By: Elektra


Captain Vincent K. McMahon
First Officer, Commander Shane McMahon
Chief Engineer, Commander Stephanie McMahon
Chief of Chiefs, Commander Linda McMahon
Chief of Security, Commander Kane
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Taker
Communications Officer, Lieutenant Rock
Counselor Al Snow (assisted by H.E.A.D.)
... And many more!


"Captain's Log, Stardate 112233. We've reached Starbase 666. Our mission? Some much needed rest and relaxation for the crew of the WWF TITANPRIZE!" Captain Vincent K. McMahon Jr. closed his log book, and headed out onto the bridge of his ship.

"Helloooooo Captain! Captain on the Bridge!" Ensign Venis announced, his voice low and gravelly.

"At ease, everyone," Captain McMahon said as he took his seat, "Mr. Kane," he turned to his security chief, "Anything out of the ordinary I should be informed of before we dock?" he asked. Commander Kane just shook his head. The Captain then turned to his communications officer, "Mr. Rock, is Starbase 666 ready to dock us?"

Lieutenent Rock spoke into his comm, "WWF Titanprize to Starbase 666 - The Rock wants you to dock his damn ship!"

The Starbase replied after a few moments, "Starbase 666 will be ready to dock the WWF Titanprize in T-minus 5 minutes..."

"It doesn't MATTER if you're ready!! If you don't dock us right now, the Rock will take this ship, shine it up real nice, turn the sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!!"

The reply was quicker this time, "Starbase 666 ready to dock the WWF Titanprize... right now.... sir...."

After the docking clamps were set in place, the crew of the WWF Titanprize quickly departed the ship, eager to take their shore leave



Captain McMahon's shore leave didn't begin as peacefully as he had hoped. After only 20 minutes of sunbathing in a holosuite Hawaii program with Commander Shane, he was rudely interrupted by a Starbase Ensign.

"Captain McMahon, sir! I'm sorry to inform you that we seem to have a problem with one of your crewmen..." the young Ensign said, saluting politely.

"Problem?? What problem?!" McMahon asked.

"Well... it's better if you come with me, sir..."

McMahon got up with a sigh, "Fine, whatever, Ensign..."


"Ahhh, Captain McMahon! It's a pleasure to have you onboard!" The Starbase commander began as he held his hand out to McMahon. He seemed to be sporting a fresh black eye.

McMahon ignored the outstretched hand, "Cut the crap. What's the problem here, Commander?" McMahon asked.

The commander grew serious, "Well, it seems there's a problem with one of your crewmen. Counselor Snow!"

"Yes, what about him?"

"We've gotten complaints that he carries around a severed woman's head..." the Commander explained. "When I tried to take the object from him, he hit me in the face with it... and gave me THIS!!" and pointed to his black eye.

"Where is he now, Commander?" McMahon snapped.

"He's in one of our holding cells, Captain...."

"Take me to him!"

"Right this way..." The Commander said, and lead McMahon to the brig.


Counselor Snow was sitting on a cot in the brig, speaking to a strange object in his arms -- something that appeared to be a human cranium, "Yes, I know they're crazy! They don't know what they're talking about!" He paused for a moment, "Captain McMahon is on his way? Good! Maybe we can get this whole thing sorted out!!"

Captain McMahon arrived. He looked at Counselor Snow and, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, turned to the Starbase Commander, "Well... what's the problem?"

"That THING he's holding! It's offensive, McMahon!!" The Commander said, glaring at Counselor Snow. "He... speaks to it!! And... well.. look at it! It's a WOMAN'S HEAD for heaven's sake!!"

"You fool!!" McMahon snapped, "Counselor Snow is a telepath! He looks after the psychological well-being of my crew. Counselor Snow is currently holding a device called H.E.A.D. It sends telepathic messages to him and allows him to better understand the person he is counseling!!"

"But... it's a WOMAN'S HEAD...!" the Commander repeated.

Counselor Snow stood up, "I have a license for it, and have every right to carry it around wherever I go!"

"Well, not on MY Starbase you don't!! Especially not after giving me a black eye with that thing!!" The Commander snapped. "I am hereby banning you and your... H.E.A.D. from my base!"

McMahon glared at the Commander before him, "What is your name?! I'll be making a call to Wrestlefleet regarding this incident!" he snapped.

"Commander Wally Mart, Captain! I assure you, I have every right to ban whom I chose from this Starbase!"

"I understand your right to ban visitors under certain circumstances... but there are no such circumstances here!!" Captain McMahon answered.

"We are getting complaints about Counselor Snow's .... WHATEVER the hell that thing is! He refuses to abide by my rules and part with it. Therefore, I have every right to ban him from my Starbase!!"

Captain McMahon sighed, "Fine fine... just release him from the brig..." he turned to Counselor Snow, "You will hearby take the remainder of your shore leave aboard the Titanprize..."

"But sir..." Counselor Snow began.

"That is an order, Mr. Snow! Now beam back to the ship immediately!"

Commander Snow headed to the transporter room, muttering incoherently to H.E.A.D.



"Captain, we are running out of Dilithium crystals! We need to find more... and SOON!" The First officer began.

The gray-haired Captain sighed, "Yes, I know, Commander. We are only a few days from a Starbase!" He checked the readouts on the screen, "Ahhh... it seems there is a Wrestlefleet ship there already," he looked closer at the readouts, "The WWF TITANPRIZE...?" the Captain stopped, and sighed, "That's the LAST ship I want to see right now..."



