Sum. Sakura was always one of the 'guys.' But when her girl friends give her a make over and 'tips' she's not so 'manly' anymore. Especially when all your guy friends won't stop staring at her and keep hitting on her! Not to mention all the upper classmen and guys at school! It starts to get heavy in this fight for her attention! SakXsas SakXnaru SakXkak SakXLee

a/n: Sorry for the late update...and some no updates for my other stories, but i'm soooo busy...and i'm making time...and all...anyway...i wanted to hurry up with this one due to i left off at a cliff hanger. so yeah...this chap. is mostly on DON'T hurt me...Sakura will end up with Sasuke...just not now...ya know? Enjoy.


Chapter 3

Sakura stepped into view. Her face had light pink eye shadow and her lips looked nicely glossed. Her hair was up in a nice ponytail, slightly waved at the tips. Her bangs curved her face and the pink of her hair accented her eyes. She wore a red low cut tang top with white designs. She had a mid thigh jean pleated skirt and wore red high heel shoes.

"No sweats…" thought Naruto.

"No cap…" thought Sasuke.

"Totally hot…" thought Kakashi.

Sakura blushed but had her face in a set scowl. Trying not to let too much of how she was feeling escape. She folded her arms across her chest as she glared at them, all the guys still hadn't blinked and it was ticking her off. Minutes seemed to whiz by and they still said nothing.

"What?" she growled seemingly forgetting she was wearing something she had sworn she would never be caught dead in.

Ino smiled, "Amazing isn't it?" she asked the still shocked guys.

"Sakura, these guys are friends with benefits right?" asked TenTen in a whisper.

Sakura's anger vanished and was replaced with shock of her own. "What?!" she yelled turning to TenTen, a deep blush staining her cheeks, "What are you talking about?" she whispered.

TenTen shrugged, "Just asking." she muttered.

Kakashi walked over to Sakura, he leaned forward and stared hard at her face, as if trying to see past her. Sakura glared at him. Kakashi stepped back and put his hand to his chin and walked around Sakura, examining every inch of her.

"Damn perv…" she thought, trying to hold in her anger. Something Ino had tried to help with Sakura and worked some what.

Kakashi nodded slowly than placed his hand on Sakura's bare cleavage. Sakura froze and his hand slid down to her breast. Sakura closed her eyes and clutched her fists.

"What…do you think you doing?" she gritted. "You DAMN PERVERT!" Sakura punched him in the face and huffed angrily.

"God! Can't you AT LEAST go ONE second WITHOUT TOUCHING someone you FUCKING PERVERT! GOD!" Sakura stood over Kakashi's laying form.

"Maybe I should puncture his stomach with my heels." mumbled Sakura.

Ino smiled weakly, "Now now Sakura, calm down."

"What no lecture?" asked Sakura.

Ino shook her head, "That's acceptable when a pervert-I mean-an unwanted guy touches you like that…"

"You know Sakura, you look good in red panties." mumbled Kakashi who was crouching down next to her, her skirt in his hand.

"DAMN YOU KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as she punched him mercilessly.

"Yep, it's still Sakura…" mumbled Naruto.

"That's for sure." muttered Sasuke taking another swig of his beer.

"Well, we have to go now Sakura." TenTen winked.

"Yeah, we're a phone call away." said Hinata.

"Remember what we showed you." whispered Ino. "Bye!"

The three girls left and Sakura sighed. Kakashi joined the two guys on the couch after a minute and Naruto sighed.

"Kakashi, that was a great way to apologize for yesterday…and like a second ago when you dropped the beer all over the nice new carpet." muttered Naruto.

Kakashi and Sakura cringed. Kakashi glared at Naruto, telling him to shut up before he was good as dead. All three guys turned to look at Sakura. She put on a smile the best she could.

"It's no problem, I'll clean it up. Just don't step over here or you'll get cut…" she smiled, "We wouldn't want that to happen…" she thought angrily.

She grabbed a broom and dustpan from a closet. She stared hard at the broom and mentally sighed. She walked over to the spot Kakashi stood in and knelt down. Brushing all the glass into the dustpan the best she could.

"Damn…how do women do this?" she thought. Ino hadn't necessarily showed her how to use a broom.

She completely forgot she was wearing a skirt and tried to scoop up into the dustpan while standing.

The guys sat smirking.

"Kakashi was right, you do look good in red panties." muttered Naruto with a smirk.

