Asara Kaden – thanks for reviewing:)

Kumiko Imaidegawa – LoL!

Ella – ok, here's more

Dark Mind and Saddened Soul – arigatoooo (:

A lone-fic reader – seriously, if you're half as good on writing stories as you are at writing reviews, then I'm your biggest fan xD

FungaFuFu – O.o better write fast before they comes an beats me down

LumenLumae – Seems like everyone loves Yayoi

Loveless-fan – review?, uh, you meant update right? O.o ,,, anyway, thanks for reviewing!

Dbrloveless – please don't die xD LoL

Michelle – Thanks!

Kuroi Neko Kami – Really?! You can be my beta?! YEY! Could I get your mail address so I can send the next chappie to you as fast as it's done? ArigatooOOoooOOOooo :)

Angels-above – Thanks for reviewing

Darkinnhanyou – thanks!

Baka-Chan - LoL! Thanks for reviewing!

Loveless 3lover – Don't! I'll update, I'll update!

Sou-chanxoverxSesshomaru – Jupp here's the next chappie!

Akia Indigo Thank you

StarDragon12 – the worst ending...? wahhh! Gomenasai!


Ritsuka paled, still standing with his back turned to his friends. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again since no words would come. Had they seen them? Did they think that he was a freak now, just because his lover happened to be older than him and his teacher to top that? Where they going to avoid him just because he fell in love with a guy?

Those thoughts were racing in his head as he heard some bushes nearby ruffle and three boys jumped out of them with unbelieving looks on their faces.

"Is it true?!" screamed one of their class mates.

"Dude, are you seriously dating our teacher?" said another.

"Eww, that's gross! he's so much older than you, and a dude as well, that's sick!" said the third, looking like he felt like throwing up at the bare thought of dating an older male.

"Hey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them being together! They obviously love each other, right Yayoi?!" Said Yuiko, angry by the boys comments and worried about Ritsuka, who still stood there unmoving , like the shock of anyone knowing his and Soubis secret was huge.

"Uhm...yeah... I meen, yes, of course there's nothing wrong!" Yayoi answered.

"Hah! I bet that you just find it hot, don't ya? I always suspected that you were one of those Yaoi - fangirls" The first boy said, while looking at Yuiko, but, seriously, it's sick, weird and twisted and I wouldn't touch a fag even with a stick. Aoyagi-kun, you're so disgusting!"

Ritsuka never turned to look at them. He didn't say a word.

"Ritsuka-kun?..." Yuiko asked.

He started to run, he didn't know where too, just away from them, away from every one. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the people he passed who asked him 'what's wrong'. He felt his eyes filling up with tears and he cried.


He didn't know how long he had run and to tell the truth, he didn't really care. The thorns from the bushes had ripped his clothes and skin. He was bleeding from small cuts.

His class mates words echoed through his head.

'that's gross'


'weird and twisted'

'Aoyagi-kun, you're so disgusting!'

He stopped, panting with his head bent down. He slowly fell down on his knees and felt something sharp under his left knee lying in the grass. He opened his teary eyes and looked down, it was a splinter of glass. He picked it up and stared at it. He slowly stood up, never taking his eyes of the object in his hands.

He rolled up his left sleeve and turned his hand so he could see his wrist. It was full of old scars, and cuts that had yet to heal. He slowly put the piece of glass to his wrist like so many times before and let it cut through the skin.

It was beautiful, crimson red blood on his pale skin. He sliced his wrist again and suddenly, all his problems seemed to vanish, like it used to. He continued to slice his wrist with the glass shard till everything started to spin around him. The stumbled, everything was starting to get black and he couldn't see were he was going, then he fell. The last thing he remembered was something dark and cold around him, then something hard hitting him with full force. Then he fell unconscious.


(Back with Soubi, at the camp)

Soubi sat with his back against a tree, playing guitar and thinking. Some birds sat in the tree, singing and Soubi closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being one with the nature.

The peace was rudely interrupted by a screaming Yuiko.

"Sensei, sensei, Ritsuka ran off to somewhere, we can't find him!" she screamed, panicked. Yayoi came up behind her, out of breath after running around for 2 hours, searching for their friend.

Soubi was quickly on his feet.

"Why did he run away?" he asked, concerned about his boy friend.

Yuiko and Yayoi looked at each other, wanting the other to be the one to tell him.


"ano... I kind of saw you and Ritsuka kiss on the buss..."Yayoi mumbled quietly, averting his eyes from his teacher, but Soubi still heard every word.

"Not that we think it's wrong or anything!'s actually kind of hot..." Yuiko said the last words quietly, blushing, But some other overheard us talking about it, some of the guys..."

"yeah, let's just say that they didn't like it... at all." Yayoi said.

"And they said some very...bad things to him, I think that he was really hurt by it, then he just ran." Yuiko finished.

"Can you show me which way he ran? I'm worried, if he took it that hard he might've started doing that again...damn!"

"What do you mean with "doing that" ?" Yuiko asked.

"you are his best friends, you know about his problems at home, right?" They nodded, well after years with that treatment he became suicidal, he cut himself but I've managed to stop that. I made him happy and he felt like he had a reason to live again, but right now he may have started again if those things they said had that impact on him."

"Can you show me the way now? We have to start searching."

Yuiko and Yayoi nodded and the three of them walked into the forest.


Gomen for the slow update! I've been visiting relatives all this time and there was no way I could find a computer to write on there.




Well, review if you want another chappie (: