Colonial Battlestar Babylonia CiC -13 days after initial contact

"I am quite impressed with your ship commodore, I mean commander" Blex Forer complimented.

"She is older them most of the Battlestars that were in service. With the exception of the Galactica. That one is vintage. I am surprised that it was still in service when the Cylons attacked. The Babylonia is a more mass produced later Cylon war variant. That is why we were sent out for exploration duty," Hercules explained.

"The Galactica was being decommissioned when I served on her. You should see the Pegasus, she is a beast," commented Lt Margaret 'Racetrack' Edmington.

"The Mercury class, our latest model. There are a lot of upset people who want to get their hands around Helena Cain's neck for what she did," Commander Hunt said with a tone of anger in his voice.

"Commander Lee Adama is commanding her now sir," answered Margaret.

"What happened to Admiral Cain?" Hunt asked. He was sure it wasn't a peaceful change of officers.

"Dead, shot in the head." answered Racetrack.

"Ouch," commented Blex. "From what I was briefed, she sounds like she would have fit very well with the Titans." He had more than a touch of bitterness in his voice.

"I don't care much for them either," Kevin admitted "Especially after what Dazzler told me about them and their actions, I still don't know about the Zeon, from Axis. They have a peppered past."

"Haman Khan is a smart one, I don't think she would risk Axis or the Zeon's future on such filth," added Lt Commander Quattro, who, as usual was listening and letting the others do the talking.

"Who is Dazzler?" asked Margaret.

"Ah, Lt Emma Sheen. The crew gave her and others in her Mobile Suit Squadron call-signs. It is a colonial tradition and it helped them fit in better," Hercules said with a shrug.

"Captain, your call sign is 'Hercules'? Correct?" asked Blex Forer.

"That's right, sir," replied the commander respectively to the retired admiral.


Colonial Battlestar Galactica officers quarters -13 days post caprica rescue

Helo snuck behind his wife, Sharon, slow like a predator. He grabbed her from behind, turning her body to face him.

"I love you," proceeding to kissed her deeply, he then starting necking her.

"Wow, good kiss," she said, then paused. "But wrong Sharon."

"What?" he replied shocked, freezing stiff, in shock.

"Just kidding," she mocked with a soft grin, then continued kissing him.

"You tease, you!" he laughed.

"It' s not my fault your so gullible" she coyed as the couple continued in their foreplay.


Colonial Raptor an hour later

"That is the oddest thing I have ever seen!" exclaimed Karl 'Helo' Agathon to his Raptor copilot and sister in law Sharon 'Boomer' Valarie.

"What? The colonial colors on the raiders?" Boomer asked.

"Yeah, exactly, it seems out of place," he further explained.

"You know you should keep your hand off the send button," a definitely female voice came over the communication system.

"Umm," Karl said dumbfounded, " Who is that?"

"The raider on your right, genius!" replied the voice sarcastically.

"They can talk now? What the frack? I thought they where like animals/pets," he said to himself, making sure his hand was not on the send button this time. "That's what my wife, your sister Athena said they were. I consider her an authority on that."

"The Cylons kept their intelligence in check, as to not repeat history," she explained. "Now apologize to our wingman!"

"So the Cylons didn't want a repeat our mistakes and have it bite them in their collective asses?" Karl asked. "Damn, whoever their leaders are it make Tigh look like a well mannered and reasonable guy."

"I know," Boomer said with a worried frown.

Pressing on the send button, he said, "I am sorry, miss."

"It's okay, call me Cora," came the reply. "I find the new paint scheme odd, too!"

"You know I think someone should have mentioned the Raiders can talk at the meeting," Karl said looking at Sharon.

"Lisa was going to but…" Sharon said.

"Hey Cora….does Admiral Adama and Apollo know you and the other Raiders can talk?" Karl asked.

"Yes, both Adamas know we're sentient and can talk," Cora said. "And you don't want to know what Tigh's opinion on the matter. By the way. I heard your married to a cylon?"

