One Piece isn't mine. So please don't sue me…

Are Those Boxers I See Before Me? rated G

An attempt at writing something 'Luffy-style'; so it's a tad different from my normal writing. Please be kind.

Luffy wasn't sure what drove them to do it.

It started with the fact that it was Usopp's turn at Laundry Day. Meaning none of them could play until he got all the stinky clothes gathered, washed, wrung out, and hung to dry.

The boys quickly decided that this was No Fun.

So Luffy and Chopper pitched in to get it done faster. Well, that's what they originally intended, anyway. But when the three of them started fooling around, Things Happened. Like when Luffy accidentally splashed Usopp, who then 'accidentally' splashed Chopper, who then tried to splash both of them.

And promptly fell into the tub.

Then Nami had to come over and be mean and slap them all.

So things sullenly went back to being No Fun. Until it was time to wring out the soggy clothing.

The liar groaned about how long it was gonna take if they did it piece by piece, and poor Chopper didn't quite have the grip to be able to do it properly, and Luffy… Luffy just didn't feel like doing it that way. So he picked up a pair of heart-decorated boxers and snapped the water out of them, right in Usopp's face.

After returning the favor, his marksman's eyes gleamed in a way that could only be called mischievous, mental wheels turning.

Which led to screams of "Gomu Gomu no Windmill!" as Luffy swung wet clothes in circles almost too fast to be seen. Water splashed everywhere and on everyone, the boys screeched in delight, and Fun returned to the Going Merry.

Too bad rubber hands don't have the best grip on damp cloth.

Zoro, Luffy thought in the milliseconds before the swordsman rose to beat the crap out of him, looks really funny with Sanji's boxers on his head.

A.N.: If you like this, add it to your 'Story Alert' so you know when another drabble is added!