It Can't Be Helped

Author: Mask of Mirage

Rating: M

Comments: Because it seems I'm never satisfied with anything I write, this whole story has been revamped and edited for my own personal reasons. This story has received many positive responses and if you've read this before then I hope it's even better than the first botched-up try. If you're new, why hello?

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything affiliated.

Prologue: Of All The Stupid Things!

Flames licked the evening sky and the bright embers sparkled patterns across the canvas of navy blue. The sound of shattering glass could be heard from the ground where a small group of civilians had gathered to watch the blazing inferno. A hysterical teenager ran back and forth in front of his apartment.

"No, no, not good," he yelled, desperately blowing on the flames, thinking he could extinguish them. His golden hair was illuminated against the raging backdrop of fire and his eyes glowed a burnt orange.

A great groan was issued from the building and the roof caved in upon itself with a deafening crunch. Naruto Uzumaki fell to his soot-blackened knees and buried his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto," Sakura said, wrapping her arms around her friend. She could feel his shoulders shake beneath her firm hold. "It's okay to cry," she whispered soothingly. She was surprised to hear Naruto giggling instead. "Wait, I'm confused. Why are you laughing?"

"Well shit," he replied between breaths of fresh air. "Next time I'll remember to turn off the burner."

A loud thud rang out among the crowd as Sakura's fist collided with his temple.

"Ow! What did you do that for," he whined, rubbing the growing knot on his head.

"Baka, you could have been killed! Yet you sit here laughing," she reprimanded, cracking her knuckles menacingly.

"I still don't see why you had to hit me though," the blond muttered under his breath, wincing when he accidentally pressed down too hard on the knot.

Sakura exhaled a deep sigh. Naruto sure had a way of getting under her skin even when he wasn't even trying to. "Come on," she said, pulling him to his feet," we have to go see the Hokage and tell her about this."

Naruto's face fell at these words and it took all of Sakura's strength to drag her fear-stricken friend across town.

"YOU DID WHAT!" Tsunade yelled, slamming her sake down on the table hard enough to splash Sakura and Naruto in front of her, Shizune to her immediate left and the small, unsuspecting spider beneath the desk.

Naruto cowered beneath his chair, deathly afraid of the loud drunk woman who glared ferociously down upon him. He swore up and down, to this day, that her nails grew an extra inch or two.

"He burnt his apartment down, sensei," Sakura replied for the frightened kitsune.

The Godaime Hokage slunk back in her chair, hand clasped to her forehead as if willing an impending migraine away. "We'll have to find you a place to stay then, I guess."

"My mother probably won't let him stay at my place but you might try the Hyuuga's," Sakura piped in.

Tsunade shook her head. "No, Hiashi would have my head on a pike."

"What about Shikamaru?"

"That won't work either. Him, Aburame, Inuzuka, and Lee are away on a mission. There's only one possible option left and I doubt either will like it." She turned to Naruto, her eyes piercing in their liquid amber gaze. "He's the only one. Unless you prefer to live on the street, that is?"

Recognition seemed to dawn in Naruto's cerulean eyes as they widened and his mouth dropped open, ready to fire a protest. "Oh, come on, you can do better than that! Of all the people in the village? I have a better chance of going to live with Gaara than him."

"It's the only way, Naruto. Only till you get back on your feet. You can survive a few months, can't you," Tsunade replied, hope dancing in her eyes.

His face softened and a bright bubbly look filled his eyes. Finally, the old Naruto was resurfacing and Tsunade could barely believe her plan had worked so well. It was the only option left although she, herself, wasn't too sure how well it was going to be received by the other, more unfortunate, party.

"Of course I can-ttebayo!" Naruto declared enthusiastically, dragging Sakura out of the office behind him, fully intending to hassle the rosette into helping him pack what little he had left.

"Shizune, call him up here in the morning," Tsunade murmured drearily, taking a deep swig of her sake before refilling it. "I have a feeling Uchiha's not going to like this. Might as well wait till morning. No use waking him just to deliver some bad news."

A/N: That's the end of the first chapter. I realize it was quite short but I meant it as a prologue of sorts. If you haven't figured out yet, the person Naruto will be staying with is in fact Sasuke Uchiha.