"Yeah, I married Sharon Valarie." He tried to explaining "Though, not the one that is in this raptor"

"Yeah, I understand you," she replied adding "welcome to the family fly boy!"

"Thanks, I think" taking his hand off the send button "If someone told me that raiders could talk, I'd think they were nuts," Karl muttered.


Colonial Battlestar Babylonia Officers briefing room #2 -13 days after initial contact

The CAG of the Babylonia, Major C. J. "Hoff" Brinkley, with wing leader Lieutenant Emma 'Dazzler' Sheen entered the curiously dark room, noticing the big computer screen lit up with what appeared to be a movie.

"Save the clock tower, save the clock tower," echoed across the room.

"Ohhh, Back To The Future, I love that movie," commented Emma.

"I think we are in the wrong room," declared the Major.

"Close the fraking door," came the voice of the XO Bruce 'Ash' Williams.

"Sorry, sir," came from both of them as they left to go to the proper room.

"It's a good thing we put rank insignias for both militaries on the uniforms, it would be very confusing otherwise," stated Lt Emma Sheen.

"I'm a commander in your ranks, correct?" asked C.J.

"Yes, sir,"came the reply.

"I like the sound of that, Commander Brinkly!"

They both laughed entering the proper room.


Colonial Raptor 13 13 days after initial contact.

Lt Margaret 'Racetrack' Edmington in her new Methas did a 360 turn around the Raptor 13, which was being piloted by Roy 'Skulls' Focker.

"Hey, watch the distance," shouted Roy, who was scared out of his wits.

"Stop showing off, lieutenant," ordered Lt Commander Quatrro Bajeena.

"Yes, sir!" piped back Lt. Edington.

"Okay, people, we jump in 5,4,3,2,1 jump!" Char said.


Colonial Raptor deep space – same time.

"DRADIS contact extreme range, 100 clicks out , three boogies, one appears to be a Raptor. The raptor is moving way too fast though" declared Helo.

"Open channels, this is Colonial Raptor, Boomer, speaking!"

"Sharon?" a familiar female voice came over the line

"Racetrack? Is that you? Is Skulls with you?" Boomer asked, joy creeping onto her face.

"You bet your sweet little ass," Skulls replied. Suddenly thinking that through, he blurted out, "Wait, don't tell Helo I said that, god I hope he isn't there."

"I heard that!" Helo said over the intercom.

"Damn" roy cursed "Don't kill me for saying that about your girl friend? Please?"

"Wife you mean?" Helo replied dangerously.

"Holy frak," Roy looked at appoly "I'm so dead"

"Stop teasing poor Roy" Boomers voice Came through the wireless, "I'm not the Boomer who came back from Caprica with Karl. Her call sign is Athena now. I am the original Boomer from Galactica"

"Oh, thank god, wait a minute, shouldn't you be dead?" Roy asked.

"I came back, it's a long story" she tried to explain.

"We have one too," roy said "We found earth!"

"Holy frak!" Helo shouted "Are you kidding me?"

"No, he is not" Remarked Racetrack "Roy, I would advice you stop with the talk of Sol III on wireless" she ordered.

"Sorry sir" Roy Apologized.

Two raiders jumped behind the Raptor, appearing in support positions behind it.

"Holy frak, Cylons," yelled Roy as the Methus fired a wild shot from her mega particle gun, barely missing both raiders, who thankfully evaded the shot.

"Don't fire, they're friendlies," Karl yelled out.

"What? That makes no sense!" Margaret exclaimed.

"We should be in visual range soon," commented Boomer.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Quattro Bajeena. I am the leading this search group. Can you please explain to me why two Cylon raiders are with you, and why they are colored in colonial colors?"

"Hello, tall, gold and sexy!" came a woman's voice. "You like my new colors, I take it? That is one powerful gun your friend has, yours looks much bigger!"

"Holy frak, you're in that robot? It looks different from the footage we got from the Babylonia fleet's battle," blurted out Karl.

"Yes, now explain the Cylons. How do you know about mobile suits and the Babylonia," Quattro said. Pausing, the then added, "Who the hell was hitting on my suit?"

