Part 1

Ananynse shifted to her side groaning silently, the sharp stones beneath her poking through her cloak as she tried to find a somewhat comfortable position on the granite rock she was lying on. The wind rustled the leaves of the birch tree above her as she rolled over again with sigh of frustration toward the fire, hoping the faint embers might still radiate a bit of warmth. Across from her the snoring lumps of her men flickered in the shadowy illumination of the glowing embers, grey forms against the darker backdrop of the forest edge a hundred yards behind them. They were so close to a far more comfortable bed within the forest and yet she dared not lead them into even a few feet of that wood.

Their way through this land of rock and more rock at the foot of the mountains was dangerous enough with the bands of patrolling Orcs from the Mines of Moria to their west and from Mordor to the southeast. But she knew the rumors of the elves within the Golden Wood and their fierce protection of their borders were not exaggerated. The likelihood of their being shot first with no questions asked was so strong that she dared not take any chance of finding shelter there.

She grunted as the rocks beneath her seemed to dig into her side further and finally sat up, rubbing her hip as she leaned over her knees. The fire barely gave much light, banked as it was and shielded from view by the overhang of rock overhead. The branches of the lone tree she sat beneath brushed the overhanging rock and enclosed the area fairly well for them to be hidden enough to get some quick rest.

She pulled her heavy braid of copper hair to hang over her shoulder and adjusted the band that held it tightly braided. Her hair was usually pulled back as it often seemed to have a mind of its own but it was her one concession to vanity, as otherwise from a distance, she looked like one of her men. Her tunic and leggings were loose enough that they did not reveal her thin figure, not that there was much there to begin with, and with her cloak and helmet most could not tell she was female even at close range until they saw the braid, and then her dark eyes. Try as she might she could not change the long lashes that framed the dark brown of her eyes, and the high arching brows that spoke of her elvish heritage. She gave the band a final twist and then rubbed her hands near the fire to warm them as she stared into the glowing coals.

Was it only a year ago that she'd left home? It seemed like a lifetime. Home, she laughed to herself, was it really that? Grimacing she reached into her belt pouch pulling out a small piece of dried fruit and began to slowly chew. They had followed the Old Forest Road through the forests of Rhovanion, fighting several patrols of Orcs while the darkness crept further toward her lands. Her home in the Erid Mithrin, the Grey Mountains, had been harsh. A land that was not forgiving in many aspects. She now was the Oracle of Mithrin now that her mother was dead; she was here, at the borders of Lothlórien and Moria amid the light knows what sorts of dangers, on a quest to find answers.

She scratched the back of her head, the last couple weeks of travel had not given them any time to stop for very long, and too far from any water to take a least a quick dip. Light! She'd lie down in a mud puddle if it meant she could be clean again. Her last bath, she laughed quietly, the last bath had been an untimely collapse into a stream that they were crossing in Rhovanion. The forests of Mirkwood were dark, but not as dark as her visions and her latest revelation had completely overtaken her. If it hadn't been for Delvan, she'd be lying there still. She rested her forehead on her knees, rubbing her arms when the wind swirled suddenly around the small cavern making the coals of the fire burn a bit brighter with the gust of air.

Her mother was dead, just over a year ago. Still she could hardly believe it that she was gone, worse, into the shadow. She betrayed you, betrayed your people but how? Ananynse grimaced, how could she do it? She closed her eyes, unable to block out the bitter memories. Because she didn't consider them her people, Ananynse thought, her mother had felt the Mitrhin had only tolerated her over the years because of her marriage to King Thodren, and then after his death, because of her visions. She had protected the Mithrin for over two hundred years, long enough for her daughter to grow up, and begin to see visions of her own. But Ananynse's visions were different from her mother's, so dark and despairing. Ananynse had grown afraid to touch anyone for fear of what she might see. So many deaths, only the barest touch would send her reeling with horror, and of late, unconscious. What did it all mean? She looked up noting the sky had begun to lighten and stood, stretching her tight muscles. She headed toward the sentry and knelt beside him as he sat looking toward the wood.

"You've been thinking of your mother again," Delvan whispered, turning his head toward her with a frown.

Ananynse grinned sheepishly, her teeth a white flash in the darkness, "You know me too well I'm afraid, Delvan."

"You have to let it go," Delvan declared softly, his eyes glittering in the dim light, "it was not your fault. Deyanan did what she had to do, she wanted more power. You know this. She wanted revenge, Ananynse, for all the supposed wrongs we did to her all these years. Why didn't she just leave after Thodren's death? She could have gone back to her people, returned to the elves?"

Ananynse frowned as the memories clouded her mind. "She couldn't bear the thought that she might be disgraced, living with a mortal and bearing him a child. I don't understand why she felt that way, Elrond himself is half Noldor and half human, yet he leads the Rivendell Elves as lord." She shook her head. "I think her mind was taken by the shadow long ago, I just didn't see it. I was suspicious only when I finally realized her 'visions' were not really true, but something she made up." Ananynse stood slowly. "It's time to get moving, with luck we'll be out of these lands by nightfall and mayhap even get close enough to the river to camp." She grinned at the sour look Delvan gave her.

