Trapped in your eyes,

Caught up with my lie.

Forfiet and die

After one last try.

Finally I'm moving on.

Baby, this was all wrong..

-Chapter 1-

Numbing rain fell upon Reno's shoulders as he stared blankly up at ShinRa tower. It was nearing 8 months ago that the former turk had turned in his uniform for good. After the breakup, Reno hadn't ever planned on comming back. Rufus wasn't so eager to see his ex-lover either. Yet here he was, ready to take action to fix the pain that had been plauging him. Avoiding each other was the only means the two had to deny that anything was still between them.

The emensive oak doors heightned the sence of doom that the awaiting arguement held. Heavy wood was the only thing left seperating them. Reno sighed leaving hope and understanding in the hallway before hesitantly knocking.

Rufus jumped at the sound. It was after hours as usual and the building was practically deserted. He sighed, realizing the meeting schedualed would be a trying one.

"Come in." Rufus summoned over the intercom.

Reno entered, soaked by the door in blue jeans, a black tank and a leather jacket. His hair was slightly flattened by the rain and his eyes were forelorn. "Sorry I'm late." He spoke in a soft tone as he took a seat in the guest chair adjacent from Rufus.

"I half expected you not to come at all." The president refused to let his eyes leave his paperwork.

"You mean you wish I hadn't..." His voice became as cold as frozen steal.

The pen stopped it's insistant flow of ink breifly. Rufus sighed again, tired and wanting to get finished before the dawn. He set the folder aside and regarded Reno's pale green eyes calmly. "Reno. This is your fault. You're the one who thought it was a good idea to date. You also thought quitting your job was the best way to get me out of your mind. You're the one who made the decision to leave. You have no right coming back here and arguing with me now, when I'm the one who foolishly let you do as you pleased." Blue eyes glared at Reno and the red head was once more trapped in them.

"I'm returning your things. If you weren't so stuck-up you'd have seen the shoe box in my hands. It's... a picture frame and..." He trailed off opening the box lost in it's contents. It's memories. "Take it." He shoved the soaked parcel in to Rufus's hours of signatures and briefings.

"I don't want it!" Rufus protested. "Reno, the past is the past, nothing can be done to..." Rufus's office intercom interupted with two beeps. He sighed angerly. "Yes?"

"Oh! Umm.. Sorry I was just wondering if Reno was done... heh... odd timing... Um Reno you in there?" A male voice muffled by the speaker stammered nerviously. Rufus's jaw clenched as he let the former turk sound his reply.

"Yeah.. I'll be right out June." He ended the convo by pressing the off button.

"June?" Rufus inquired.

"Yes. What's the matter Rufus? Expected me not to move on. It took me a while but I finally did it. This is just some closure." Reno shrugged getting up and giving him that same cocky smile. "You're not jealous are you?"

A hard smack across the red head's pretty face felt like a shot through the heart. The president's features were rigid with hate and despise as Reno touched the reddening cheek tenderly.

"How dare you..." His voice was hardly audible. "How dare you do this to me...Coming here.. with your... your..."

"Get over it." Reno interupted. "It's over. It ended before it even began. You never even had the time for me anyway. Always working on some new project or creating something else to distract your mind. Near the end it was all just an act, on your part and mine. So I chose someone else. Someone to distract me from my problems. Someone who'd listen to me complain without complaining about the complaints and who wouldn't critise me for the tiniest little details that make me me. Rufus, we were great but... it wasn't ever ment to go beyond a fling. Besides, we're just to different."

The words cut deep into the blonde's soul, tearing it to shreads. Anger, jealousy, and confusion built up inside of him rising to the limit. Rufus swallowed the bile in his throat and with a stealy tone stated, "Get out."

Reno sighed shaking his head. "Rufus. This is just another--"

"GET OUT!" ShinRa's leader yelled at his ex.

Reno gazed at Rufus a moment longer before joining June in the hallway to go home. Leaving Rufus to his mako mistress.