"Hi, I'm Cora, the raider on the right. The shy one is Pixie, she thinks you're DEADLY HOT. I agree," Cora said with a sultry voice.

"Cora, please let us talk to them," ordered Helo, a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, sir," answered Cora in an imitation of a colonial. "Talk to you soon, handsome."

"Well, you see, It started on Caprica, after my death," Boomer started to explain.


Cloud Nine: Baltar's suite - Post-Caprica Rescue Operation, 13 days later

"I'm afraid, Gaius," Carly whispered while in Gaius's arms.

"Don't be, they won't reject you," he said in an assuring tone.

"I'm a symbol in the eyes of the Cylons."


"The idea that a Cylon hero would become human, would divide the Cylon as we know it. Civil war," Carly said.

"Dear I think you're a little late for something like that," Gauis stated sarcastically. "What will one more reason to hate you really mean now?"


Colonial one – a bit later.

Roslin was enjoying a good day. Nothing, had gone wrong, until the phone rang. "Roslin here." She paused to listen to the other side. "Do not frak with me," she said coldly. She listened to the other person. "As in THE EARTH? The thirteenth colony Earth? " she exclaimed, stopping to let them explain. "My gods, I'll shuttle right over to the Galactica."


Mobile Suit Carrier Argama: - 13 Days After Initial Contact.

"They're late," the worried Captain Bright said as he paced back and forth.

"We got word sir, Lieutenant Ray's team was sent to check up on their last position found a message beacon," reported the communications officer.


"Their transmitting the data now, it should be on your display momentarily."

"Okay, getting it now," Bright replied. Reading through the Lt Commander's report, he suddenly stopped. "Forward this to Commander Hunt and get him on the line. Now!"

He picked up his phone "Hello, Commander, yes, I read it too. I say we risk it. With our combined forces, we can take out any Cylon ships even with the two Titans, one Gun Star and the Combat Star we sent to earth for R&D."


Colonial Battlestar Galactica – flight deck -13 days post caprica rescue

Chief Tyrol was going over raptor thirteen, "What the frak did they do to this raptor?!"

Roy 'skulls' Focker jumped out of the raptor. It felt so good to be back on the 'Bucket'.

"They replaced a lot of the insides, it's much faster now. The armor they have on it is amazing," said Roy.

"Yeah, I can tell! Where is the tylium reactor?" Galen said while trying to find said reactor.

"It's gone," a strangers voice replied "We took it out to study and replaced it with our equivalent".

"What the frak is powering it then?" Galen asked in shock.

"A Minovisky ultra compact fusion reactor," replied the voice.

"You have fusion reactors? That small? Wow!" Noticing the person behind the voice, and the rank he saluted. "Sir, I'm Chief Galen Tyrol, Sir!"

"At ease, chief, I am Lieutenant James 'Rogue' Apolly. Not used to the call sign though," Apolly said.

"You're a pilot, sir?"

"Yes, I don't normally pilot Raptors," he said while chuckling. "I wanted to see how the craft operated and back Ensign Focker."

"What do you, Pilot, if I may ask?" the Chief asked intently. What ship you piloted said a lot about the quality of said pilot.

"A Rick Dias," he replied. Then suddenly remembering that the Chief had no idea what it was, he explained with, " It's a type of mobile suit."

"A mobile what?" Galen asked in perplextion.

"The two robots you have docked in the bay, they are what we call Mobile Suits," Apolly explained.

"Is it true that you're from Earth, sir?" asked a softer voice of petty officer cally.

"Actually, I was born on side three, you can call me Jim" Apolly said.

"'Side' Three?" puzzled Galen.

"It's a designation for a group of orbiting space colonies around Earth," Appoly explained.

"Jim, Galen can you help me with the stuff," Roy asked


"What stuff?" asked the confused chief.

"I brought gifts," Roy said with a large smile. "As they say on Earth, Christmas has come early this year."

Galen just shrugged at the comment. Whatever Christmas was, it involved gifts and that was all he needed to know.