Sakura shot up right and turned towards them, a blush staining her cheeks. "I…uh…hmph!" she ignored the comment.

"Oh sure, you don't beat him for saying it!" argued Kakashi.

Sakura rolled her eyes, "He didn't lift up my skirt." she muttered. She sat on the ground and picked up the pieces of glass one by one and put them on the dust pan. She didn't care how stupid it looked she wanted to clean it up.

"Ouch…damn-I mean darn it…" she muttered. A piece of glass cut her index finger just perfectly, it was blood ran down her finger and she sighed.

"You even more of a klutz aren't you?"

Sakura looked up meeting Kakashi's lone grey eye. She glared at him. "If you think I'll forgive you that easily…" she mumbled.

He laughed and grabbed her hand that harbored the cut. She stared at him as he brought her cut forward and pulled a napkin out. He wrapped the napkin around her index finger.

"That'll stop it for now." He stood up, "Let's get you a bandage, come on." He walked up the stairs and Sakura stood up. She glanced at Naruto and Sasuke who only shrugged in return.

She walked up the stairs and into the bathroom where Kakashi was searching inside the bathroom cabinets. Sakura sat on the tub as she watched him search, careful of not to sit wrong…she might get another panty comment. She sighed.

"You don't have to do this Kakashi, I know my house well enough and I think I'm capable to put on a bandage." she muttered.

He ignored her and found what he was searching for, "Ah ha!" he sat on the toilet seat and grabbed her hand, removing the already blood stained napkin. He threw it in the trash and wrapped the bandage around her finger.

He held on to her hand and met her gaze. Sakura stared into his eyes and couldn't help but blush.

"Why is he acting so weird?" she thought. "Kakashi…" she mumbled, looking at her hand.

"Hm?" he mumbled.

"Your still holding my hand…" she whispered.

He looked down and smiled at her, "I know." he muttered.

Sakura blushed even more. "Listen if this is just a joke-"

"It's not…you were always beautiful Sakura…but now you proudly show off what your made off…I'm proud of you…" He leaned in Sakura blushed heavily.

"Oh my god…" she thought.

She leaned back and met with wall behind her, "Kakashi…Wha-"

He smirked and leaned in until there was only a small gap from each other's lips. Sakura clutched the sides of the tub and closed her eyes as she felt him slowly close the gap between them. His lips gently pressed against hers.

He kissed her slowly and finally pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. She opened her eyes and blinked.

"That's it?" she whispered, "The all mighty Hatake Kakashi is finished?" she smirked.

He smirked as well, "I didn't want to offend you…again." he whispered.

"You won't." she grabbed on his collar and pulled him in for another kiss. He smirked and she could only wrap her arms around his neck.

Kakashi massaged her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She let him and he snaked his tongue in her mouth and caused a full on war for dominance. Sakura propped her self up on her knees and pushed him back, momentarily forgetting their current location.

Kakashi fell back into the tub, followed by Sakura. They both looked at each other and laughed. Sakura blushed again when she noticed her current position on Kakashi. She was on top of him, straddling his hips. She stood up, nervously piecing together what just happened.

"Well, that mess isn't going to clean itself up." she muttered.

Kakashi propped himself back up and smirked. "Right." he muttered. Sakura adjusted her skirt and walked out back to the basement.

"What just came over me?" she thought. "Oh my god I'm becoming like those woman you see on TV!" she thought, "I'm becoming a whore!!"

Naruto was laying on the couch upside down, playing video games against Sasuke, who was currently in the lead.

"Hey Sakura, what took you?" asked Naruto.

Sasuke looked up to meet her spaced out daze. While he was at it, he looked checked her out as well.

Her tang top seemed to go nicely with her body, which did have the hour glass shape, she just happened to hide it behind large sweatshirts and sweatpants. Sakura also had nice legs and a pretty face.

"Huh, nothing. I was looking…for um…a vacuum." she muttered.

Naruto nodded, "Uh huh. You don't ever use those things do you?" he asked.

Sakura smiled weakly, "Is it obvious?" she whispered.

"Kinda, I mean, you resorted to picking up glass rather than sweeping it…" he added, his blue eyes looking at her.

"I better get back to it." she whispered. She walked over to the mess and stared hard at the broom again. "Come on think…how do you use this properly?" she thought.

Kakashi jumped between on the couch. "What'cha guys playing?" he asked.

"Mortal Kombat…I'm kickin' Naruto's ass." muttered Sasuke.