"I fear we will not leave the Golden wood behind just yet," he disagreed with a glance to the forest in front of him. "The river Anduin splits as it heads south along the eastern borders of Lothlórien and I hope we can make camp there before nightfall." Delvan studied the wood; the trees had become more distinct as the light grew brighter in the sky overhead. "I fear we will catch the attention of those within the forest skirting their borders as we are. If they are watching us now, we'd not know it."


The splash of water against her boots was welcome as they crossed a narrow steam of tumbled rocks. The water flowed swiftly but not too deep down the course of the river. Ananynse and her men spread out as they reached the bank running quickly along the river's edge. She looked at the water longingly as they ran and felt a sudden shiver run up her spine as the men behind her loped easily along. She glanced at the wood, but found only trees staring back. She had woken with a sense of trepidation, an uneasy feeling that harried her since leaving the rocky ledge that morning. She shifted her gaze back to the trees knowing there was only one reason for her apprehension and she raised a hand to stop. The men gathered around her as she whistled piercingly and in a moment, Delvan ran up to them breathing hard.

"An Orc patrol a couple leagues back," he gasped, leaning over his knees. "They don't seem to be on our trail, maybe just using the same path. I'm surprised they run this close to the wood." He looked behind him, and then coughed, taking a flask of water from Ananynse. "I suggest we keep going until nightfall and hopefully we can find a place to rest away from the trail."

Ananynse nodded her agreement and Delvan returned to his rear guard. A couple leagues further they slowed. The trail veered off to the left crossing through a shallow area of the river but Ananynse left the path to follow the riverbank further south until finally stopping within a small grove of trees on the river's edge. The borders of the main forest receded away from the river, leaving a wide swath of grassy verge between the wood and the small copse alongside the river. A smaller stream branched off and flowed deeper into the woodland, leaving the small glade surrounded by the larger Anduin and the smaller Celebrant. She slipped her quiver and sword from her back and sat down, stretching the tired muscles in her legs. A few moments later Delvan reached them to crouch down beside her.

"The Orcs turned off a few leagues back, but I don't trust them."

Ananynse stared across the water into the rocky hills beyond. "Double the guard tonight but for short periods. We all need a rest. No fires. I've felt uneasy all day. I have a feeling we've had more company than the Orcs behind us."


Haldir stood in the cleft of the branches of the tree, watching the group of men make camp near the edge of the river. The Elves had tracked them for days now, waiting to see if they would turn into the Wood, but they only skirted the forest. The Orcs had followed a few leagues behind them, unaware of a quarry just ahead. The men could thank the wind for that, it had blown continuously from the north these last few days, but Haldir knew their luck would change soon. He'd felt the wind shifting slightly. He could leave the travelers to face their fate, but something about the men in the group didn't seem right. With a flicker of his fingers, Haldir signaled to another elf and with an easy grace the elf lowered himself quickly to the ground, creeping silently to the edge of the forest. Even here, where the trees were thin and sparse the elves melted into the trees. Settling comfortably into the branches of the tree, Haldir adjusted the bow on his back and leaned back to wait. The remaining elves settled in for the night, while two headed north to track the Orc patrol.

The light deepened to purple twilight as the Evening star rose in the clear sky, glittering darkly in a bed of velvet. Haldir's vision did not dim in the darkness and he watched closely as the men made camp and Rúmil moved closer to the group, his shadow blurring the trunk of the tree he crouched behind. The men's words were a distant murmur on the air and as Haldir observed carefully, the slim youth that led them rose to walk along the bank of the river. Haldir leaned forward as another one broke from the group to follow. Whistling almost soundlessly, Rúmil turned toward Haldir and with a brief wave, disappeared into the trees behind them.


Ananynse knelt along the bank to pull the helmet off from her head, reaching down to splash water on her face. Delvan sat down next to her on the bank with a sigh.

"I have doubled the guards and will relieve them in a few hours," he said quietly as she glanced at him and sat back beside him.

"I'll be glad to leave this land behind, Delvan," Ananynse muttered softly. "Once we reach Gondor, we shall be able to relax finally in the relative safety of that land. Do you think the Orcs have gone on? We have been lucky with the wind at our backs, were it to change they would catch our scent and be onto us."

Delvan nodded. "I am certain they have not caught wind of us, for they continued over the river and into the hills."

He plucked at the grass at his feet as Ananynse stood up to unbuckle the straps holding her quiver and her scabbard. She pulled the sword from the sheath, checking the edge and then slid the blade back into place. "Well, at any rate, we need to get some rest, our journey continues for some leagues. Wake me when it's time." She bent down and picked up the quiver, touching Delvan's shoulder and then walked back to the edge of clearing, pulling her cloak tight around her as she sat down, setting the quiver and scabbard next to her. She checked the knives tucked into her boots and laid back to stare at the stars above her.