Colonial Battlestar Galactica Almira Adama Office -13 days post caprica rescue

"Welcome back, Lt Edmington," Adama said. "I believe this will make you a hero."

"It's good to be back, sir. This is Lieutenant Commander Quattro Bajeena."

"Lieutenant commander? Pleasure to meet you; we don't have that rank, though I see a colonial rank of captain on your uniform."

"Yes, sir. We did that to avoid the confusion within the ranks," Quattro explained.

"What is your rank system?"

Quattro nodded, continuing his explanation. "We use a variant of the Old Earth naval rank system sir. The non-commissioned and commissioned officers are practically identical to your system until you reach the lieutenant commander, commander, captain and commodore range. Captain being the equivalent of your colonel, who normally commands a ship, and the commander being second in command. Ironically we do have major and colonel in the army ranks. A commodore is a senior ranking captain or a commander in your case."

"Can I be dismissed, I am sure the Lieutenant Commander will be more then enough for the debriefing," Racetrack asked hopefully.

"Sure, go ahead. Dismissed," the admiral ordered.

"Ah, well, Lt commander. I don't know what to say." The door opened up revealing a woman, in a suit.

"Welcome, Madam President," Adama said as he stood.

"Ma'am," echoed the voices of Quattro and Margaret.

"Lt. Edmingone, as I said before you are dismissed," ordered Adama again.

"Sir!" Lt. Edmingont left the room.

"So, you're from Earth?" asked the president

"Earth sphere, yes ma'am," Quattro replied carefully. He had to handle this carefully.

At their puzzled looks, Quattro sighed.

"You have to understand while Earth didn't have FTL travel until we encountered Raptor Thirteen. Our technology has developed differently from your own. We have massive space settlements called Sides…"


Colonial Battlestar Galactica Pilots Mess hall

"Welcome back!!" Starbuck yelled "Miss HERO!" She had a grin on her face. It would be fun to rub in some extra 'hero worship' on the other pilot. It ought to irritate her to no end.

"It's good to be back, umm," replied Racetrack. She stopped and looked around. "Where's Roy?"

"Here!" a voice came from the entrance, as Ensign Roy ' Skulls' Focker entered pushing a cart, full of boxes. He was being helped by another person, who Kara did not recognize. She saw the colonial rank of lieutenant on his outfit, along with another rank insignia she didn't recognize. She frowned as she noticed that Margaret was wearing the same insignia. Chief Tyrol was also with them, as was Petty officer cally.

"What are those insignias?" Han asked.

"Their EAUG ranks, we started wearing them as to not confuse the two forces."

"Ah, what the frack did you guys bring?" asked Kara.

"Gifts, from earth sphere, the big wrapped one is for you sir, so is the smaller pack!" Roy said with a dangerous grin on his face.

"Wow, " she picked it up and put it on the table. "I don't know what to say." She had not thought that they would come bringing gifts. Maybe she had misjudged them both.

"Well? Open it!" ordered Roy, with anticipation in his voice.

Margaret waited in anticipation as Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace unwrapped the case, while noticing the labels on the bottles. Taking out one and reading the information more closely. "You have got to be fraking kidding me? Starbucks Coffee?" She opened it up and took a sip. "Pretty damn good, like myself."

"You want to know what the name refers to?" asked Lt. Appoly.

"Besides my obvious greatness?" Kara preened a bit even as she garnered the laugh she intended.

"It has to do with a work of fiction," he replied, getting the interest of the group. "A novel, called 'Moby Dick'."

"So what does it have to do with Starbuck or coffee?" Hot Dog asked.

"I'm getting to it. Starbuck was a crew member of the ship named the Pequod. The captain, Ahab, was chasing after the great white whale, a fool's dream."

"That is ironically true," thought Kara to herself as earth had initially been a lie.

"We also got a chain of islands called Starbuck islands," added Apolly.

"See! I got not only a kick ass Coffee Beverage named after me, but fraking chain of Islands!" she crowed with a shit-eating grin.