Naruto growled at that, "Shut up, so it's 1-5, big deal! It's only the beginning!"

Kakashi laughed, "I'm betting on Sasuke…sorry Naruto."

Five minutes past by and Sakura was still standing, staring at the broom and the mess. "Maybe I should call Ino…" she mumbled.

"What?!" yelled Naruto, "Damn it! I lost again!"

"Losers get the beer." muttered Sasuke.

Naruto glared at him but rolled off the couch. "I'll beat you next time." he muttered under his breathe.

"Hey Sakura…still having troubles?" asked Naruto as he watched her glare at the broom.

"Huh? Uh, yeah…dam-I mean-stupid broom…I can't figure it out…" she mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

"Here." Naruto grabbed the broom and cleaned it up. "You hold it like this and this, like this. See?"

Sakura nodded, "Oh…haha, yeah, I could just die it was so simple." she mumbled.

"Sakura, do you want a beer?" asked Naruto.

Sakura sighed, "Hmm…yea-" Sakura stopped mid sentence, remembering what Ino had told her.



"Sakura, don't be such a baby! I'm almost done putting these curlers in!" whispered TenTen.

"Why are they so huge anyway?" asked Sakura.

"So the curls are lose and not tight." answered Ino as she flipped through the pages of the magazine.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Lose, tight, what?"

Ino rolled her eyes, "Take 5 TenTen." muttered Ino.

TenTen nodded and sat on the couch while Sakura stood up.

"Man, I'm thirsty." mumbled Sakura.

"Then lets go get a drink." mumbled Ino, she stood up and walked into the kitchen, followed by Sakura.

The kitchen, which had been slightly girl-ified as well. Pink, purple, white, blue, colored plates and cups. Sakura opened the fridge and smiled when she noticed the beer bottles that were full. Now she didn't have to walk all the way down to the basement for one.

"Hey, want a beer?" asked Sakura to Ino.

Ino scrunched up her face, "No!"

Sakura shrugged, "Suit yourself." She took out the beer and pulled off the top.

But before Sakura could actually taste any of it, Ino snatched it away from her. Sakura's eyes went wide.

"Oh hell no! You can not take beer away from me!" yelled Sakura.

Ino smiled, "Watch me." She held the beer out over the sink, "I'll do it Sakura."

Sakura shook her head, "No! Uh…I won't drink it anymore just…let me have this one! One last time!"

Ino looked thoughtful than smiled, "Okay. But no more! Only at parties, when at home drink soda or something…lonely girls drink beer alone." she handed Sakura the beer.

Sakura mumbled something in coherent but agreed.

"Oh Sakura!!!" squealed a happy TenTen, "5 minutes are over!"

Sakura groaned and sulked back into the living room.

-------end flash----------

"On second thought, no thanks Naruto." she smiled at him.

Naruto blinked, "Wow, you not wanting beer…that's going to have to get some use to."

Sakura nodded, "Yeah…" she smiled weakly, "Me too…" she thought sadly.

"Do you think Sakura will be alright?" asked TenTen.

"Yes, we helped her study now it's time for the test." Ino smiled.

"That's deep." whispered Hinata.

"Right? I just made it up!" Ino chuckled. "Well, which one do you think will make the first move?" she asked.

"My guess is probably the pervert." TenTen answered.

"Really? Me too, and I think maybe Sasuke too. Did you see the way he looked at her?" asked Ino.

"My money is on Sasuke too. Pervert or not, after that beating won't make on move on her, will he?" asked Hinata.

They all shrugged.

"So you aren't going to beat up Kakashi?" asked Naruto surprised.

Sakura sighed, trying to hide her angry from yesterday, "N-no…Kakashi's a perv…" she sighed and pulled off her heels.

"Aren't those things a major pain?" asked Sasuke.

Sakura sighed, "You have no idea…" she mumbled. She stood up, "Anyway, do you guys want any lunch?" she asked with a smile.

They all stared at her. She looked at them, "What?" she asked innocently.

"You? Cook?" they asked.

She glared, "Yes? And?" she asked, gritting.

"Uh…sure." muttered Naruto.

"Yeah…" whispered Kakashi.

"Great…" mumbled Sasuke.

Sakura smiled, "Great, you'll eat it and love it, you'll see!"

They all mentally groaned at the thought of what she'd cook up.

"What do I do now…" thought Sakura as she continued reading the cook book. The frilly white apron on her that said "Kiss me, I'm cooking for You" in cursive red letters only gave her the masked appearance of an experienced cook.

She glanced at the boiling water, "I never thought I would be in this sort of pickle…Kakashi gave me my first real kiss…and I acted just like a girl should…but…now what?"she thought.

She sighed and stared out the window over the sink. The many Sakura trees in her yard were gorgeous and planted there to indicate it was her house. She walked over to the window and opened it, giving the kitchen some fresh air she needed.

"Are they all really friends with benefits? Would that make me a whore? SHIT!!!!" she thought angrily.

She sighed, the wind picking up her hair as it gently flowed in the wind. She would never be caught dead wearing something so damn 'girly,' but today was an exception. Or for the rest of her life.

She sighed and got back to work with her food.

"I don't know about you, but I'm heading home." muttered Naruto, "Before I suffer from food poisoning."

Sasuke shook his head, "I need to go anyway, that history project is due tomorrow." he muttered standing up.

Kakashi shrugged, "I think I'll stay, if I don't go to the academy tomorrow, you know why."

They all had a short laugh and they walked up to the living room.

"Wait…shh…" muttered Naruto.

They all stopped at the basement door and listened quietly. All of them were surprised at what they heard. Sakura…she…she was singing.

Not a rock song, but an acid jazz type, almost popish type of song. It had a good beat to it, making it very danceable.

" All the things she said, All the things she said

Running through my head, running through my head

All the things she said, This is not enough----"

They opened the door to hear the radio blasting. Sakura had a wooden spoon in her hand, pretending it as a mic and began to sing into it. She was also dancing around in the kitchen. Actually enjoying herself now, feeling a bit free.

"Aww….no!" Sakura ran over to the pot as the water poured over the edge and quickly turned down the stove. She sighed, "That was close…" she mumbled.

Sakura smiled and danced to the song again. She spun around on the kitchen floor barefoot.

"Cough Cough."

Sakura froze and blinked. "Uh…how…how long have you been standing there?" she asked.

"The whole time." muttered Kakashi with a smile.

Sakura blushed and put down the wooden spoon.

"Nice by the way." Naruto smiled.

"Didn't know you sang." mumbled Sasuke with a smirk.

Sakura laughed weakly, "Ha-ha…well…yeah…it's just a good song and all…well, lunch isn't ready yet so…yeah…"

"Well, actually, Sasuke and I have to go." mumbled Naruto, hoping she wouldn't explode on them.

Sakura glared, "Your not trying to leave because of lunch? Are you?" she asked.

Naruto and Sasuke shook their heads back and forth a no.

"Okay than. I'll see you guys tomorrow." she waved at them.

They blinked at her sudden change in emotion and waved good bye. She heard the door shut and lowered the music on the radio.

"Guess it's just me and you Kakashi." Sakura blushed and hide it from him.

She felt him wrap his arms around her and she blushed even more. "K-kakashi?" she mumbled.

"That was cute…" he mumbled, "When you were singing, and I happen to think that women who can cook are hot."

Sakura rolled her eyes playfully, "You think any girl is hot." she muttered.

Kakashi sighed, "So, what are you making?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Well, actually…I'm making…" Sakura blushed, "Ramen noodles." she whispered.

Kakashi burst out laughing and Sakura gave him a glare, "Well, I didn't say it was going to be a fancy meal…did I?"

He smirked, "That's right."

"The greatest test to see if he only wants to have his way with you is playing a small trick. It works! Really!"

Sakura remembered Ino's words and the trick that was in the magazine she referred to her. The movie Sakura had put in was half way over and Kakashi didn't mind Sakura leaning against him. She was pretending to sleep on his arm.

Kakashi gently shook her when the movie was over but Sakura just pretended to stir and snuggle closer. He smiled and picked her up in his arms. She was then placed on her own bed.

"If he does more than a kiss and tucking you in, he wants more than just a date…"

She remembered Ino tell her.

Kakashi pulled the covers over her body and gently stroked her forehead. He bend down and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and grabbed a pen and paper. He scribbled a note and left. Once Sakura was sure he was gone she sat up.

"Kakashi…Kakashi the pervert did nothing…Nothing!" she muttered. "I have to call Ino!"

a/n: R&R!! I know...lotz of Kakashi Sakura fluff...but i did say there was going to be some of that...Sasuke and her will hook up soon!! don't worry!! later!