The wind shifted slightly and she turned her head to stare warily at the trees surrounding her. The shadows danced as the breeze whispered through the branches and she looked back up at the sky only to stare out of the corner of her eye toward the shadowy trees. She inhaled slowly and gazed back at the starlit sky, the shadows did not lie - not only did she have her own guard this night, but an elvish one as well. They had not crossed into the elve's territory except for this night. If they considered her company a threat, they would have been dead by now. Something had caught their interest. Ananynse smiled, in the morning she'd make them sorry for watching. Chuckling to herself she closed her eyes and slept.


Rúmil knelt next to the tree and pulled an arrow from his quiver, running his fingers through the fletching, smoothing them. The woman was resting near the others, but the one she had called Delvan still sat by the river. He glanced over his shoulder toward the thicker bank of trees. Haldir would be most interested to know the leader of this band was a woman. Rumil watched her shift to get more comfortable. Why they were headed to Gondor was uncertain, but the warden easily recognized the weapons and dress of the Mithrin. Only one of that land was known for the flaming copper hair that this woman had. Galadriel, the Lady of the Wood might like to know one of her kin was traveling but a few leagues from her. But that was for Haldir to decide. He settled down to wait.


Ananynse sat up as the wind picked up, blowing bits of sand into her face, waking her. The moon was setting and the air was chill, the breeze damp. The wind had changed direction, but hopefully the Orc Patrol was far enough away to not smell the humans so close. At any rate, morning would break soon and if she wanted to take advantage of the river, the time was now. Ananynse rose silently, striding back along the riverbank, out of sight of the men still sleeping behind her. Delvan stirred as she passed him, rising quickly as she slipped by.

"You not thinking what I think you are," he whispered as he followed, grasping her arm to pull her to face him.

"Yes, I am." Ananynse waved toward the rippling water. "It's been almost a month and I can't stand it anymore."

Delvan growled low in his throat. "And if you are right about the elves?"

Ananynse smiled sardonically. "Then they'll get a rather uncomfortable surpise, won't they?" She stopped and dropped her quiver on the grass as Delvan groaned softly.

"Ananynse, this is madness! It's too damn cold, for one thing . . ." He stopped as she turned toward him with one long eyebrow raised in question as she unbuckled the belt wrapping her waist. Delvan sucked in a frustrated breath and turned away as she pulled her tunic over her head. "I don't like it, blast it. We're too close," he complained stiffly.

Ananynse chuckled and dropped the tunic onto the ground. Delvan stiffened with a muttered curse and hands on hips, his gaze glaring into the woods. "I'll be back along the bank. Call if you need me."

Ananynse watched him leave and then turned toward the river as a shiver ran up her spine. Behind her, the trees rustled softly in the breeze and she whirled when a bird cooed softly from within the woods. She waited a moment and when no answer came she turned back to the water. She sat down quickly to untie the laces around her boots, removing the knives that were tucked inside before pulling the worn leather from her feet.


Rúmil waited impatiently, glancing back as Haldir approached him silently. The warden was obviously uncomfortable, his gaze shifting between the woman quickly undressing before him and the woods behind, to settle on his approaching brother with a loud sigh of relief.

Haldir touched his arm, and Rumil stepped aside with a short bow and touch to his forehead. "I feared you would ignore my call, brother, to torture me."

Haldir pulled his gaze from the woman to stare at Rumil calmly. "Indeed? I have eyes as keen as yours Rumil. Do you fear the sight of a female?"

Rumil cast a swift glance at the river, and the returned his gaze to his brother with an amused twinkle. "Mordor take me, no. Unless its one like the Oracle, I fear her wrath might be that of the Lady Galadriel. I will leave you to face that trial March Warden, as your position entails you to do." He slipped backwards among the trees, his soft laugh to a human ear only another sigh on the wind.

Haldir rolled his eyes and turned back to the river. The sky was fading from black to purple edged the east with golden bands of pink and yellow. Before him, the woman knelt along the edge of the stream. She was one of the Mithrin, as he had guessed at the first sight of them, or rather 'The Mithrin', their oracle. She was well known for her visions and he had heard rumors that she had left Erid Mithrin a year past. Galadriel would be interested to know Ananynse was so near. Galadriel was sure to sense the seer was near, but Haldir had no contact with either the Lady of Light, or the Oracle as yet she had traveled near the Golden Wood.

The woman now stood at the edge of the river and Haldir's eyes narrowed as her under-tunic slid down over her hips as she struggled with the ties that bound it tightly to her wrists. Her back arched in the dim light as she shrugged off the garment and Haldir could see the faint scars that crisscrossed the fair skin. He turned his head to the side as she bent down to remove her leggings, waiting until he heard the splash from her entering the water, and then strode quickly to the edge of the bank. He sat down on a rock, knowing he would be in full sight once she broke back through the water. He turned away from the water as she stood up, watching her from the corner of his eye for a moment as she drew the strands of hair from her eyes. He heard her gasp, but whether from his presence or the cold of the water he was not sure. She stood still but for her arms, waving beneath the water, creating small waves about her shoulders. The light of the coming dawn reflected off the surface of the water, sparkling in the growing light.


Ananynse waved her arms gently, clenching her jaw to silence the chatter of her teeth. The water was freezing, far colder than she had expected, but she ignored the chill as she waved her arms beneath the water.