"Wow, she didn't try to kill you," Racetrack exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, like I'm surprised you didn't rip Cora apart with you bare hands after she hit on your boyfriend," Roy said.

"Well, it was just his Mobile Suit and not him she was after," Racetrack said.

"You got a boyfriend?" asked Starbuck. "Way to go! is he hot?"

"Oh yeah," said Boomer entering the room. "Tall, Blond, handsome with baby blue eyes," she said, looking dreamy-eyed. This seemed to bother Galen, but he reminded himself that she is a fraking cylon and not his girl friend anymore.

He looked over to the other Sharon or 'Athena' with Helo, and wondered if he could see past the cylon and be a happy couple, like them. He had also developed feelings for Petty officer Cally. "Life can be really frakked up I guess" he compromised and tried to join in.

"Good catch!" Kara commented.

Roy tried not to look hurt.

"Why don't you open up the other box," hinted Apolly. "And share?"

"What is the other one?" Kara wondered, opening it. Reading the label, she exclaimed, "Smirmov Ice, Vodka? Is this what I think it is?" After getting a nod, Kara took out another bottle and tossed it to him.

"I like you already, Lieutenant!" Kara said with a disarming grin.

"James 'Rogue' Apolly, sir. And thanks" He opened the bottle and took a sip.

She opened the bottle in the same manner and took a deep gulp of the bottle.

"Woo-haw! That hit the spot!" she whooped out, wiping her mouth clean of liquid she said "You guys make good synthetics!"

"We don't have synthetic food," Apolly said. That had been a bit surprising when he found that out.

"They don't have the technology to make them," explained Margaret.

"The real stuff? Sweet, what else did you bring?"

"Chocolate, snacks and more booze. They have so many varieties of both it's scary. A few clothes, videos with players."

Hearing the moaning noises, Roy begged, "Hot Dog, could you watch the porn later, please?"

The room filled with laughter as food and drink was equally distributed and Lt. Edmington set up a projection device. "I brought pictures, of the Moon, Anaheim and also our Colony."

The slide show began, as the group of pilots saw pictures of Anaheim Electronics, Mobile suits, Von Bruan City, the Earth and what will be their future home, the Colony batches designated as 'New Caprica' and 'New Aerelon'.

A tear came to Starbuck's Eye as she saw the sun set from the O'Neill cylinder, now called New Caprica.

"Hi, I'm James," Lt Apolly said to the Hot Asian auburn haired woman.

"Hi, I'm Sharon."

"Sorry to seem, forward, but do you have a boy friend?" he asked.

"No, not anymore," she said looking to Galen. He had Cally now, it seemed. She started blushing. "I want to warn you though, I'm a Cylon."

"So?"Apolly responded.

"You mean you don't care?"

"Not really, you are a person, like everyone else. You can think; you have feelings do you not?" Apolly asked.

"Yes, I do," Boomer said with conviction.

"Then there you have it," he said. "Cylon, or human, you are a beautiful woman who I would like to date," he explained while holding his hand out.

"Why, thank you!" Boomer thought that if most of the people from Earth Sphere where this accepting, maybe their dream of peaceful coexistence is not as futile as the others seemed to believe.


Colonial Battlestar Galactica Admiral Adama's Office

"Those guns of yours, they are very powerful," commented Adama, who had shown the Lt Commander the footage they had gotten of the brief battle in the colonial system. Carly Caprica and Dr. Baltar had been asked to join the meeting and had arrived and were present.

"Their called 'Mega particle Cannons' sir. Our Mobile suits, as you saw carry smaller variants called a 'Mega particle Gun'. The cannons on the Radish are roughly ten times as powerful as the guns carried by our Mobile Suits."

"So, why did you go to the colonies first and not us?" asked the president.

"Quiet frankly, we were in the middle of a small war. The encounter with your raptor put that to a screeching halt. We wanted to confirm their story and happened to meet up with the Babylonia and her group. Call it Serendipity, if you will."

"One ship?" asked the admiral.

