Lucy: Yay brand new Fanfic! It's really weird, but when I first made an account I was like, I'm never gonna write any stories and now I'm writing crazy! Oh well…

Kyouya: Yes were so 'happy' your still writing…

Lucy: Hmmm was that sarcasm I heard?

Kyouya: umm no…

Lucy: Aww you're so cute when you deny stuff –jumps on him-

Kyouya: anyway… Lucy does not own Ouran. We have enough problems with Renge without her around…

Lucy: Yay! Renge-Chan!


Haruhi was not feeling too good. Her head throbbed and her throat was as dry as a matchstick. She also really wanted to just lie down and go to sleep.

'Still' she thought to herself, as the teacher droned on and on about quantum physics and stuff, 'I can go to sleep after this lesson, just stay awake a little more…ZZZZZ'.

'Hmm that's weird', Hikaru thought as he glanced at Haruhi, 'Haruhi never usually sleeps in lessons…I wonder what's wrong'


Kouru looked up from his page of doodles and turned to his brother.

'Yeah what Hikaru I'm trying to draw'.

'Look, Haruhi's asleep'.

Kouru looked. Kouru saw. Both the twins snickered and fought the urge to draw on Haruhi's peacefully sleeping face.

Five minutes later, class ended, and the twins quickly picked up the still sleeping Haruhi (secretly Haruhi sleeps like the dead), and took her too the host club.


'Okaasaa' Tamaki whined at Kyouya, who carried on ignoring him, 'where's Haruhi?'

It was ok for Tamaki to whine, Kyouya guessed. After all Haruhi was not normally late, and the club had started approximately 10 minutes and 42 seconds ago (Kyouya is very precise).

Suddenly the doors opened and a very flushed pair of twins and a still sleeping Haruhi entered the room.

'Ahh we –gasp- made it –gasp'

'Yeah –gasp-'

'Kouru, Hikaru though I never judge your unique practical jokes, why do you have a sleeping Haruhi doll?' Kyouya questioned, as Kouru and Hikaru put Haruhi on one of the sofas.

'Err… that isn't a doll, that is Haruhi' Kouru asked, as he watched Hikaru put a pillow under Haruhi's head.

'What, what have you two done to my daughter?!' Tamaki yelled, almost knocking the twins over in an attempt to reach Haruhi.

'Is Haru-chan ok?' Hani asked, big pink flowers swirling over his head.

'Mm' Mori said.

'I may be wrong' Kyouya started to analyse Haruhi, 'but Haruhi doesn't look well'.

The club looked at Haruhi. They noted her white face and slightly flushed cheeks. They noted the sweat on her forehead and the look of pain on her sleeping features.

'Waah Haru-chan's dying' Hani cried, burying his face in Mori's shirt.

'No not my daughter. Quick call an ambulance….Hikaru, Kouru do something useful…Kyouya help me!' Tamaki was doing a little panic dance in the middle of the room, his arms flapping wildly.

'Tono…Haruhi's fine' the twins said in unison, grinning stupidly.

'Their right… TAMAKI CLAM DOWN…-ahem- it's only a fever…' Kyouya stopped.

'Oh…-ahem- yes I knew that… what do we do know?' Tamaki questioned.

'Were going to play a new game, Tono.' Hikaru whispered evilly to Tamaki.

'Its called, the nurse Haruhi better game!' The twins chanted.

'Whoever nurses her better wins!' Kouru whispered, eyes glinting.

'I shall give a prize too whoever wins' Kyouya smiled his most evil smile and produced a book. 'I have here Haruhi's diary. Whoever wins gets it'.

'We shall nurse her better at my house' Everyone looked at Tamaki.

'Well she is my daughter' Tamaki mumbled.

'Fine then, but we all get to stay at yours to look after Haruhi'. Kyouya sighed. This would be very interesting.

And so it was decided. After a call from Kyouya to Ranka, it was decided that Haruhi could stay at Tamaki's and everyone moved into the second Souh mansion.

Let the games begin!


Oooh! What will happen next? Well we'll have to find out now won't we! I may not update for a while… (a few days) because of exams!

Please review! I love comments!