
By Jedi X-Man Serena Kenobi

Summary: Losing Anakin to the Dark Side has only made Padmé stronger. Instead of dying, she must fight; not only for her own life, but to save her children and the man she loves from the hands of the Empire.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Star Wars. I just wish I did.


It was all a blur.


She couldn't see anything.


She vaguely heard a baby's cry in the background, but nothing seemed to make sense.

Where are you, Anakin?

Voices. She heard voices talking among the cries. She couldn't make out what they were saying; it was muddled whispers.

What's going on? What's happened?

She heard a voice distantly calling her name…

Padmé… Padmé… PADMÉ!!


Her eyes shot open, and she stared at the bright ceiling for a second before closing her eyes. She groaned, opened her eyes slowly, and saw Obi-Wan standing over her, a distressed look upon his battle-worn face.

"Thank the Force," he sighed, "We thought you were gone."

Padmé blinked. "Gone?"

He nodded. "Yes, you almost died."

"Died?" She vaguely wondered why she kept repeating him.

"Yes, Padmé. We almost lost you."

Tears began to well up in Padmé's eyes as all the events came raining down on her. "I couldn't…" she hoarsely whispered, "I couldn't abandon my children, no matter how much I felt like giving up. I have to stay strong for them, Obi-Wan. I can't leave them. They need me."

The older Jedi smiled faintly. "Only a true mother would say something like that," he quietly replied. "You're a brave woman, Padmé. You've never given up when we have, more times than I can count."

She weakly smiled in return. "Thanks for being with me, Obi-Wan," she continued, "You're a good friend."

At that, Obi-Wan's face turned down, and he fixed her with a remorseful gaze before slowly treading out of the room.

Padmé watched him leave, wondering what had made him so guilty. What exactly had happened between him and Anakin?

That caused her to shudder. She didn't even know Anakin anymore. Was he dead? Mortally injured?

A small, troubling voice got her even more worried. With his new master?

Bail Organa's arrival brought her out of her musings. "Thank goodness you're alright, Padmé," he said kindly, "How are you feeling?"

She paused. "Better than I was, thank you. Where are the twins? Can I hold them?" She sat up and rubbed the back of her head.

"Um, that's one of things I came in here to tell you," Bail stammered, growing nervous, "Ah, Master Yoda and Master Kenobi have decided that it would be best if we…"

Padmé's eyes narrowed. "Best if you what?"

"Separated the twins from each other. And you."


"I'm so sorry, Padmé."

That's only the prologue, and I'm sorry it was short. The next chapters will be much longer, I assure you. If you guys like it, I'll continue.