"No two, the first one stayed behind so that final preparations could be made to leave. They also have quiet a few civilian ships. Some who had gone silent during the attack others who where abandoned by a ship called the Pegasus."

"Thank the gods, they are safe," echoed Adama and Roslin in sync.

"Yes, thankfully, their perfectly fine. We thoroughly checked them for Cylon infiltrators before we allowed a few of them to go to Earth."

"You can detect cylons? How?" asked Carly

"We tested for genetic anomalies, specifically in the midocondrial RNA, which is inherited maternally, and specific to humans."

"Why didn't I think of that," Baltar said wonderingly. It seemed so clear now. Of course, Baltar mused that almost everything seemed clear in hindsight. And it wasn't like genetics was his specialty.

"We believe that your population and ours at one time, inhabited the Earth, and you where taken from it."

"But the scriptures clearly say, we are from Kobol, and the thirteenth tribe migrated to Earth," president Roseline said in objection.

"We have evidence which clearly shows we evolved on Earth. Genetic markers across several of the species on the planet. We are also over ninety percent genetically identical to several species of primates on Earth," Quattro stated as a fact. "There is also fossil evidence as well."

"My gods, could we have been wrong?"


Colonial Battlestar Pegasus Cic same time

"DRADIS contact, large fleet," reported the tactical officer.

"I see it," replied Commander Lee Adama.

"Can you identify them?"

"Yes sir, one is definitely the 'Babylonia'. Frak me they got two War Stars, one Combat Star a Gunstar and two Titans. It's a support fleet, sir. Also a ton of civies. Including a number of foreign ships."

A smile came on the commander's face.

"Holy frack sir, one of them is two kilometers long!" as a huge ship jumped in.

"Get me the admiral on wireless!" Lee ordered.


Colonial Battlestar Galactica Admiral Adama's Office

"Yes, they where expected," Admiral Adama said, pausing for his son Lee to say something. "Yeah, the big sucker, the Lieutenant commander," he stopped and thought quickly, then amending to Colonial ranks to not confuse lee, "I mean the captain here said that it's a supply ship. Yes, you can contact them. I'm in the middle of a meeting." He paused to list again. "Okay, we will meet on the 'beast', Galactica Actual out."


"Yes, we brought all essentials, food, medication, even clothing."

"Thank you," said president Roslin who could not think very clearly, due to the suddenness of it all. "Do you have women's suits."

"We did bring civilian clothing, it can be tailored for you. We had specifications of your uniforms, which we brought a good amount in various sizes," Quattro said.

"We are also short of doctors," piped up Baltar.

"Yes, we have medical personal both from the Babylonia fleet and Earth Sphere," Quattro stated.

"Can you explain to use, what you mean by Earth Sphere?" Adama asked.

Handing Adama a Colonial style data disk, Quattro started explaining. "Please put that data disk in your computer." A map of a solar system showed up on the screen on the wall. "Press the play button please." The map animated itself showing the orbits, then reverted to a 2d map with areas highlighted.

Lt. Quatrro took out a pen, which appeared to emit a laser and served to function as a pointer.

"Earth is here. The third planet from our sun. Our solar system has eight regular planets, three dwarf planets and over one hundred and planetoids or moons."

"Lots of living space!" commented the president.

"Most of our population lives in space, instead of on Earth. The zones are Earth and Jupiter. Earth Sphere houses the majority of the population with sixteen billion, Jupiter has roughly five hundred million or so." He pointed to the gas giant, which was labeled as the 5th planetoid. "If you could press the next button sir", Quattro asked.

The camera zoomed into the Earth and showed what appeared to be space stations orbiting the planet at specific points.

"Liberation points?" Adama noted.

"Yes, we call then La Grange points, it's amusing that your language is so similar to English," he said while shrugging it off. He continued, "Each Side is a group of Island three colonies cylinders are paired ballistically in what we called a bunch." Adama taking the point, clicked on the next button.

A camera showed several views from inside the colony, including the agricultural areas, which where attached to the hull of the massive station.

