Avast, SeaMonkeys! Here's a much belated update! I have grand plans for this story's ending! Enjoy!

I don't own FF VII or any characters therein. I am just a tool of my muse and must answer to her call. Even at three o'clock in the morning and have to wake at five-thirty for work. Not at all bitter about that. Not one bit. .

"See you later, Rude." Reno was walking out the door, coat over his shoulder.


"Going to see an old friend. I'll say 'Hi' for you."

"Who do we both know outside of work?"

"Not a who, man. Not a who." Reno smirked before shutting the door behind him. Rude sat at his desk for a moment, staring at the doorway his partner had vacated and debated following him. Reno was difficult to track at the best of times. Rude decided to stay where he was and follow the tracking beacon he installed in the sole of his partners favorite shoes when movement stopped. He would have plenty of time to finish his report and then follow.

Later that evening...


"That isn't a greeting, Turkey!"

"Sure it is. I just used it, and you responded to it. It's a greeting."

"Uh huh. You ready?"

"For you, or for the movie?"

"Both can happen."

"My kind of night." Reno sat down on the couch, running his hand over the arm rest fondly. Yuffie curled up beside him with remote in hand. "Rude tried the tracking beacon again."

"Told you he would. Did you ditch it?"

"Yeah, left them in the wheel well of Tseng's car. Sucks though. Those were my favorite shoes."

"You could just tell them where you're going. Or are you ashamed of me, Reno?"

"No fucking way." He pulled her closer for a kiss. "I want to make them pay for not clueing me in on a new operation."

"What? You're their best operative!"

"I know, that's why I'm pissed."

"What's it called? There isn't anything the Turks are up to that Reeve doesn't know about."

"I found a note on Rufus' desk about it. Called 'GRAGFNY'. Fuck if I know what it's about." Reno paused to grab a soda. "It has something to do with chocolate cake too."

"Tifa makes an amazing chocolate cake."

"Shit yeah she does. Rufus had us stake out once to try and get a sample for analysis."

"Is that why you were at the bar that time?"

"Yup. Apparently that's when the whole thing started. Seems Rude and Tseng are in on it." Reno glowered at the television screen.

"Want me to find out for you?"

"Nah. I'll find out."

"Kay. Want anything else before the movie starts?"

"You with considerably less clothing."


"Definitely my kind of night."

Shinra Building, Rufus' Office

"No luck, sir."

"I suppose you tried putting the tracker in his shoe?" Rude nodded. "Ah, well, it puts a definite hitch in GRAGFNY if we can't keep track of everyone involved. What about Tuesti's doll? It has stealth capabilities, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. You sure, sir?" Rufus sat contemplating while toying with an expensive pen before answering.

"Yes. The operation is mutually beneficial, after all."

"I'm on it."

Rufus continued to toy with the pen, lost in thought as Rude left the office. This operation was about to be taken to the next level, but to do that would require Reeve Tuesti's cooperation. He had no doubt that Reeve would be enthusiast about Operation GRAGFNY- Part Deux. The only doubt he had was getting the two key players to cooperate without knowing they were cooperating.