"So I do have an elvish escort. It is so kind of you to follow along as we travel." Ananynse smiled mockingly, as well as she could as the elf before her turned his head slightly. The early morning light wreathed his head in gold as it rose behind him, illuminating a stern profile as he stared at the bank of the river. His hair gleamed silver and hung down his back, the sides pulled behind his head into a small deftly woven braid. The hilt of his sword rose from his side as he shifted slightly to turn his gaze to her.

"You take many chances, my lady, bathing in a cold stream with a band of orcs but leagues distant." His voice held a hint of sarcasm, chilling her nearly as much as the stream as he spoke in fluent westron.

Ananynse dipped herself further down into the water, swirling it about her to cover her surprise and dismay. The elves had excellent vision and she hoped in the dim light that this one couldn't see through the water. She had a feeling this elf would not appreciate what he saw at all. But she refused to alert Delvan as yet. He made her curious, if not a bit on edge with his sarcasm.

"What have I to worry, with such a guard as you and your kind? You've been following us for days."

The elf turned his head to stare at her fully, but his gaze moved past her to the hills behind her. His eyes scanned it swiftly then returned to her. His gaze perused what he could see of her as swiftly before he spoke. "The wind has changed; it does not bode well for you."

Ananynse shivered, unable to stop the reaction. His gaze was glittering, his head wreathed by gold rays of the sun. "Like I said, I think I am well protected. I bath rarely and usually quickly," she snapped, as another shiver rippled through her. "Who are you and what do you want?"

The elf had turned away to the side, his profile backlit by the sun. His lashes were long, his lips pressed tightly together as he frowned. "I am Haldir." He turned again to look at her. "And I should ask what you intend in my wood?"

Ananynse froze. "Haldir?" she repeated in surprise. "I have the March Warden of Lothlórien to guard my bath?" Ananynse laughed scornfully, and then sank back under the water. When she rose again Haldir was staring at the water in consternation, but then shifted quickly away as she swam closer to shore. She stood up, knowing her ears were fully visible between the wet strands of hair plastered to her head. His next words confirmed her worry that he knew exactly who she was as she stood still in the chill waters.

"I should think the Oracle of the Mithrin might know better than to endanger her men," he said sardonically with a slight raise of his brow.

Ananynse slapped at the water with an unladylike snort. "With my guards and yours, I should think we were quite secure."

Haldir turned to face her again and she sank rapidly back into the water. The light glinted off his blond hair as he looked down at her sternly. "And do you think we would raise a hand to save you if the Orcs attacked?"

Ananynse gritted her teeth as she shivered. "Then why are you here, other than to annoy me?"

Haldir turned away again, but not before she saw the slight curl of his lip. "You should get out of the water, your lips are turning blue." She could see his lips were tight again, the lashes blinking slowly. "The wind has changed and comes from the south taking your scent directly to the Orc patrol on the other side of the river. You may not have much time if they decide to turn back. They can run as fast as we."

Ananynse sighed and waded slowly out from the water, watching the elf stare stiffly ahead. She picked up her tunic, wiping the water off the knife she had held beneath the water and then slid the fabric quickly over her damp shoulders with trembling fingers. She had stayed in the water much longer than she planned, and now frozen she was having a hard time getting dressed. She slid on her breeches and tied the laces quickly while the elf remained with his back to her. She gathered the outer tunic and was sliding it over her shoulders when he turned around. She pulled the fabric into place lacing the front ties. He rose gracefully from the rock, his cloak falling back to flutter around his knees as he faced her. She picked up the scabbards that held her knives, sliding them into place inside her boots with another shiver, just as he stepped near her. He reached up, unfastening the clip that held his cloak and with a quick movement had it thrown around her shoulders before she had fully straightened. Delvan's shout behind her made him stiffen and with a short nod and a fleeting salute to his heart, the March Warden turned and strode into the forest, in moments lost to sight, even without the cloak she now wore about her shoulders. Fingering the light weave of the fabric she stared into the trees as Delvan gripped her arm.

"Was that an elf I saw, or do my eyes deceive me?"

Ananynse blinked and turned to Delvan, his gaze on the cloak. "Yes, Delvan, that was an elf. The March Warden Haldir himself."

"Haldir of Lothlórien?" Delvan's eyes shifted warily to the woods. "I have heard much of him. Why did you not call?"

Ananynse shrugged her shoulders, slipping the sword's scabbard and her quiver back over her shoulders. "I was in no danger, Delvan. Rather, he was quite courteous. I think they were curious as to who we were and why we are here on their borders. I did not give him any answers," she said as she took her bow and helmet from Delvan. "Come, we head for Minis Tirith and the great library there."


Haldir watched the men as they broke camp, turning as one of his scouts ran up to him.

"The Orcs have gone back into Moria."