"Each colony cylinder, a third generation variety is forty kilometers long and eight kilometers in diameter, each providing roughly over five hundred square kilometers of habitable space, which includes lakes and rivers. "

A couple of 'frak me's' and 'wows' made him pause.

"As you can see, the cylinder generates it's gravity through centripetal force. The colony gets its power primarily from the solar arrays. The Agricultural Ring is made to simulate the various seasons. This way the colony can grow all kinds of produce all year around, unlike in most regions on a planet."

"This is very impressive, but why show us?" asked Admiral Adama.

"These two colonies, are yours, sir, once we are able to safely escort you to Earth Sphere. Their name designations are 'New Caprica' and 'New Aerelon', respectively."

"Why can't we go now?" asked Baltar.

"While we were in a war state, it was not very wide spread. We still lack the numbers we used to and we want to bolster our defenses before opening our doorway to a possible hostile invasion."

"He is right, the location of Earth should not be divulged to anyone until they can establish its security," Carly admitted.

"I don't know how our people will thank you! Those stations seem awfully expensive," said the president.

"They are, though we manage to make fifteen of them on a yearly basis," he replied.

"You mean you can make fifteen of those fraking monsters a year?" asked Tigh who had been unusually quiet since his arrival.

"Yes and you already have paid us Madam President. We lacked FTL, artificial gravity and a few other things, before contact," Char said. "Besides, in the Earth Sphere we have a concept called 'humanitarian aid'. It means we help the needy, no matter who they might be."

"That is a noble thing," commented Carly softly.

"It seems Cylons and Humans can agree on matters," smiled the president.

The phone rang. "Adama here," he said after he picked it up. "Pleasure is all mine Captain Bright. He is right here, I'll hand the phone over."

Quattro picked up the phone. "Sir! Yes, sir! Of course, sir," he said.

"I thought he is a captain as well?" asked Roseline while the

"He is a lieutenant commander or the same rank as our captains. Their military is different. Their captains have the same rank as our colonels."

"Ahhh," she said, trying to attempt to understand.

"Very good, sir. I'll inform them. Thank you, sir," Quattro said. Then he gave the phone back to the Admiral.

"Okay, what is the news, soldier?"

"They have contacted our headquarters on the Moon. A second supply ship will arrive in a day."

"Wait a minute? How did you contact earth so quickly?" Roslin asked.

"Our little secret," he said as he chuckled. "Since we never had a need for a faster then light communication device before, we had never developed one. Dr. Minovisky apparently has found a way to do it using his famous Minovisky particles. We brought a few of the transmitters and receivers on our ships. They are still in the experimental stage, though they appear to work."

"Real time faster then light communication? That is amazing," Carly stated.

Quattro found it very odd that the Colonials didn't develop some form of FTL communications. It was a very logical thing to have if you were going to expand beyond your solar system.

"This Dr. Minovisky must be very brilliant," Adama commented.

"Yes, sir, he is. He is the reason for our particle weapons, our ultra compact helium three fusion reactors which power our Mobile Suits. The giant robots, as you call them."

"Helium three, deuterium fusion is great source of power if you can manage the temperatures. It is a clean fusion, which means it does not produce neutrons nor neutrinos as a by product. It also produces electricity directly unlike the tylium reactors we currently employ. Tylium reactors are dirt cheap to make and maintain, in comparison. If you had a proper containment, you would produce the electricity of a normal fusion reactor five times its size. Our current tylium reactors are only eighty four percent as effective as a fusion reactor, let alone a direct current producing fusion based one," stated Baltar, obviously impressed.

"Our meeting with the senior Earth Sphere official is scheduled for tomorrow morning on the Pegasus. May the gods protect us," stated Admiral Adama in closing.

"I am not a very religious man, nor do I believe in pure luck. If God is up there, as others claim, I have yet to see a bigger sign. Through your plight and how you survived despite the odds. It does give me hope that there is a god, and that God is with us," Quattro finished.

"Wait a minute." It dawned upon Carly what he was saying. "You said God, not gods?"

