Yea, another NejiTen. Get over it. You know you love them xP.
Why Not? summary: For the first time, he saw the woman in her. "Neji, you bastard! I am a girl!" – NejiTen – Request.
Why Not? – Request from Wise Angel192
So being a tomboy wasn't too bad. You got the respect you asked for, the comfortably baggy clothes that were perfect to train in, the best friends that –
That's what the problem was. Clothes. That's the reason why her mother was ordering for her to buy new, girly clothes.
Tenten strolled down the street with a look of pessimism on her pretty, tomboyish features. Her feet were being dragged heavily as her shoulders were sloped down her sides tiredly.
Lee, being the cheerful Green Beast of Konoha that he was, speedily passed her with mounds of greetings as he passed by. She strolled off the awkwardness he dumped on her and slowly yet peacefully, walked to the training grounds, in which, she was late.
Mondays really do suck.
Sluggishly, she walked – no, limped her way up the hills, then down the brush and up the dirt stairs – courtesy made from Lee and Gai – and then plopped down on the grass, sighing bored.
"You're late," he hissed.
"I think I know that." She replied tiredly.
"Get to your stance," Neji commanded and she did what she was told. Pushing herself up with her wrists, she grunted and said, "I need to go shopping."
I'm so sorry, but that's all I can do for now. This'll turn into a multi-chapter, for your FYI! Be happy Wise Angel192, at least I typed some of it.
I'll update by next week, but I promise the next chapter will be longer! Arigato and review!