Haldir nodded his gaze on the river. The men had gathered together and he could see her speaking to them. They began to disperse forming a wavering line behind her as she turned to face the forest where he stood. Haldir stepped back deeper into the shadows of the trees, certain she could not see him, but she had unerringly looked directly in his direction. Her gaze, though that of an elf, shifted as she frowned, standing on the edge of the grassy meadow between them. She was wearing his cloak with a sword and quiver strapped to her back. He watched as she stiffened, and with a quick glance at her men, tucking her helmet underneath her arm and began to stride toward the trees. Behind him the elves drew their bows, arrows nocked warily as he signaled for them to hold. Waiting with a mixture of surprise and amusement he remained still as she continued to walk toward the wood, stopping only a few feet from entering the forest itself, and waving back toward her men to wait. She faced the trees and took the few steps into the forest then stopped, hands on her hips as she looked about. Haldir smiled briefly as he saw the elf perched directly above her look in his direction in question, his bow held ready. Shaking his head he stepped out of the shadows with Rumil and his brother a step behind, always at his back.

She met his gaze, raising her eyes to stare at him with a gleam of impudence. "Your cloak, my Lord Haldir, I wish to return it," she said, reaching up to unbuckle the straps to her quiver.

He arched a brow in annoyance and reached out to stop her, but she gasped slightly and stepped back before he could touch her. The sounds of leather and wood creaked loudly as the elves shifted position imperceptibly, and she bowed her head to him briefly.

"You may keep it. I have others."

She studied the elves behind him for a moment. "I thank you for the loan of your cloak then, someday I will return it to you." She glanced over her shoulder and then sighed deeply. "My journey takes me to Minis Tirith."

Haldir studied her closely. "The Lady of Light will be distressed to know you have passed so near. Perhaps she can aid in what you seek in the White City?"

Ananynse looked away for a moment as if to hide her expression. "There are many things I have yet to seek, My Lord Haldir. I am led to Minas Tirith and so my fate I must follow. Give my greetings to the Lady of Light, that I may someday meet her. May the valar be with you and yours." She bowed briefly before looking up into the tree above her. Her last glance was full of disdain as she turned and stalked out of the wood, her red hair gleaming in the morning light. Rúmil and Orophin stepped up from behind Haldir to pause at his side.

"She sees much," Orophin murmured softly.

Rumil chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling as he turned them toward Haldir. "What did you see, brother?"

Haldir's grey eyes slid to his brother. "Far less than what you believe, Rumil, and more than what she wished I am sure. Galadriel may not be pleased that we have let her pass so easily."


Ananynse shifted the large scroll in front of her, coughing as the dust floating in the thick smoky air tickled her nose and throat. The candles around her smoked unceasingly, the human's skill not near that of the elves and she had to squint to read the faded lettering. Her elven gift from her mother had not been their keen eyesight, but her visions and foresight, but of those revelations, she had nearly none in the past fortnight. She had begun to worry. There had been so many and of such strength before her mother's death that she was sure they were a warning. But since then they had grown few and far between.

Ananynse sat back, rubbing her eyes tiredly. What had she hoped to find amid the stacks of faded scrolls and books? Hours and hours she had spent searching for scraps of knowledge. Knowledge the elves could have certainly provided with much more ease, but she refused to access their treasured libraries. Her people were of the race of men, but for herself, and she was certain she would find her answers in their libraries as well. Her mother had betrayed them all in her search for greater and greater power. In the end she had bargained with the very Lord of the shadow, and Ananynse remembered how she had stood on the crest of the hill, waiting in glee as the Orcs swarmed over the city, only to find her own head one of their trophies.

Ananynse shook her head sadly. She had tried to warn the elders, but they had not believed her, her own mother calling her false! She clenched her teeth in anger and grief. She couldn't let her emotions control her. She took several deep breaths, fighting the tide of emotion that threatened to engulf her, forcing it back down to where it huddled in the pit of her stomach.

Where were the parchments? She only wanted to trace her lineage, but could not find the one she wanted that was written in the common tongue. Of her father's line she knew much, but her mother had refused to tell her of her own. She had never spoken of where she was from, and even her father would not tell. She would not enter the realm of the Golden Wood or that of any elvish realm until she knew for sure where her ancestors resided. Perhaps she was misguided in her pride to understand from whence she came, but she was determined she would know to whom in the worlds of the elves she was kin to. She would not enter their lands blindly.

She pushed aside another dusty stack of parchment and drew out a heavy leather bound tome the librarian had said might be helpful and opened the fragile book to peer at the text, only to find it in elvish. She sighed in despair. Not only had her mother refused to speak of her lineage, but she had also refused to teach Ananynse how to read the Sindarin languages of the elves. She had struggled to learn what she could on her own, but her knowledge of the letters were still only rudimentary and she stared at the elegant script with a fading hope that she might pick out some words she knew.

She clapped the book shut to a rising tide of dust and an echo of the noise in the silence of the library. The librarian came running, his face creased with worry and frowned when she handed him the book with a scowl. "I cannot read the elvish script. I need one in westron. Have you no others?"