"Yes, the majority of the religions on earth believe in the one true God, as they phrase it. They refer to god with different names but essentially it is the same god."

Tears came down Carly's eyes as she said, "We believe in one true god as well."

"You're a Cylon, correct?" Quattro asked, having noted the subtle looks she had been getting from the colonials.

"Yes," she admitted.

"Was," Baltar corrected absently as he was still thinking over the implications of the Earth's technology.

"Was?" came the chorus of the Colonial voices in union.

"Don't!" she pleaded. "The damage it can cause."

Baltar shot Carly a look that clearly said, 'A bit late for that isn't it dear?'

"Here," he placed the file on the desk. "Read, compare it to the earlier tests."

Adama opened the file as Roslin peaked behind him, they looked at the data ,then at Carly in disbelief.

"Is this true?!" the shocked Adama asked.

"This changes everything," expressed Roslin, who was in as much shock as the admiral.

"I know," Baltar said. "And Carly seems to think it will cause a Cylon Civil War…which she has already started anyway."

She glared at him for a moment. She might love him, but he could be such an ass.


Colonial Battlestar Galactica Pilots Mess hall

"Quiet, everyone listen!" Getting pissed, the now very drunk Kara yelled, "Listen up, you frakers!"

This put a silence across the room.

"The Babylonia and the Earth Fleet are here! Or were here about an hour ago, I think," she said to cheers echoed across the room.

"Hey, athena, have you seen your sister Boomer?" Roy asked.

"Not recently, she was talking to Lieutenant Apolly though. They seemed to hit it off pretty well." she replied

"Fraking hell!"

"Don't worry, you will find the right gal eventually." racetrack comforted, who was listening in.

"Damn, I feel like John Crichton though," Roy said.

"Who?" Racetrack asked.

"Fictional character that got lost in a wormhole and tried to get back to Earth," Roy explained. "Kou and Keith showed it to me. It's were they got frell from. I feel as lost and unable to find a woman as John did some times."

"That's rough… and deep," hotdog commented.

"Of course, I'd rather be like Coop from Megas XLR," Roy said with a huge grin. "Piloting a giant robot and kicking ass. And maybe have that Fa as the useless sidekick… given I heard she drives as well as Colonel Tigh avoids the bottle."

Colonial Battlestar Galactica – Dr Cottle's later that evening

The doctor was patching up Roy's lip.

"How in the hell did you get these injuries?" noting the broken rib bone and several other bruises.

"well" he mumbled with a swollen lip, thanking the gods his jaw had not broken, "Lt Commander Bajeena entered the party"

Colonial Battlestar Galactica Pilots Mess hall

Margerate noticed that lieutenant commander Quattro Bajeena enter the hall, and motioned to him."over Here"

"sound like a big party" observed Quattro.

"Yeah, they are celebrating our safe return, and earth. Here" handing him a drink.


"Watch out!! Here I come!!!" a loud voice yelled as a dirty blond woman jumped the table in front of them. She passed out for a few seconds then got up with a crazy look in her face.

"Hey, is that your guy? Damn he is FINE!"

"umm" the poor margerate.

"I take it she is coffee girl? Starbuck? The name really fits." innocently asked Quattro.

This caused Margrate to start an uncontrollable giggle, which caught on faster then the black plague with only Quattro keeping his cool. Starbuck however was also laughing until in her drunken state she came to the realization of what this meant to her, and her attention focused on Roy. Her laughter turned into a raging bull's pose and Roy braced for what was about to happen.

"Roy! You fraker" was what he heard before he lost his consciousness.

Colonial Battlestar Galactica – Dr Cottle's

"ouch." doctor Cottle remarked.

"Yeah, now i know how Ketaro on Love Hina feels,"

"what are you talking about?" The doctor asked.

"Never mind" Roy responded.

"Lay back down on the bed,"motioning "and get some rest."

"Yes sir" Roy blurted out as he rested his eyes and laid back. The drugs taking effect put him into a deep sleep.