Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot and Rowan.
Chapter Eight: Brought back to Life
Wyatt rarely used his full power. To be honest, it scared him. He'd only tapped into it twice, one when Chris had been dying and once to save his mother. Today made a third time. Chris and Rowan had been taken sometime during the night by the sorcerers and Wyatt was livid. He'd tried to get Bianca to stay behind, but she jumped in when he orbed.
As soon as they got to the sorcerers' headquarters, they were ambushed. Wyatt held out his hands, creating a golden light, which surrounded the sorcerers. He could sense that both Chris and Rowan were hurt. And Rowan was pissed. In situations like this, the brothers could communicate telepathically. Chris had found that out five years ago. 'Chris...tell me where you are.'
'Cell of some kind...hurt..' came Chris's weak reply.
Wyatt ran left, which is where he sensed his brother. "Wyatt!" exclaimed Bianca, pulling him back a step. He'd been about to fall into a huge hole in the floor. Wyatt was in such a hurry, he hadn't noticed where he'd going.
"I don't understand," he muttered, as they orbed to the other side, which was a dead end. "They should be right here. It was then that walls, the very foundation of the building started to shake.
From the wall came three sorcerers, including Cronus, Merlin's son. He was yelling, telling the others that the project had gone wrong. Cronus then caught sight of Bianca and Wyatt. He smiled evilly. "Good luck trying to heal Chris or get Rowan back to what she was.
"What did you do?" demanded Wyatt through gritted teeth. Cronus went on to tell how they tried to force Rowan into her full power by killing Chris. It was then that Wyatt sent the gold light at Cronus, while from the other side of the wall a violet light joined his, killing Cronus and all the others sorcerers. The foundation disappeared, leaving Bianca and Wyatt in an open field. Bianca glanced to their right, seeing Chris lying on the ground and Rowan towering over him. She grabbed Wyatt's hand and they rushed over. By the time they got there, Chris was surrounded by a violet light, his wounds vanishing. "I don't sense that she's evil," murmured Wyatt.
Rowan began to shake and slumped to the ground. Chris blearily sat up, wondering what just happened. "Wyatt? Bianca?" He turned and saw Rowan. "Wyatt heal her! Now!"
"Grumpy," whined Wyatt. He knelt down by Rowan and began to heal her. "What happened?" he asked Chris.
"I was dead Wyatt. I was dead and she brought me back to life."
Two days later, Rowan was still unconscious, and the Brothers Halliwell were trying to figure out what happened. It was then that an epiphany orbed down to them in the form of their Aunt Paige. "Hey, guys," she said. Paige was still a white lighter, a very important one, but she always made time for her family. "I found out what's happening. The sorcerers injected Rowan with pure evil, and then tried to kill Chris -"
"Did kill Chris," Chris muttered under his breath.
"When that happened, however, Rowan's good still shone through out of concern for her friend. Right now, the evil is still in her system, and she's fighting it. That's why you can't wake her up."
"We can't help?" Wyatt asked.
Paige shook her head. "I'm sorry, sweetie. This is something she has to do on her own." Wyatt sighed, looking down, and Paige hugged him. Bianca took Chris's hand, knowing he felt guilty about this even though he shouldn't. After Paige left, the three sat in silence for a while. "How long do you think it'll take for her to wake up?" asked Bianca.
"She's already up," said a familiar musical voice from the stairs. Rowan walked down the stairs, looking slightly different, but no one could quite say how. Wyatt smiled, ran up to her and embraced her tightly. "Worry much?" she asked, smiling. Wyatt just shook his head and kissed her.
Later on, Wyatt and Chris were still fighting evil; together with Rowan, and Bianca, they made an invincible team. They came to be known as Camelot's Court, because of their ties to it. It was one of the most peaceful times that the world would ever remember. And it all started the day two girls fell from the sky...