Disclaimer: Don't own Whistle!

One Cold Night

It was a cold winter night. Shigeki and Tatsuya were walking home. But Shigeki disappeared.

''Shige! Shige, where'd you go? Shige?'' Tatsuya asked now annoyed.

Only to be hit with a snowball by on none than Shigeki, who was laughing as it hit Tatsuya's head.

''Shige!!! It's freezing! Why did you do that?''

''Awe Tatsubon, you're not mad are?''

Tatsuya's face filled with anger and redness ran after Shigeki. Until Tatsuya tripped on a rock covered in snow. He pulled on Shigeki's collar and dragged him on top of him. Their faces so close, their lips on the verge of kissing.

Shigeki smiles, ''You know I like the landing.''

Tatsuya began blushing, and tried to release himself of Shigeki's grasp, he couldn't.

''Where do you think you're going? We should do this more often.''


''Cause Tatsubon, I like to see you blush when you're helpless.''

Tatsuya tried to hide his face from Shigeki, but Shigeki's hand let go of Tatsuya's hands and held Tatsuya's face perfectly above his own.

''I want to see your beautiful face. You look so perfect when you smile. I want to see that more often. I want to also taste you.''

Shigeki already at perfect reach began tasting Tatsuya's lips. Tatsuya couldn't fight the desire any longer and began to give in to Shigeki's will. Then, suddenly Shigeki stopped and just looked at Tatsuya.

''Shige, why did you stop? Am I ..?''

''No, I just wanted to know what you taste like. It's yummy. Cherry..no…Strawberry…''

''Figure that out later.''

Tatsuya then pulled Shigeki back into a passionate kiss.

Read and Review. Tell me you like it or hate it.