance floor with her. After hours had flown by some people were crashed on the couch and chairs while others will still dancing like maniacs. One of those being Naruto.

Sakura yawned and dragged Gaara with her on to the surprisingly vacant balcony. The nice cold air was a relief to the packed house they were just in. "Oh Gaara look at the moon" she gaped and stared at the beautiful full moon.

He looked up as well but only for his eyes to fall back to the amazed girl in front of him. Sakura blinked and looked at him, "What?" she asked blushing.

He shook his head, "It's nothing" he told her looking up at the moon again. She made a face and walked up to him.

"You know you can tell me if something it bothering you" she said grabbing onto his shirt tightly and looking up at his face.

"I know,"

"You sure it's nothing?" she asked again.

He nodded and leaned his forehead on hers. "I was only thinking of you" he smiled slightly.

She smile back and kissed him lightly. "Can you take me home now?" she asked holding onto him. He nodded and in the gust of the wind they were swept away in his sand.


"Sakura-chan!!" Naruto sobbed blowing his nose in a tissue. Hinata was rubbing his back soothingly, "Why do you have to leave Sakura-chan?!"

Sakura sighed and hit him over the head. "I'm going to visit Gaara for awhile ok, it's not like I'm going to be gone forever, you baka" she huffed and turned away from him.

"Have a safe trip Sakura" Hinata smiled to her and nodded to Gaara. Sakura smiled back and looked at Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro.

"Don't go off having any babies before me forehead girl" Ino smirked making Sakura go blood red and a bit faint. "Oh looks like she's imagining it now" she snickered.

"I am not!" Sakura shot back still blushing like crazy and looking around nervously. Temari just laughed and started out past the gate with Gaara and Kankuro behind her. "Bye!" she waved at them all before running to catch up with Gaara.

"She's not coming back is she?" Kiba looked down at Ino who shook her head.

"Nope" Naruto sighed. "She going to stay there but she better come and visit us or we'll just have to drag her here ourselves" Naruto smiled. Hinata smiled up at Naruto.

"I'm sure everything will be fine" she whispered and the four figures disappeared from the road.

A/n: YOU FINISHED!! I'm so happy YAY!! Now if you would review :D