"What do you mean puppies are forbidden on this Starbase, son?" Lieutenant Commander Austin shouted at the Ensign that confronted him.

"I'm sorry, sir..." he sputtered nervously, "But... no animals allowed on board!"

"Listen ya silly bastard, these are OUR puppies! I'm gonna damn well bring 'em on board if I want to! And that's the bottom line!" Austin snapped. He pulled something out of his pocket - a small hand-held weapon with blinking lights, "You see this, son? It's called a stunner. And I'll stun your ass if you try to stop us!"

"I'll call security!" the Ensign threatened.

"You do that, son. We'll see how long they last against my stunner!" With that, Lieutenant Commander Austin took the hand of the puppy owner - Lieutenant Debra. "Let's go, Debra!" The two walked away, puppies and all.

"Security!! SECURITY!" The Ensign called desperately. No one dared answer.



"Are the docking clamps tightened?" The Captain asked.

"Yes, sir!" Came the reply from Starbase 666. "Your crew is free to disembark!"

"Thank you." he turned to his First Officer, "I don't wish to run into Captain McMahon, Commander. Go ahead. And... if you find anything we can use, take it!"

"Anything we can use?" She replied.

"Yes," The Captain replied, "ANYTHING!"



"Did everyone enjoy their shore leave?" Captain McMahon asked the crew before him.

Everyone muttered in agreement. They had fun. Now it was back to touring solar systems for another month.

"Good!" he smiled at his crew, then turned to one of the younger members, "Mr. Edge, send Commanders Ferrera and Russo to my quarters as soon as possible. I must speak to them about our upcoming events..."

"Uh.. dude..." Ensign Edge spoke quietly, "That may be a problem..."

McMahon turned to the Ensign, "And why would that be a problem, Mr. Edge?"

"They.. uh.. didn't sign back in... sir..."

"WHAT?!" McMahon shouted, "Where the hell ARE they then?!"

"We... don't know, sir..." Edge replied.

Counselor Snow spoke up, "H.E.A.D. is telling me that Commanders Russo and Ferrera may have been... taken from us, sir?"

"Taken from us? What, are they DEAD?" McMahon snapped.

"No, Captain..." Counselor Snow began, "H.E.A.D. is telling me they are aboard another ship..."

"Another ship?! What ship?!"

Counselor Snow went to the view screen controls, and brought up a Wrestlefleet ship, "This ship, sir..."

"Open hailing frequencies!" McMahon ordered. "Unidentified Wrestlefleet ship, this is Captain McMahon of the WWF Titanprize. We think two of our crew members may have accidentally boarded your ship by mistake..."

A man appeared on the view screen, "This is Captain Turner of the WCW Nitro..." the man replied, "We have your crew members. But we refuse to give them back! That is, unless you give us a few Dilithium crystals. A fair trade, yes?"

"WCW NITRO... last I heard you went AWOL! So this is where you've turned up! I'm sure Wrestlefleet would be very interested in discovering your whereabouts..." Captain McMahon replied.

"We do not answer to Wrestlefleet anymore, Captain! I have bought my OWN fleet now! And us Nytrons do what we please!" Turner replied.

"Nytrons?" Vince repeated, "Listen, Captain Turner, I don't care what you call yourselves. But if you insist on breaking ties with Wrestlefleet, then I have no choice but to arrest you for being in possesion of a Wrestlefleet ship! However, if you chose to return Ferrera and Russo, I will be more then willing to forget this incident...."

"These two crewmen mean so much to you that you would protect me from Wrestlefleet?" Captain Turner spoke, surprised.

"Yes, Captain," McMahon replied.

The man on the view screen laughed, "Well then... here is the deal. You provide us with Dilithium crystals, prevent Wrestlefleet from finding out about us... and we will return your crewmen!"

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind the Captain of the WCW NITRO, "Actually, we like it here..."

Captain Turner moved aside to allow Captain McMahon a view of his Commanders. Russo stepped forward, "We request a change of assignment, Captain..."

"A change of assignment? I refuse to grant you that! Especially aboard a renegade ship. No. an ENEMY ship now!" Captain McMahon replied.

The First Officer appeared on the Screen, "This is Commander Fonda," She began, "Captain McMahon, it seems your crew members have chosen to stay with us. We will keep them whether you grant permission or not!!"

Captain McMahon looked at Commander Russo, "DAMNIT, MR. RUSSO! Get your ass back here!!" McMahon shouted.

Commander Ferrera stepped forward, "No, sir. We refuse! It's much nicer here. Better perks too..."

"Damnit damnit damnit!!" McMahon swore. He turned to Lieutenant Commander Kane, "Ready phasers!! If they won't come back willingly, we'll take them back by force!!"

Kane grunted, and McMahon translated it as 'Phasers ready'.

"On my mark..." McMahon started, "... fire!!"

The Titanprize's phasers hit the WCW NITRO full on. The ship was damaged, though not nearly enough for McMahon's liking.

Captain Turner's eyes went wide as he asked for damage reports. He then glared at McMahon, "You may have damaged us... but you will NEVER defeat us! Goodbye, Titanprize!" and with that, the WCW Nitro went into warp, and disappeared.

Captain McMahon and the crew of the WWF Titanprize would not see the last of the WCW Nitro.