The man bowed his eyes wide as he studied her ears curiously. The thought that an elf might not be able to read the elvish language was obviously shocking the poor man. Ananynse folded her arms over her chest, hoping suddenly as she tapped her foot that her lineage did not come from that of the Mirkwood Elves. Thranduil's anger and testy personality reminded her much of her own, but the thought that she might be of his realm drew a deep shudder from inside her. Thranduil's opinion of the previous and current oracles of Mitrhin was well known among those she had asked. His misgivings had as much to do with her heritage as much as Ananynse's actual skills. Thranduil had never believed Deyanan had had the sense of foresight as she claimed, nor her daughter.

She returned to the table and pulled out another dusty parchment and sighed as it crumbled slightly in her hands. Leaning closer to the candle she paused as she caught the sight of her mother's name. Excitement crept over her as she read quickly from one page to the next until the long list of names leapt out at her. The parchment trembled as her fingers shook, and she carefully laid it on the table. With a deep sigh she pushed the emotions back, her face becoming impassive. So many new questions raced through her mind.


Galadriel glided to where Celeborn stood at the edge of the flet, looking down over the city of Caras Galadhon. "She did not request to enter the wood," he said as she stood at his side, her face pale in the glimmering light of the lanterns near them. Galadriel stood silent for a moment and then shook her head. "She may yet come," he pressed softly.

Galadriel lips curved in a fleeting smile while her eyes flickered with the dull sheen of despair. "My mirror shows me many things," she intoned in a low voice, and Celeborn turned to grasp her arms gently. "Deyanan's betrayal of the people of Mithrin was a sad day for the elves. Our stature in the eyes of the mortals of that land has been tarnished."

Celeborn drew her into his arms, and she hugged him tightly, her head on his shoulder. "It was a dark day the moment Deyanan's eyes met those of Thodren the mortal king," he whispered softly. "All of her life she wished for something more. How could we have known? She was never happy here in Caras Galadhon. She would have left even if she had known how the evils of the world would sway her."

"Nay, Celeborn," Galadriel insisted sadly. "I believe she foresaw her life was with Thodren, and that it would bring much in the way of power." Galadriel stepped back, her eyes rising to meet Celeborn's, their blue depths dark with the shadows of her memories. "Deyanan used her elven gift, her vision and foresight, to win him to her. But she had not thought of the brief life of a mortal man, I think she hoped she might prolong his life somehow, but his death was a bitter reminder. She was never fully accepted by the Mithrin."

"We tried to call her back," Celeborn reached out, resting his hand on Galadriel's shoulder. "She would not come."

Galadriel closed her eyes in sorrow. "And now even her daughter avoids me. What have I done to bring this grief to my heart?" Her shoulders shook as Celeborn gathered her again into his arms.

"No, my love, it is not your action that keeps the daughter of Deyanan away. I think more that she does not know of us, of our kinship. Haldir spoke of her and her wariness to him, I do not think she thought she could come to you and would be welcome."

"Celeborn, you must try to reach her, speak to her in your mind, she must come back to us." Galadriel whispered. "I have tried but she blocks out my calls."

"I will try, but what elvish traits she has inherited I do not know. Her human blood may be too strong, her emotions interfering with my thoughts."

Galadriel closed her eyes briefly. "Her heart is human. In the mirror I could see she struggles with the strength of her emotions, but if she does not let them free they will destroy her. She despairs to ever feel wanted, to belong to any race. Even here amid the elves, with her father's hair, she will be set apart. I fear she may not feel the welcome we would give one of our own." She turned to face the city her gaze distant as she took a deep breath. "I can only hope she will come, and we can tell her she belongs here."

Celeborn nodded, taking her hand and they walked slowly down the steps from the flet. "I will have the scouts look for her. We will know if she comes near, and bring her by force, if I must."


Ananynse yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as a deep sense of weariness settled into her bones. Did the men see it? They were loyal to her, Delvan and his kin. His family had become her guardians when she was just a child. Unloved by her mother and outcast by the human children, she often was alone. Delvan's ancestor had passed on his duty to his children and they to theirs, and now Delvan stood by her side, his sons ready to take his place when he was gone.

She picked up a small stone. Tossing it none too gently, it landed squarely on Delvan's nose as he snored. He sat up abruptly, snorting and turned toward her with a scowl.

"Blast! What was that for?" he groused as he rose to his feet to find her laughing quietly. Pulling the lanky grey hair from his face, he scanned the trees around them. "We travel nearer to Lothlórien," he said as he pulled her to her feet, frowning as she winced slightly. "Do you still insist we must go there? These elves make me uncomfortable, their reputation as warriors are renowned. I think they are too dangerous; this Haldir has quite a reputation of his own. I fear for your safety there, Ananynse. The closer we come to the Anduin, the closer we are also to Mordor. So far we have been lucky, only twice have we encountered the Orc patrols. You fight well, but if we are outnumbered, your life would surely be a great gift to Sauron. I would rather we head back to the Grey Mountains. Our city can be rebuilt, we can return home."

"Nay, Delvan," Ananynse whispered as he frowned down at her, brushing her fingers across his cheek. You can go home, but my life there is done. I cannot go back. And I do not know where to go forward. I am lost. I have been dreaming much again although I have had no visions. I fear the shadows are falling over more than the Erid Mithrin, darkness is coming once again. Be on your guard, as I have felt a great uneasiness come upon me this night."

Delvan muttered a muffled curse. "Then we must hurry, Lothlórien stands another day's march yet." He reached down to gather his weapons but looked back over his shoulder warily when Ananynse froze with a loud cry.

He turned slowly to stare at her as her eyes widened in horror. He caught her as she fell forward limply, and then held her tightly while she fought to gain a breath from lungs and chest tight with the sudden onslaught of terror. "We are in grave danger!" she cried, wrenching out of his grasp to stagger toward her weapons that were still lying on the ground.

"We are under attack!" someone shouted just as the orcs broke through the trees with their feral cries. Delvan tossed grabbed her quiver, tossing her the weapon and her bow. He spun back toward the orcs and Ananynse quickly nocked an arrow while he pulled his sword from its sheath and ran forward as her arrow plunged into the Orc before him.

Delvan gripped his sword in both hands grunting as his sword shuddered against the shield of another Orc. Ananynse saw his glance sweep toward her sure and steady. She touched her forehead in response and whirled to launch another flurry of arrows. The resulting chaos gave her a moment of freedom as the men fought bravely around her, her aim able enough to send another set of orcs into the dirt. But she fleetingly wished her abilities included the eyesight the elves had as a roar echoed in the trees.

Delvan turned toward the sound, clutching his sword only to bring it around with a grunt to block the blow of a huge creature crashing toward him, its black face engulfed by the helmet on its head. The creature swept his weapon aside easily as it lunged forward with a brush of massive hands. A troll of some sort, Ananynse surmised as she pulled back the string of the bow slowly, aiming at the snarling thing. The creature was stalking rapidly toward Delvan as he staggered back from the blow, swiping out those beefy hands again, launching the poor warrior back several feet. Delvan groaned as he hit the ground hard but rolled quickly to his feet behind the troll as it lurched toward Ananynse. She turned toward him, firing the arrow and the creature screeched in anger as the arrow buried itself into its arm. Yanking it out easily the troll lashed out with his sword but she ducked quickly, spinning around him as the motion of his blade swung him back toward Delvan. Another arrow from her sent him stumbling forward toward Delvan and the grim warrior stabbed his blade to his right, slicing a deep gash in the troll's sword hand. Its eyes glowed red madly and roared in fury. The sound sent chills down Ananynse's spine as Delvan leaped back away from the troll's next thrust.

Another arrow from Ananynse as she circled beside Delvan knocked the creature back a few steps again. It broke the arrow that now lodged in its thigh and came toward them with a speed that surprised her. Delvan leaped forward toward the troll as it hurled itself toward them, but Ananynse stepped in between, twisting under the troll's errant slice from his sword. The blade passed harmlessly over her head, but passed only inches from Delvan's nose as he leaned back quickly away from its path.

The troll howled its rage and with a motion that was quicker than thought, backhanded Ananynse throwing her several feet into the copse of trees. She heard Delvan gasp as she lay struggling to catch her breath. She rolled onto her side to see him swipe at the troll, slicing the ties on the creature's minuscule chest armor. They circled one another and Delvan spun under the troll's arms as it lunged forward. Their swords clashed with a ring of steel, and Delvan struggled with the troll as their swords locked momentarily, its deep set red eyes glaring at him in hate.

Using its size the troll shoved Delvan away with a quick thrust of its sword and Delvan gasped as the blade bit into his side. Delvan sank momentarily onto one knee as he struggled to regain his breath. He looked up in horror as the Orc flung out his blade and Ananynse saw Delvan shoot to his feet as she leaped between the blade and her captain. The blade caught her fully along one side, and she cringed as she heard it snap as she fell to her knees with a loud gasp. She rolled to the ground using her left hand to grip the knife strapped to her wrist and plunged it quickly into the troll's stomach.

Delvan rushed to her, avoiding several more orcs as she grasped her side to rise to one knee. The creature was baying in pain, stumbling around them, and she quickly pulled a knife from her boot, and rushed forward, ignoring the stinging pain in her side to slash at the beast's throat as it bent toward her. The troll staggered back clutching the small wound in its throat, the hate emanating from its eyes as it smashed its fist along side of her head. She landed heavily, seeing stars as she felt the vibrations of the troll's steps toward her. She had to move, pain and bleariness aside and rolled again, pulling the other knife from her boot with a groan as Delvan circled behind the troll. Blood was running freely from a gash in her head blurring her sight, and she threw the remaining knife, hoping it would hit something. She heard Delvan's curses as he pushed past her, thrusting his sword into the troll's unprotected side, as what was left of his mail had slid off one shoulder. The troll screeched and backed up; clutching the wound under its arm, and then its eyes went dark as it fell heavily to the ground. Ananynse collapsed slowly to the earth and Delvan turned toward her, limping heavily.

"Ananynse!" he cried as he reached her. She could feel her blood as it ran in small rivulets from the wound in her head, but it was her side that he reached for. She felt him pull away her tunic; aware that it was heavy with too much blood, but all sense of feeling was growing faint. She laid in a daze for a moment, struggling to fight off the pain, hearing his voice fading as if from a great distance. Her vision was hazy at best as she attempted to sit up, fighting his efforts to keep her still.

