Captive Souls
The dark and empty streets of what seemed to be a war-torn country were silent and foreboding. A lone figure walked down the flawed road stepping over rubble and debris from what has been left laying in the wake. A sudden noise startles the woman walking. Glancing slightly behind, the woman runs to the nearest alleyway where she finds a sewer hubcap and pries it off. Quickly, she climbs down while pulling the sewer hubcap back onto the hole. Moments later, two figures appeared at the entrance of the alley; one shining a flashlight and the other standing there with a strange weapon.
"Did you see something?" One of the officer-like beings asked.
"No, I haven't." The other replied.
"Carry on then."
Beneath their feet, the woman sighed in relief. She was one of the few thousands of people left to defy the aliens that have arrived from another world. In the basket that she had, she carried food and medicine to those that needed it. Little did she know that she also carried the people's hope with one of the seven fabled dragon balls that she kept in memory of her beloved. It was too soon that she knew that she carried it and the hope it might bring to the people of Earth and to her family.
Deeper in the sewer, the strongest warriors were on bed rest lying defeated from the alien forces. They had been ambushed them days earlier while trying to save a car heading to a camp loaded with people. They all barely managed to escape with their lives; however, they have failed in saving those that could assist them later in their cause.
"Hey Chi-chi," Yamcha looked up at the female entering the main area. "Did you hear any word about Goku?"
"I haven't," Chi-chi sadly replied. "If it wasn't for all of those people, I'd end up clobbering them!"
"Hey, don't get antsy," another male spoke up. "We got to be strong for dad!"
"You're right Goten, but I can't help but feel we could have done more for your father." Chi-chi removed some clean towels from the basket and began to dip it in what clean water they had. Moving to her eldest son Gohan, she cleaned and bandaged his wounds.
"I hope that we can still save him," Gohan spoke with little hope in his voice.
"So do I," Chi-chi felt tears running down her cheek. They have been forced to endure this for months, but it felt like years since they have last seen peace. It felt like yesterday that things were better for them. For now, they would have to use what strength they could to endure and hope for a miracle.
To Be Continued…