a/n: This is a little sand sib oneshot, because I absolutely love them! It's in Temari's point of view because I find it easiest to step into her shoes. Read and review, please. J It's really short, but I wanted to do something like this.

The wind howls, and inside our home, with bated breathe, we wait.

"When is it going to end?" Kankurou asks me in a scratchy whisper.

Gaara touches my arm, looking for comfort. I scoot away from him, put my arms around Kankurou.

His eyes stare out the window, and I notice tears in them. He hugs his teddy bear tighter.

"Gaara, get away from the window," I scold, "you know better."

He moves. Indeed, he should know better. If something heavy is moved by the fierce wind, it could knock out the window. And as much as I wish he would die, I know better than that.

I stared at the baby, who looked up at me quizzically with its pale eyes.

"I hate you," I hissed, "I hate you. I wish you would just die."

The baby began to whimper, sensing the tone in my voice. Violently, I placed the baby in its crib.

"Are you happy?" I hissed. My voice rose. "ARE YOU HAPPY?"

The baby began to cry, wailing loudly.

I began to cry too… hot tears silently streamed down my cheeks. But my eyes never moved once from the demon before me.

My mother had died to save a demon.

Kankurou looked on timdily, not sure what to do. Then, hesitantly, he spoke:
"Temari, please stop. You're scaring him."

I turned to him now, eyes on fire. "Scaring him? He deserves it. He's a freak. He's a demon, Kankurou, what am I supposed to do? Wrap him up nicely in a blankie and give him some milk? After he killed our mother?"

Kankurou was quiet. Then:

"It wasn't his fault."

"Temari," he says. His voice is so saturated with fear that I feel guilty. "Temari, Teddy-chan is scared," he clutches the teddy bear to his chest as though it will shield him. Then he whispers, "and so am I."

Kankurou speaks. "Come here, Gaara-kun," he says, although his voice is shaky - and not just from the sandstorm.

Gaara's eyes light up, he smiles, and he rushes slowly (as small children do) to us. He gives us both a big hug, and I feel disgusted chills go up my spine.

But after a while, we forget that he's a demon. We forget that he killed our mother.

And for one time, until the sandstorm ended a couple hours later, we felt like real family.