Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Lost, otherwise I'd be writing scripts instead of fanfiction!P

Author's Note: this is set during season2, before Michael's return. Libby and Ana Lucia aren't dead. Most Losties will appear throughout the fic, but Sawyer has the leading role. Thanks to Lili for beta-reading!)

Warning: I'm from Portugal, so English is my second language. If you spot any terrible mistakes... Report!) I'd like that, learning with the readers!eheh Enjoy the journey!

Chapter 1

Sawyer was awaken from his afternoon nap by a sudden and massive noise coming from what it seemed the entire beach. Lazily, he forced his eyes to open up, frowning as the bright light of the sun hit him, despite his sunglasses. He scratched his naked chest and sat down, closer to the edge of the makeshift couch he had created from the plane's sits.

He stretched out and got up, feeling the warmness of the sand on his bare feet. He turned back to see a very happy Charlie jumping like a mad man.

"What the hell's goin' on, Iggy Pop? Missin' the old times back at VH1?"

The british man surprised Sawyer by holding him in a tight embrace.

"What the hell..." Sawyer grunted, startled. "Get away from me!"

"We are saved, Sawyer! They found us!"

"You really should stop hanging around in the heat hours, Charlie. Are you on drugs again?"

"There is a bloody boat out there in the ocean and you don't even see it!"

"What?!" Sawyer removed the glasses away from his face abruptly and stared at the sea. There was a huge ship about one mile off shore. The con man was too astonished to even speak. After a few moments in silence, he managed to mumble "Son of a bitch..."

"I believe it is a fishing ship" Sayid said, coming from behind. A grin lighted his dark face. "One of those which spend months in the sea."

"Hell, it could even be a turtle so big we could all live there, as long as it's taking us outta here!" Sawyer was ecstatic. He never expected to see the real world again.

"There are some inscriptions over there!" Charlie pointed out. "What's the name of the boat?"

"It's a fucking oriental boat!" Sawyer declared. "Jin! Sun! Where the hell are they?"

"It's japanese, Sawyer" Sun said, with her perfect english, approaching. Sawyer had never seen her smile so intensely. "It says Hope Found."

"Oh, bloody hope found indeed!" Charlie yelled, grabbing the korean woman. "Have I mentioned how gorgeous you look today, Sun?"

She laughed and patted Charlie's shoulder lightly.

"We're going home."

"Do you think they spotted us?" Charlie wondered.

"With all this noise and that black smoke coming out of the fires, they had to be blind for missing us!" Sawyer's dimpled grin shone more than ever, but his expression suddenly changed into a darkened face. He looked around hurriedly, his eyes revealing nothing but concern.

"There are still people back at the hatch" Sayid informed, understanding the con man's agitation. "Nobody went there to tell them the news. Not yet."

"I'll go" Sawyer said. "Just wait a sec."

He left his three fellow castaways talking light-heartedly about the bright future ahead of them and went inside his tent. He searched through all his stash 'til he found what he was looking for. He stared at the piece of paper intently then he put it in his back pocket. He was ready to leave, but then he remembered it wasn't exactly proper to be walking around half naked. Not that he cared.

"Oh... What the heck!"

Sawyer left the tent after he put on his boots, without caring about what he was wearing or not. He was headed to the jungle but then he stopped and walked a few steps back.


Kate followed Jack out of the hatch.

"You really want to leave Locke there all by himself?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "With Eko?"

"They're men grown, Kate" Jack replied, exasperated. "I'm tired of these silly power games."

She smiled, her eyes lightening.

"And the prisioner?"

"He'll be alright. Eko is big and frightening, but last time I checked, he didn't eat human flesh." Jack commented, showing her the grin only she, of all the people in the island, knew.

Kate laughed willingly, her worries driven away. She liked Jack when he was not absorbed in the island's issues.

"Oh, there you are, lovebirds!" came a sarcastic voice from the trees. "Do you know for how long I've been lookin' for ya?"

Kate gasped when she saw a shirtless Sawyer appear from the jungle. That had been unexpected.

"What do you want, Sawyer?" Jack questioned, wearily.

"Howdy, Doc! That's how you greet a messenger who brings good news?" His eyes were shining with disgust, a defensive manner taking over his body.

Kate recognised the signs and got closer, standing next to Jack.

"Do you need anything, Sawyer?" she asked, more nicely. "Everything alright?"

He didn't seem to acknowledge her. When he spoke, he talked directly to Jack.

"Rescue's back at the beach, Jackass."

Jack's forehead frowned almost instantaneously.

"Are you serious?"

"Hell, no!" Sawyer replied, impatience all over him. "I'm just teasing my lost friends with their 67 day-long dream!"

"What?" Jack was confused. "Are we saved?"

"There's a damn japanese boat over the shore! Someone had to come and call the hatch buddies. And the lovebirds, evidently."

"Is this for real?" Kate was finding it hard to believe Sawyer's words.

"Guess the folks back at the beach chose the wrong guy to come and tell the righteous doctor and his girlfriend about the gossip of the day" the con man hissed. "Go there and check it for yourself."

Jack glared at Sawyer and walked past him, motioning for the beach. Kate locked her eyes with Sawyer's, intrigued, and then she began to follow the doctor.

He sighed, slightly irritated, but fought his inner demons who always wanted him to do wrong. Fuming, he grabbed Kate by the wrist, forcing her to face him.

"Kate, wait."

She stopped. He hadn't used some stupid nickname to address her, the subject was solemn. Kate watched as Sawyer's expression passed from anger to doubt and then to some kind of frailty that surprised her. He let go of her wrist and took something out of his back pocket.

"Here." Sawyer stretched his arm, his hand holding a small blue agenda.


He opened the little book, although he was quite sure she knew what it was all about.

"It's yours" he whispered, somewhat tenderly.

Kate took it from his hands, slowly. It was the passport she had forged when she thought of going on the raft. Sawyer had taken it from her after telling everyone she was the fugitive.

"As far as I'm concerned," he started, so low it was hardly audible, "Kate Austen died on the crash and the marshall died shortly after, of a deadly wound." That wasn't entirely a lie. "Joanna is alive and well and everybody here loves her."

Kate was speechless. She couldn't force herself to do or say anything so she just stared at him, hoping with all her heart that her lack of reaction meant something, showed him how important to her this surprising gesture was.

"I talked to Sayid, Sun and Charlie" Sawyer went on, his voice going stronger. "They're spreading the word."

He nodded and managed to smile so lightly his dimples didn't even appear.

"You're gonna be fine, Freckles" he assured, gently. "Go back to your Doc."

Sawyer turned around and entered the hatch. Locke and Eko had the right to know about the ship, despite his feeling that they would want to remain on the island.

Kate stared at the passport for a few moments more, still unable to believe what had just happened. Sawyer was speaking the truth, they were rescued. But he was the one who was rescuing her.

With a troubled expression on her lovely features, she headed back to the beach, following Jack's trail.