"We must go, Delvan," she gasped as he gripped her shoulders. "We cannot stay here; you must take me to Lothlórien." She coughed and tasted blood. Delvan grasped her waist as she struggled to stand, his men gathering around them. Bracing her with his arm he pulled her along as they straggled in a weary line.

A short time that seemed endless to Ananynse they reached the river, and she dropped wearily to her knees into the shallow water as they tried to cross the narrow stretch of water. She watched absently as her blood swirled into the water to be washed in a diluted streak downriver. Delvan's grip pulled her back onto her feet and she was dimly aware of the large trees looming far overhead as they entered the shadows of the forest. Delvan halted as she bent over to catch her breath, the pain a roaring fire in her side. The men weaved slowly past them into the darkness as she gripped her knees fighting the engulfing pain. She sucked in a deep breath, struggling to gain more air as Delvan held her up.

"Come on, Ananynse. By the Gods, these elves better be close by, or I'm afraid you'll not make it much further." He pulled her upright, wrapping his arm around her waist.

Ananynse groaned as the pain made her dizzy and reached up to pull her helmet off with shaking hands. Delvan stopped abruptly as the men in front of them halted. Heated words trickled into Ananynse head as she shook off the encroaching darkness that threatened to overwhelm her. She clutched Delvan's arm with a curse. "Take me to the front," she gasped as Delvan pulled, half carried her toward the front of the column. Ananynse found Delvan's son Eoin standing nose to nose with an elf, his bloodstained hands gripping his sword, but not drawing it. The others stood warily behind the Mithrin warrior as Delvan pushed his way past them to reach Eoin and Ananynse finally pulled off her helmet throwing it to the ground. She staggered slightly when Delvan released her to draw his sword but she shoved him aside to stumble past him. She gripped his arm, holding him from pulling the blade free as her hand left a bloody imprint on his already filthy sleeve. Looking up through the haze of pain, she wiped her bloody hand across her mouth, tasting the rusty taste of her own blood as she glared at the elf.

"I have come to seek the aid of Galadriel," she gasped but then coughed and felt the blood trickling from her lip. She bent over slightly to ease the pain as she clutched her side aware the elf was staring at her in disbelief. What, had he never seen anyone wounded before she thought dazedly.

Haldir's gaze was icy with disdain, the grey eyes glittering as his lips tightened to a familiar thin line. She had the sense that he was angry but she had no use for his annoyance, and gasped for breath, forcing herself upright again. The elf stepped closer, his gaze narrowing on her, his voice lowered for her alone.

"I shall bring you to Galadriel, but your men can go no further."

Ananynse stepped back, fury at his coldness, his disdain toward her men and the effects of the pain in her side wiping out any sense of caution. The sound of her hand hitting his face was like the crack of a whip as with a blur she swung at him knowing her eyes must be blazing like the wretched orcs they'd fought. But she didn't care and she struggled to meet the elf's slowly returning gaze as he turned his face back toward her. Haldir glared at her for a second in astonishment, touching the bloody imprint her hand had left behind on his cheek. He looked at the blood on his fingertips and then down at her, his eyes dark with outrage.

But Ananynse stared in horror at the elf, unaware of the rushing darkness and fell forward. Dimly she felt someone lift her swiftly and then she was being lowered to the ground. She fought the shadows in her mind, crying out as they pulled away the tunic from her side. She forced her eyes open to find Haldir leaning over her, his face suddenly grim. Delvan leaned over his shoulder, his face white with fear, but then gripped the elf's shoulder jerking him to face him suddenly as Ananynse tried to control the spasms of pain in her side.

"If she dies, I will kill you," Delvan snarled as he looked into the impassive eyes of the elf.

"She will not die," Haldir said as he pushed the man away and turned back to her. Ananynse watched him as he reached into his belt pulling out a small pouch and leaned back over her. He pulled away part of the tunic, his face devoid of any reaction as she gritted her teeth, afraid to close her eyes, afraid the shadows would sweep her away, afraid of what she would see again.

"The wound is serious. You have bled far too much," Haldir warned her softly. Ananynse was fully aware of that but Delvan, clearly annoyed by the elf's calm perusal of her side, caught his wrist as the warden removed some leaves from the pouch in his hand.

"What are you going to do? She's dying!"

"She will not die," Haldir repeated firmly pushing Delvan away, "if you allow me to continue to do what I must."

He reached into his belt pulling out another small pouch and leaned back over Ananynse. He frowned, motioning to the elves behind him. They quickly disappeared. He lowered his head near to hers and she felt a wash of pleasure, oddly amid the pain as he spoke softly into her ear in a soft murmur of what she assumed was elvish. The shadows lifted, but in its place a bright mist began to drift over her vision, blurring Delvan as he leaned forward furiously. She heard him snarl, his words growing muted, but she felt like she was floating, aware yet of Delvan's concern and feeling Haldir press something gently to her side. Then she felt his hand on her forehead and everything faded quickly.
