"Your World"

I do not own Kyou Kara Maou. I've only watched the 1st season when I created this story and am stubborn to change it so forgive me if some of the characters aren't themselves. I kinda revised this and edited some parts. I'm sorry if there are still errors though.

Chapter 1: Make me fall for you

The sun shone brightly through the Maou's bedroom window. Yuuri slowly opened his eyes and realized that Wolfram was sleeping in his bed, again. He turned to tell Wolfram to stop sleeping in his room but instead, he was bedazzled his fiancé's beauty. His blond hair shined because of the sunlight while his pale skin glowed. Then slowly, his eyes opened. As Yuuri was staring at his bright, Emerald eyes which showed confusion later on as he said "What are you staring at, wimp?" Wolfram's voice brought Yuuri back to reality as he shrugged and swayed his head from side to side "Nothing." He didn't see Wolfram blush as Yuuri got out of their bed while Wolfram thought that maybe, just maybe Yuuri could be falling for him too because Yuuri didn't even bother to remind Wolfram not to sleep in his bed. Yuuri then turned to Wolfram, giving his hand "Let's have breakfast shall we?" Yuuri said with his goofy smile. Wolfram smiled and blushed as his fiancé helped him out of their bed.

They started in the bath as Wolfram realized that Yuuri had done nothing at all than staring at him completely in a trance. He smiled at this and thought that Yuuri really liked him. He shrugged and looked at Yuuri who was still staring.

"Yuuri? Are you okay?"

Yuuri finally relaxed and said "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Nothing. You seem to be dreaming off and…"

"I'm fine! Let's have some breakfast, I'm hungry."

Yuuri blushed as Wolfram rose and he followed after.

Breakfast was filled with Yuuri gawping at Wolfram. Wolfram would then look back from time to time and Yuuri would continue until Wolfram wouldn't be looking at him and then Yuuri would stare again.

Wolfram finished eating and rose to leave the room when Yuuri held his hand and said "Wolfram, would you like me to teach you how to play baseball?"

Wolfram blushed at this but he refused to give in due to his pride.

"Why would I like to learn baseball?"

"I don't know…I just…I…I want to spend some time with you since you are my fiancé and all..."

"Sure…if you really want to…"
At this Conrad smiled, Günter recited how beautiful love was, Gwendal continued eating, Greta squealed and Murata gave Yuuri a thumbs-up. Wolfram wondered on how his mother would have reacted if she was there but she was currently traveling for "free-love".

"Very well then, I guess I'll just assign one of the soldiers to take charge for the afternoon."

"See you at the field."

Wolfram nodded and went out of the room.

"Beautiful, isn't he?" Yuuri thought to himself.

He hurriedly went to their bedroom after eating to get changed but he was surprised to find Wolfram on their bed, writing something on a plain, blue colored notebook. Wolfram noticed him and looked at Yuuri.

"I didn't know you kept a diary."

"It's not a diary." Wolfram defended himself.

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing…" Wolfram's voice became soft as he hid the notebook under the pillow.

Wolfram suddenly hugged Yuuri so he hugged him back as he called out his name "Wolfram…" Wolfram leaned his head on his fiancé's shoulder "What's wrong?" he looked at the onyx-eyed boy and softly whispered "Nothing." as he took a step back, realizing that he had actually hugged the king. He looked at Yuuri's eyes as he realized that Yuuri's gaze was directed at the pillow where he kept the notebook. "Yuuri, please don't touch my stuff without my permission because—you know, you just might mess it up." Yuuri nodded and thought to himself that Wolfram was making an excuse for him not to look into his notebook. Yuuri thought of looking into that notebook, but curiosity killed the cat he thought to himself but then again, the cat has nine lives he smiled happily at this thought and promised to read it sooner or later.

They went to the field and Yuuri started teaching Wolfram the basic rules of baseball but he failed miserably. He then just played catch with Wolfram who was throwing the ball all too strong which made Yuuri have to run fast in order not to lose.

end of chapter1