A/N: This is going to be a random and stupid and humorous epilogue. Bring out your weird side.

Epilogue: In the end

We all got in trouble, even the teenagers. But after being grounded for a week, brother and I were finally able to visit Winry.

Pinako gave the puppy an auto mail leg. No one would take him, because he was different, so they had decided to keep him.

Winry walked up to us the puppy following her. He was a cute black puppy with a white chest. "This is Den," she said, petting him on the head.

"Hey guys!"

Ed waved. "Hey Maes and Riza!"

"Forgetting someone, shrimp?!" Roy yelled.


And as for the bet, we figured it wasn't haunted. But since it wasn't empty, and after all the pranks that were pulled, we also figured, in a way, it was kind of haunted.

So who won?

"Edward, you shr-"

He shook his finger at Winry. "Uh uh uh…No calling me short for a month remember?"

"Oh, yeah, Ed, I remember. Now drink your milk!" She held out a glass of the white, disgusting liquid.

Ed had a look of pure horror on his face. "Nooooooo! Get that shit a way from me!"

"Drink it you shrimp!"

"Don't call…me…short… You called me small, so I don't have to drink it!!!"


Maes walked over to them. "Hey Ed?"


"You do know that you're an eight year old, right? You're not supposed to be a walking tree, you have plenty of time to grow."

Ed's eyes grew wide. Everyone waited for the usual comeback, but instead they heard:


Dun dun dun dun da dunt dunt!

See I told you it would be stupid! Thanks to everyone fot their reviews! I really appreciate them! And If you guys think of another good story ideas, please tell me! Thankies!

Neko's Snow